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Year 8

1. importunity
insistent solicitation and entreaty
2. poltroon
an abject coward
3. assignation
a secret rendezvous (especially between lovers)
4. descry
catch sight of
5. benighted
overtaken by darkness
6. potentate
a ruler who is unconstrained by law
7. sanguine
confidently optimistic and cheerful
8. peremptory
putting an end to all debate or action
9. refractory
stubbornly resistant to authority or control
10. propitiate
make peace with
11. dint
force or effort
12. appellation
identifying words by which someone or something is called
13. garret
floor consisting of open space at the top of a house
14. expiation
compensation for a wrong
15. viand
a choice or delicious dish
16. obsequious
attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery
17. inveterate
18. demur
politely refuse or take exception to
19. solicitude
a feeling of excessive concern
20. semblance
an outward appearance that is deliberately misleading
21. apocryphal
being of questionable authenticity
22. peroration
the concluding section of a rhetorical address
23. pillory
a wooden instrument of punishment on a post
24. gainsay
take exception to
25. compunction
a feeling of deep regret, usually for some misdeed

Doc. #: FIS/RF-ENG-VOCAB LIST-YR8-2ND TERM Rev #: 00 Date: 24-12-2019

Year 8

26. glib
artfully persuasive in speech
27. portentous
of momentous or ominous significance
28. blackguard
someone who is morally reprehensible
29. presentiment
a feeling of evil to come
30. profligate
unrestrained by convention or morality
31. suppliant
humbly entreating
32. chary
characterized by great caution
33. execration
hate coupled with disgust
34. supercilious
having or showing arrogant disdain or haughtiness
35. proscribe
command against
36. retinue
the group following and attending to some important person
37. voluble
marked by a ready flow of speech
38. vestige
an indication that something has been present
39. craven
lacking even the rudiments of courage; abjectly fearful
40. deign
do something that one considers to be below one's dignity
41. dragoon
compel by coercion, threats, or crude means
42. evince
give expression to
43. consternation
sudden shock or dismay that causes confusion
44. sagacity
the ability to understand and discriminate between relations
45. blunderbuss
a short musket of wide bore with a flared muzzle
46. prevaricate
be deliberately ambiguous or unclear
47. interment
the ritual placing of a corpse in a grave
48. ostensible
appearing as such but not necessarily so
49. abject
of the most contemptible kind
50. contrivance
the faculty of inventive skill

Doc. #: FIS/RF-ENG-VOCAB LIST-YR8-2ND TERM Rev #: 00 Date: 24-12-2019

Year 8

1. sundry
consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds
2. acquit
pronounce not guilty of criminal charges
3. codger
an eccentric elderly man
4. poniard
a dagger with a slender blade
5. winnow
the act of separating grain from chaff
6. aquiline
curved down like an eagle's beak
7. flaxen
pale yellowish to yellowish brown
8. attenuated
reduced in strength
9. convivial
occupied with or fond of the pleasures of good company
10. assiduously
with care and persistence
11. diffidence
lack of self-assurance
12. precocious
characterized by exceptionally early development
13. swarthy
naturally having skin of a dark color
14. cavalier
given to haughty disregard of others
15. alacrity
liveliness and eagerness
16. capricious
determined by chance or impulse rather than by necessity
17. stalwart
having rugged physical strength
18. repast
the food served and eaten at one time
19. purport
have the often specious appearance of being or intending
20. venerable
profoundly honored
21. contrived
showing effects of planning or manipulation
22. repose
freedom from activity
23. unfathomed
situated at or extending to great depth
24. adjuration
a solemn and earnest appeal to someone to do something
25. immolate
kill as a sacrifice, especially by fire

Doc. #: FIS/RF-ENG-VOCAB LIST-YR8-2ND TERM Rev #: 00 Date: 24-12-2019

Year 8

26. dolorous
showing sorrow
27. gossamer
a gauze fabric with an extremely fine texture
28. epicure
a person devoted to refined sensuous enjoyment
29. dissolute
unrestrained by convention or morality
30. laconic
brief and to the point
31. arraign
accuse of a wrong or an inadequacy
32. levity
a manner lacking seriousness
33. drudge
a laborer who is obliged to do menial work
34. remonstrate
argue in protest or opposition
35. beguile
attract; cause to be enamored
36. deprecate
express strong disapproval of; deplore
37. plaintive
expressing sorrow
38. modicum
a small or moderate or token amount
39. egress
the act or means of going out
40. felicitous
exhibiting an agreeably appropriate manner or style
41. proviso
a stipulated condition
42. mote
a tiny piece of anything
43. alluvial
relating to deposits carried by rushing streams
44. circuitous
deviating from a straight course
45. dissimulation
the act of deceiving
46. edifying
enlightening or uplifting so as to encourage improvement
47. menagerie
a collection of live animals for study or display
48. deferential
showing courteous regard for people's feelings
49. grizzled
having gray or partially gray hair
50. rejoinder
a quick reply to a question or remark

