Hypothesis Chi PES1202202920

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Data and Decisions

Case 3
Hypothesis testing with chi – square test

Find out the relationship between device type and last touch control. The data with
two nominal variables is given below in the table.

organic Paid Emai
search search l Display total
Desktop 25 20 35 20 100
tablet 20 30 25 25 100
phone 35 15 10 40 100
Total 80 65 70 85 300

The expected values:

organic Paid
search search Email Display total
Deskto 28.3333
p 26.66667 21.66667 23.33333 3 100
tablet 26.66667 21.66667 23.33333 3 100
phone 26.66667 21.66667 23.33333 3 100
Total 80 65 70 85 300

 The chi-square value = 30.96

 p-value = 2.5594E-05
 Degree of freedom (df) = 6
 Alpha level = 0.05 i.e., 5% = 12.592
Since, the C.V < actual X² value, we reject the H0 And declare that there is no
relationship between the types of devices and last touch channel.

The detailed calculation is shown below in manual calculation.

Manual calculation:
Source: https://www.dartistics.com/cross-tab-w-chi-square.html

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