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Corporate Communication

Case study 4
Effective Business Presentations

The following case gives us an idea and glimpse of how to prepare ourselves while
presenting Infront of audience orally. It is very essential for us to train ourselves for
presentations as all of us at some point of ourselves will be in a position to convince
the audience and properly convey our thoughts to them. The way we present defines
our personality.
My strengths while presenting Infront of audience are quite few at current point of
time. And I am constantly working on my presentation skills to push myself up in the
meeting. One of my strengths is my dressing sense and discipline of dressing myself.
Audience might lose their interest to listen to you when you are dressed lousy, hence
dressing sense and grooming yourself to the best is very essential.
I do accept of having stage fright while presenting Infront of an unknown group of
audience. While presenting Infront of the people I know, my presenting confidence is
quite good, but when it comes to unknown group of audience, I fail to keep up with
my confidence. One more gap of my presenting skill I would like to address Is that I
get very nervous while answering the questions to my audience.

The points that might help me strengthen my style of presenting might be:
 Eye contact: keeping an eye contact with the audience develops confidence in
the presenter or speaker and also makes the audience feel that the speaker is
interacting with them. This develops the interests in them to pay attention to
every detail of what the speaker is speaking.
 Movement: standing still on the platform throughout the presentation might
make the presenter feel nervous or anxious of himself which may become the
reason for an ineffective or boring presentation. Moving a little necessarily
developing the rapport with the audience and reduces the nervousness of the
 gestures and facial expressions: an effective presenter must make sure his
expressions and gestures are matching to his speech or presentation. A
presenter cannot remain dull or just speak the presentation. They have to move
their hands, make gestures and facial expression in order to keep the audience
interested of the content we are delivering. A blank face will reduce the interest
of the audience towards the presentation.

 Voice: voice plays a very significant role while presenting to the audience
orally. The tone of presenting should be very appealing to the audience. An
extremely loud or extremely low voice tone may disappoint the audience and
make your delivering content of no use. Due to thus, the audience might also
mis understand the information you are trying to provide them. Hence,
managing the voice tone exactly like the way we got to manage gestures and
facial expressions is very essential.

 Stage fright: the only way of reducing the stage fright is to practice presenting.
Only practice and performing ourselves Infront of audience can reduce this
gap. This gap will overcome only with time and efforts. I would like to
perform or present Infront of audience irrespective of my stage fright because,
only by consistent presenting is where I can overcome this.

 Putting ourselves in the shoes of audience: to be a good presenter, one

should be a good audience. Until and unless, we do not try to become a good
listener or audience, we cannot present better Infront of other audience. We
have to make sure that our deliverables are touching the minds of the audience
so that our goals and met and audience are benefitted too with the presentation.

 Writing notes and key points for referring: keeping the key notes ready with
us while presenting increases our confidence while presenting. We reduce the
anxiety of forgetting the main points to be highlighted. With the referral notes,
we can refer to those and complete our deliverables to the audience.

 Speak with the audience and not at them: always keep up with the body
language of speaking and interacting with the audience rather than speaking at
them. Just speaking at them will give them no interest on which they might lose
out the evaluable and important information you want to deliver.

 Content of the presentation: as a presenter, our content makes not be very

long that consumes unnecessary time of the audience, neither should it be too
short which discourages the audience with too little information. The point
even through too little, must be interpreted well with the help of examples,
tables or pictures etc., the knowledge of understanding the content to audience
should be more instead of bulk content. The quality is to be considered more
than the quantity.

 Formal or informal presentation: Understanding the situation and condition

where we are presenting is very essential. We have to handle the presentation
according to the mode of it. The way we take our presentation speaks a lot
about us.

The presenting skills matter a lot in our life be it formal or informal, corporate or
personal, the way we present speaks a lot about our personality.

Mohammed Yaseen Qureshi

MBA ‘C’ Section

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