Doc. #: FIS/RF-ENG-VOCAB LIST-YR8-2ND TERM Rev #: 00 Date: 24-12-2019

Year 8

1. emaciated
very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold
2. stipulation
a restriction insisted upon as a condition for an agreement
3. imperturbable
marked by extreme calm and composure
4. imposition
the act of enforcing something
5. eddy
a miniature whirlpool or whirlwind
6. implacable
incapable of being appeased or pacified
7. inducement
a positive motivational influence
8. thoroughfare
a public road from one place to another
9. expound
add details, as to an account or idea
10. gird
bind with something round or circular
11. furtive
secret and sly or sordid
12. approbation
official acceptance or agreement
13. ecclesiastic
of or associated with a church
14. countenance
the appearance conveyed by a person's face
15. besmirch
smear so as to make dirty or stained
16. offal
viscera and trimmings of a butchered animal
17. ligature
the act of tying or binding things together
18. perpetuation
the act of prolonging or causing to exist indefinitely
19. cogitation
attentive consideration and thought
20. gamut
a complete extent or range
21. aphorism
a short pithy instructive saying
22. portend
indicate by signs
23. doff
24. munificent
very generous
25. avowal
a statement asserting the truth of something

Doc. #: FIS/RF-ENG-VOCAB LIST-YR8-2ND TERM Rev #: 00 Date: 24-12-2019

Year 8

26. ruminate
reflect deeply on a subject
27. foray
a sudden short attack
28. concourse
a wide hallway in a building where people can walk
29. impertinence
the trait of being rude and inclined to take liberties
30. auspicious
indicating favorable circumstances and good luck
31. warble
sing or play with trills
32. propensity
a natural inclination
33. inexorable
impossible to prevent, resist, or stop
34. servile
submissive or fawning in attitude or behavior
35. discomfit
cause to lose one's composure
36. parapet
a low wall along the edge of a roof or balcony
37. pecuniary
relating to or involving money
38. quay
wharf usually built parallel to the shoreline
39. visage
the human face
40. incumbent
necessary as a duty or responsibility; morally binding
41. injunction
a judicial remedy to prohibit a party from doing something
42. fetter
a shackle for the ankles or feet
43. provident
giving something useful for the future
44. precept
a rule of personal conduct
45. evanescence
the event of fading and gradually vanishing from sight
46. admonitory
expressing reprimand, criticism, or censure
47. expeditiously
with efficiency; in an efficient manner
48. insensate
devoid of feeling and consciousness and animation
49. cadaverous
of or relating to a corpse
50. unimpeachable
beyond doubt or reproach

Doc. #: FIS/RF-ENG-VOCAB LIST-YR8-2ND TERM Rev #: 00 Date: 24-12-2019

Year 8

1. disparaging
expressive of low opinion
2. purveyor
someone who supplies provisions, especially food
3. resonance
the characteristic of having a loud deep sound
4. turbid
clouded as with sediment
5. slovenly
negligent of neatness especially in dress and person
6. carouse
engage in boisterous, drunken merrymaking
7. debauchery
a wild gathering involving drinking and promiscuity
8. alcove
a small recess opening off a larger room
9. wayfarer
a pedestrian who walks from place to place
10. inundation
an overwhelming number or amount
11. brevity
the attribute of being short or fleeting
12. languidly
in a lethargic manner
13. florid
elaborately or excessively ornamented
14. morose
showing a brooding ill humor
15. sagacious
acutely insightful and wise
16. spurn
reject with contempt
17. abridge
lessen, diminish, or curtail
18. patrician
a person of refined upbringing and manners
19. accost
approach and speak to someone aggressively or insistently
20. elicit
call forth, as an emotion, feeling, or response
21. mercenary
a person hired to fight for another country than their own
22. obstinacy
resolute adherence to your own ideas or desires
23. asunder
into parts or pieces
24. imperious
having or showing arrogant superiority
25. impend
be imminent or about to happen

