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CECOS University of IT and Emerging Sciences

Architecture and Town Planning

“Mid Term Project”
Group Members

Javed Iqbal CU-173-2017

Sardar Daud CU-167-2017
Atiq ur Rahman CU-182- 2017
Waseem Sajjad CU-197-2017
Noman Ullah CU-239-2017

Submitted To: Sir Abdur Rehman


Stupa of Shingardar is located in Shingardar town a part of the Swat valley which
were built by an ancient king of Swat Uttarasena in sixth century CE to enshrine
his king share of the relics of Buddha and is one of the most important Buddhist
monument. It is located approximately 3km to the northeast of Brikot village, via
way of means of the left aspect on the street from Mingawarara to Mardan. The
stupa stands within the side of the mouth of a small glen descending from a naked
spur above the valley plain. It is one of the largest Stupa of the Indian subcontinent
in Shingardar town Swat (KP).


The identification of Shingardar stupa was done by Colonel Deane and S.A Stein
with the well-known stupa constructed by King Uttarasena in which the white
elephant that carried the Kings share of relics of the Buddha. When King had
arrived at this spot the elephant abruptly dropped down as a result died and
converted into a rock miraculously. King Uttarasena immediately ordered the
construction of stupa next to this rock. This myth of the Stupa is derived from a
local tradition (Deane, 1886, Stein, 1930). The way of life is preserved with the aid
of using Hieum Stang who visited to the Swat in the seventh century A.D. It is
stated that once the elephant reached this spot with the relics of Buddha on its
back, his body miraculously changed into stone after loss of life at this spot. It is
similarly claimed that the hilly ridge contrary the remarkable stupa at the north
depicts a faint discern on it, seen handiest to the pious eye. G.Tucci, does now no
longer accept as true with the identification, and says that this stupa became now
no longer erected through the King Uttarasena. He places the Stupa of the legend a
few meters which close to the Naway kaliay approximately 500 meters to the north
of Kota village. The story about the transportation of Uttarasena's share of the
relics of the Buddha to Swat on elephant back and transforming of the animal's
body into stone is impossible in nature and needs more research and investigation
so that we come to conclusion.

Structure and Present condition of Shinga rdar Stupa :

• The plinth or lower foundation of the Stupa was first rectangular in plan.
However the population of the village eliminated the well-dressed going
through stone and additionally the extraordinary part of the interior masonry
across the podium for the construction and maintenance of their houses and
• The Stupa include lower drum adorned with 2 cornice, higher drum and a
dome about 12m.The total height of the Stupa from dome to the existing
base is 27m.
• The masonry includes huge dressed slabs of white stone separated through
small columns of darkish slated pieces, and slim horizontal packing among
the courses.
• We can see some traces of stucco plaster on the drum still after thousands of
years. The lower drum is about 4.87m and it is fancy with slightly projected
pilasters with slightly projected plasters bearing rather flat brackets.
• The cornice above the lower drum is 0.60m excessive and incorporate a
simple path of slabs and above this a projected element constructed in
skinny slabs that are set vertically on their shorter edge.
• The higher cornice is marked with the aid of using a shallow recess
approximately 0.50m excessive generating a mild and coloration effect.
Antiquities robbers reduce the stupa dome at the northwestern side, not
unusual place exercise on this area. On the jap and southern aspects of the
stupa approximately 15 meters from the base, strains of Buddhist agreement
may be seen, now occupied with the aid of using the current houses.
• The masonry of those latter structures could be very tough and in all
likelihood belongs to a monastery complex. Due to the significance of as a
result enforcing Stupa, the excavation at this site is said earlier, turns into
vital for the safety and upkeep of the monument.

Damage to Shinga rda r Stupa:

The lower portion of the Stupa is damaged dilapidated; the government has
not repaired yet. This historic heritage is crumbling owing to the archaeology
department’s neglect and if it isn’t protected, the monument will collapse entirely
as Swat is full of ancient monuments. Children removed stones from lower portion
of the Stupa play cricket and football right here and climb the Stupa freely
authorities did now no longer do something to defend the Stupa. If encroachers are
not evicted and repairs are not carried out immediately then photographs in history
books will be the only evidence of its existence. During militancy in Swat several
attempts been taken by Taliban to destroy the Bhudda relics in Swat but they were

The figure shows that the lower portion of Stupa is damaged

Damage to Buddhist Statue in Swat:

On Oct 10, 2007 extremists attacked the historic relic at Jehanabad with dynamite
in the Swat Valley and causes some damaged to ancient Buddha carved.
The Italian government invested $2.9 million in five years to preserve the cultural
heritage and restore the six-meter-tall Buddha of Swat.
Tourist and Rehabilitation:
• The Shingardar stupa is in use in which Buddhist comes for worship but the
Stupa need more treatment so that to protect from citizens as well as
extremist and must provide proper security.

 Swat valley has thousands of Buddhist archaeological sites of high


 Every year thousands of Buddhists pilgrims come for tourist sites in Swat.

 In 2018, the British Backpacker Society listed Pakistan as the number one
tourism destination worldwide. Tourism numbers have picked up in current
years with famous worldwide v-loggers and writers praising and selling the
country’s idyllic panorama in addition to the locals’ profound hospitality

 Millions of people around the world embark annually on spiritual journeys

to soothe their souls.

 Global religious tourism is one of the quickest developing segments in tour

today. According to the UNWTO, 300-330 million tourists visit the globe’s
most important religious sights every year.

 If in Swat KP, all the Buddhists sites are preserved then it will help to get a
better economy.

• After the complete study of Shingardar Stupa we come to conclusion that
Government needs to protect the Stupa and must provide efficient security as
there are incidents occurs which shows that it is not so much protected by
which the Stupa needs because the Stupa is about 2600 years old if it not
protected then the stupa will exist only in books and also it is one of the
most important Stupa in the whole subcontinent in which thousands of
Buddhist comes for worship.
• In the above figures we can see the lower portion is damage its needs to be
repaired properly in a better manner and also proper check is required for its

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