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1.“Safe Wheelers” is an upcoming cab service. The promoters knew that they are entering
a highly competitive market. They gathered information on existing cab services and
changing customer preferences and incorporated those observations into their
operations. In order to reach the customers promptly, they developed an app to book,
track and trace the cab 24*7. To create an environment of trust all drivers were divided
into two shifts, 6 am – 6pm for female drivers and 6pm – 6am for male drivers. GPS
systems were installed in order to monitor their movements. The fare payment was either
by an e-wallet or through the “safe Wheelers” Smart card. As soon as the services were
launched, they were a grand success. Identify and explain the concept that helped the
company to succeed.

2.Dr. Bhim is a senior cardiologist and is concerned about the depleting health index. He
researched and found that proper eating habits can improve the quality of life. He
initiated “MediBytes”, a unique canteen, where the food is provided as per one’s health
needs. The food served at “MediBytes” has no fast food and no aerated drinks. It provides
zero oil foods with all the basic nutrients required for the body. Initially theses canteen
were started in Hospitals but since people are becoming more health conscious
“MediBytes” is planning to open their branches in other locations also.
a) Identify and explain the idea field that was explored by Dr. Bhim?
b) State any two idea fields with examples other than the one identified in (a) above.

3)Vipin Taneja has completed his Masters degree in Computer Science from IIT, Delhi. He
thought of an attractive economic idea which could be implemented to create a business,
earn profits and ensure further growth. The idea was to link the different restaurants with
the Indian railway network so that while travelling, the railway passengers can order food
as per their liking.
List any two elements of the concept discussed above.

4) Air India is planning to expand its flights to Pakistan and Afghanistan over the next five
years. Enumerate any two political factors that it should consider as per the “PESTEL”
Model for the same.

5)Nayan has just passed his Senior Secondary Examination from CBSE affiliated School. He
wanted to start his own business but was undecided about the nature of the business to
be started. One day, during the morning walk, his grandfather fell down in the park and
was injured. He observed that his grandfather often forgot to take his medicines. He
thought the same problem may be faced by the other old people. He thought to develop a
walking stick for old people that could be fitted with some electric devices connected to
the mobile phones of the members of their families which could indicate the location of
the old people when they go outside homes. He also thought to fit a timer in the stick that
could remind them about the time of taking their medicines. Identify and state the
meaning of the concept described in the above para that helped Nayan in structuring his
idea of solving the problem.

6. Kumar belongs to a farmer’s family. One day a team of officials from the local block
development office visited his village for discussing additional opportunities related to
agriculture. The team discussed with the villagers how to develop fishery. The team
explained about the technique of construction of ponds and the modern technology of
growing fishes. The team also informed that the “State agriculture department” will
provide loan at an investment rate of 2½ % per annum to the farmers in the marketing
fishes. Kumar, decided to engage himself in the fishery occupation. Identify the “idea
field” that helped Kumar to engage himself in fishery occupation.

7. Geeta has completed her B.Tech in Chemical Engineering from a famous Indian Institute
of Technology. She wants to start a chemical production unit wherein such chemicals will
be produced which are used in automobile colouring and are being imported from other
countries now a days. The technology to be used by Geeta is new and untried involving
high risk factors along with high growth potential. She wants to raise funds for her project
from such a source that provides private
(a) Suggest Geeta the source of finance from where she can fund her project.
(b)Give the meaning of the source suggested in (a) above and state any four features of
this source.

8) Naveen belongs to a farmer family. One day he was viewing 'Kirshi Darshan programme
of Doordarshan' on his television. The heading of the programme was on How to grow
honey bees and produce honey 7 In the same programme the methods of marketing
honey through marketing cooperative societies were also being discussed Naveen decided
to grow honey-bees and market the honey produced Identify the idea field, which helped
Naveen in generating the idea of growing honey- bees and marketing the honey.

9) Rajeer has just completed his B.Tech and wants to start his own business He knew that
the demand of electricity in India was increasing day by day, whereas its generation was
not sufficient. Rajeev shared his views with some of his friends and they all decided to
start the business of electricity generation. They experimented various methods and
ultimately succeeded in electricity generation through garbage. They all were very happy
as India is also facing the problem of garbage disposal.
(a) Identify and explain the source of Idea-field from where the idea had been generated
by Rajeev and his friends
(b) Also explain two other sources of Idea fields with the help of example.