Doc. #: FIS/RF-ENG-VOCAB LIST-YR8-2ND TERM Rev #: 00 Date: 24-12-2019

Year 8

26. remonstrance
the act of expressing earnest opposition or protest
27. patronage
the business given to an establishment by its customers
28. secrete
generate and separate from cells or bodily fluids
29. abate
become less in amount or intensity
30. pervade
spread or diffuse through
31. edifice
a structure that has a roof and walls
32. tribunal
an assembly to conduct judicial business
33. precipitate
bring about abruptly
34. emphatic
spoken with particular stress
35. claptrap
foolish, empty, or pompous talk or writing
36. corroboration
confirmation that some fact or statement is true
37. disparagement
a communication that belittles somebody or something
38. inversion
the act of turning inside out
39. gregarious
temperamentally seeking and enjoying the company of others
40. equable
not varying
41. inclement
severe, of weather
42. rapacious
living by preying on other animals
43. carrion
the dead and rotting body of an animal; unfit for human food
44. trepidation
a feeling of alarm or dread
45. ubiquitous
being present everywhere at once
46. whet
sharpen by rubbing
47. qualm
uneasiness about the fitness of an action
48. commiserate
feel or express sympathy or compassion
49. conducive
tending to bring about; being partly responsible for
50. spectral
resembling or characteristic of a phantom

Doc. #: FIS/RF-ENG-VOCAB LIST-YR8-2ND TERM Rev #: 00 Date: 24-12-2019

Year 8

1. blighted
affected by something that prevents growth or prosperity
2. vaunt
show off
3. wreak
cause to happen or to occur as a consequence
4. resin
a viscous substance obtained from plants or simple molecules
5. squalid
foul and run-down and repulsive
6. despoil
plunder or steal goods
7. furtively
in a secretive manner
8. laudable
worthy of high praise
9. abhorrence
hate coupled with disgust
10. despondency
feeling downcast and disheartened and hopeless
11. imputation
the attribution to a source or cause
12. hallowed
worthy of religious veneration
13. eccentricity
strange and unconventional behavior
14. supple
moving and bending with ease
15. fickle
liable to sudden unpredictable change
16. conflagration
a very intense and uncontrolled fire
17. visitation
officially seeing a place for inspection or supervision
18. ostentatious
intended to attract notice and impress others
19. pernicious
exceedingly harmful
20. innate
present at birth but not necessarily hereditary
21. chaff
material consisting of seed coverings and pieces of stem
22. affable
diffusing warmth and friendliness
23. deplorable
of very poor quality or condition
24. vagabond
a wanderer with no established residence or means of support
25. scour
rub hard or scrub

Doc. #: FIS/RF-ENG-VOCAB LIST-YR8-2ND TERM Rev #: 00 Date: 24-12-2019

Year 8

26. perpetuate
cause to continue or prevail
27. supersede
take the place or move into the position of
28. malady
impairment of normal physiological function
29. palpable
capable of being perceived
30. congenial
suitable to your needs
31. surmise
infer from incomplete evidence
32. vindicate
show to be right by providing justification or proof
33. sentinel
a person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event
34. complacent
contented to a fault with oneself or one's actions
35. acquiesce
agree or express agreement
36. impetuous
characterized by undue haste and lack of thought
37. conspicuous
obvious to the eye or mind
38. mangy
worn or threadbare
39. ingress
the act of entering
40. scullery
a small room next to the kitchen for household jobs
41. gander
mature male goose
42. jocose
characterized by jokes and good humor
43. pilfer
make off with belongings of others
44. squalor
sordid dirtiness
45. cogitate
consider carefully and deeply
46. cavalcade
a procession of people traveling on horseback
47. proxy
a person authorized to act for another
48. taciturn
habitually reserved and uncommunicative
49. discernible
perceptible by the senses or intellect
50. lamentation
the passionate activity of expressing grief

Doc. #: FIS/RF-ENG-VOCAB LIST-YR8-2ND TERM Rev #: 00 Date: 24-12-2019

Year 8

1. renunciation
the act of sacrificing or giving up or surrendering
2. clemency
leniency and compassion shown toward offenders
3. jargon
technical terminology characteristic of a particular subject
4. functionary
a worker who holds or is invested with an office
5. condescension
showing arrogance by patronizing those considered inferior
6. ignoble
dishonorable in character or purpose
7. coquette
talk or behave amorously, without serious intentions
8. atonement
the act of making amends for sin or wrongdoing
9. antecedent
a preceding occurrence or cause or event
10. lucrative
producing a sizeable profit
11. corroborate
give evidence for
12. frugal
avoiding waste
13. belligerent
characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight
14. promenade
a leisurely walk, usually in some public place
15. pestilence
any epidemic disease with a high death rate
16. infirmity
the state of being weak in health or body
17. repudiate
refuse to acknowledge, ratify, or recognize as valid
18. vexation
anger produced by some annoying irritation
19. culminate
end, especially to reach a final or climactic stage
20. myriad
a large indefinite number
21. knave
a deceitful and unreliable scoundrel
22. destitute
poor enough to need help from others
23. eminence
high status importance owing to marked superiority
24. prodigious
great in size, force, extent, or degree
25. heresy
a belief that rejects the orthodox tenets of a religion

