(Set-7), Notice (Class Starts of Online Evening Shit-Certificate Level Students, From 03-Jan-2021) PDF

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ICAB/ESAD/AC/OC/CL 27 December 2020


(Online Evening Shift Classes for Certificate Level)

This is for information of all concerned that in light of enduring flow and outbreak of the
COVID-19 (Corona Virus) across the country and realizing the importance of the study of
the students and also pursuance with the directives of the Government of Bangladesh, the
Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB) has decided to hold its
existing regular classes of Certificate Level students (6th Batch) at online system from
Sunday, 03 January 2021.

The concerned students are requested to join the envisaged program as per schedule and
make the session effective collecting of the Meeting URL, ID and Password to enter @
Zoom app (through virtual platform) from the Engr. Md Amdad Hossain, Senior Assistant
Director-Campus (Cell: 01911-404721) before commencement of the classes.

(Md Abdul Halim Sheikh)

Additional Director
Education and Student Affairs Division

- All concerned students of Online Certificate Level classes

Copy to:
- President, ICAB
- Vice President (E&E), ICAB
- Chairman, BOS-ICAB
- Chairman DRC/CRC, ICAB
- Chief Executive Officer, ICAB
- Chief Operating Officer, ICAB
- Deputy Director-IT, ICAB
- Senior Assistant Director-Campus, ICAB (with a request to kindly
provide the necessary technical support to the students and teachers)
- President/Secretary-BCACP
- All Notice Boards, ICAB

Halim/ 27/12/2020 Notice-CL Online Class Page: 1 of 1

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