10)A Young man, Vipul wants to start a business. He is not sure of the type of business he
should start. His friends suggested him to seek the help of professionals. He contacted a
professional who asked Vipul to pay a big amount for providing the reports and industry
updates. Therefore he decided to search for the reports and industry updates himself. He
started looking for the required information and reports on different web- sites regularly.
He also interacted with people for the type of products they would like to use in future. In
addition to this he visited trade fairs, malls, exhibitions etc to assess the on-going trends.
Identify and state the way Vipul is using for spotting the trend. Also state one more way
which will help Vipul in starting his business.

11) Ankit into the business of manufacturing low-cost diesel-cars in Germany. He is

earning good profits and ambitiously considering overseas expansion. He scans the
environment for finding out the opportunities and threats that may influence his current
and future plans. He zeroes down on India as a potential place for his business expansion
as Indian Government has announced favourable trade regulations. On selling the first lot
of cars were above the permissible limit. The government asked him to make necessary
modifications in his cars if he wanted to continue business in India. He readily agreed to
meet the emission norms set by the Indian Government.
(a) Quoting the lines from the above para identify any two environmental factors
(b) Also state any two values which Ankit tried to communicate to the Indian society

12) Sohan started a small-scale business of manufacturing and marketing pickles and
named the same as 'Desi Achar'. He supplied the pickle in the whole city. Now he wants to
expand his business in other cities. He discussed the same with his father, who suggested
to Sohan to properly look into those conditions and forces which are external to a
business under which it operates. On his father's suggestion. Sohan carefully monitors the
internal and external environment for detailing early signs or opportunities and threats
that may influence its current and future plans. Sohan's father suggested to him about:
(a) Problem solving
(b) Image building
(c) Environment scanning
(d) Tapping useful resources

13) Fit Ltd, has become a well-known brand name in the field of fitness. Their products
range from exercise equipment to protein powders. The company decided to launch a
new product in the market which they believed will be a game changer. The company did
a market survey amongst people from various age groups to know the acceptability of the
product. What step of the creativity process is the company right now in?

(a) Idea germination (b)Incubation (c) Preparation (d)Illumination

14)Hina was manufacturing beauty products and was always on the lookout to improvise
her products. She used social media and online surveys to understand the latest trend in
customer needs and overall cosmetics industry Through the surveys, she understood that
the customers prefer natural ingredients like ‘Multanimitti’ or neem in place of chemicals
in the beauty products. Responding to customers’ needs, she developed ‘Multanimitti’
cum ‘Neem Face Pack’ in an attractive package. It was highly priced as she knew that the
customers will be ready to pay the price for the quality. Her face pack was an instant
success. Out of the following, identify the way in which Hina spotted this trend:
(a) Think trend (c) Read trend
(b) None of the (d) Watch trend
15) Give any two points of distinction between ‘Basic Idea’ and ‘Post Scanning Idea’.
16) Bhoomika started a pottery unit employing differently abled people to make and sell sculptors
make and sell sculptors made of clay. She also made sure that the material she used is easily
decomposable. During the months of September and October she increased the scale of
increased the scale of production as the festival of Diwali was round the corner. Identify the
component of business environment at a macro level that is reflected in the above situation.
Also identify any two values communicated by Bhoomika by her working.
17) ‘It is a process which involves the translation of a useful idea into an application which has
commercial value. It takes persistent effort to work out analytically the details of the enterprise or
service, to develop marketing strategies, to organise finances and strategize operations”. Identify
the process.
18) "It is a process which involves the translation of a useful idea into an application which has
commercial value. It takes persistent effort to work out analytically the details of the enterprise or
service, to develop marketing strategies, to organise finances and strategize operations". Identify
the process.
19) Define business.
20) List any six factors that may affect the selection of a form of business enterprise.
21) Describe briefly the ways in which the entrepreneur spots trends.
22) What is meant by environment scanning?
23) Give the meaning of ‘Innovation’ .State the elements in the innovation process.
24) State any four benefits of understanding the business environment relevant to an enterprise.
25) Explain the process of Idea germination.
26) What is meant by ‘Problem identification’? State its four uses and also give an example.

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