Doc. #: FIS/RF-ENG-VOCAB LIST-YR8-2ND TERM Rev #: 00 Date: 24-12-2019

Year 8

26. strew
spread by scattering
27. epoch
a period marked by distinctive character
28. bridle
headgear for a horse
29. interpose
insert between other elements
30. illustrious
widely known and esteemed
31. discern
detect with the senses
32. sanction
official permission or approval
33. incommodious
uncomfortably or inconveniently small
34. quash
declare invalid
35. vociferate
utter in a very loud voice
36. expostulation
an exclamation of protest, opposition, or criticism
37. estrangement
separation resulting from hostility
38. incorrigible
impervious to correction by punishment
39. feint
any distracting or deceptive maneuver
40. miscreant
a person without moral scruples
41. timorous
shy and fearful by nature
42. dexterous
skillful in physical movements; especially of the hands
43. sonorous
full and loud and deep
44. garner
assemble or get together
45. brigand
an armed thief who is (usually) a member of a band
46. cessation
a stopping
47. teem
be full of or abuzz with
48. vehemence
intensity or forcefulness of expression
49. pillage
steal goods; take as spoils
50. tumultuous
characterized by unrest or disorder or insubordination

Doc. #: FIS/RF-ENG-VOCAB LIST-YR8-2ND TERM Rev #: 00 Date: 24-12-2019

Year 8

1. chafe
become or make sore by or as if by rubbing
2. absolve
grant remission of a sin to
3. scaffold
a temporary arrangement erected around a building
4. placid
calm and free from disturbance
5. kindred
group of people related by blood or marriage
6. delicacy
the quality of being exquisitely fine in appearance
7. ascertain
learn or discover with confidence
8. culpability
a state of guilt
9. cesspool
a covered cistern for waste water and sewage
10. farrier
a person who shoes horses
11. dissonance
disagreeable sounds​.
12. impenitent
not remorseful
13. flay
strip the skin off
14. unfathomable
impossible to come to understand
15. retrospective
concerned with or related to the past
16. domicile
housing that someone is living in
17. altercation
a noisy quarrel
18. vivacious
vigorous and animated
19. sobriety
the state of being unaffected or not intoxicated by alcohol
20. sallow
unhealthy looking
21. antipathy
a feeling of intense dislike
22. complement
something added to complete, embellish or make perfect
23. compliment
say something to someone that expresses praise
24. feigned
not genuine
25. chateau
an impressive country house (or castle) in France

Doc. #: FIS/RF-ENG-VOCAB LIST-YR8-2ND TERM Rev #: 00 Date: 24-12-2019

Year 8

26. gallantry
the qualities of a hero or heroine
27. rustic
characteristic of rural life
28. supposition
the cognitive process of conjecturing
29. ingenuity
the power of creative imagination
30. surmount
get on top of; deal with successfully
31. homage
respectful deference
32. incessant
uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing
33. olfactory
of or relating to the sense of smell
34. restorative
tending to impart new life and vigor to
35. gesticulation
a deliberate and vigorous motion of the hands or body
36. finesse
subtly skillful handling of a situation
37. dank
unpleasantly cool and humid
38. remittance
a payment of money sent to a person in another place
39. affidavit
written declaration made under oath
40. susceptibility
the state of being easily affected
41. transitory
lasting a very short time
42. superlative
highest in quality
43. officiate
perform a ceremony or religious ritual
44. soliloquy
speech you make to yourself
45. invigorate
give life or energy to
46. maim
injure or wound seriously and leave permanent disfiguration
47. emissary
someone sent on a mission to represent another's interests
48. fortitude
strength of mind that enables one to endure adversity
49. dubious
fraught with uncertainty or doubt
50. emigrant
someone who leaves one country to settle in another

Doc. #: FIS/RF-ENG-VOCAB LIST-YR8-2ND TERM Rev #: 00 Date: 24-12-2019

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