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At the end of this lesson, you must be able to:

 define context;
 determine ways on how a text is developed;
 define hypertext; and
 define intertext.

Do you think that an author’s personal background, as well as the environment where he/she
lived in, influence his/her writing? If so, can you cite some authors and the proof of their work?
An example is done for you.


Noli Me He described Spanish-era Philippines, from the architecture to the culture, even
Jose Rizal
Tangere though he used fictional characters.

There is always an inspiration behind the writing of a text, and
often, it leaves clues about the situation or the reality that served
as the backdrop of the text. This backdrop, this situation, this
reality is known as the context of the text.
When you consider context as you write things, be guided by the
following reminders:

 If you are writing non-fiction—academic texts, historical

narratives, argumentative essays, position papers, etc.—you
need to stick to the facts. Portray reality as it is. To do so, you
must conduct extensive research using scholarly references.
 When using context, try to represent several perspectives—by
citing different sources.
 If you are writing fiction and aim to integrate your context into
it, remember to not make the tale too far off from human and
worldly reality. Works like Harry Potter, the Lord of the Rings,
and Ibong Adarna, while they are fictional, have a lot of the
human touch in them—making them relevant to audiences.

Text Development
There are several ways by which a text is developed. You learned
in junior high school about the forms of essays: descriptive,
narrative, expository, and argumentative. In this book, you will
learn about the other forms that fall under expository texts.

Each form has its own way. of developing the text, but here are
the essentials that you need to remember:

 Purpose. Tt must have an aim or an objective. You need to know

the reason why you are writing the text, and what you intend to
achieve from your readers—to make them laugh, to convince
them to take action, to let them understand something, and to
educate them, among others.
 Audience. Do not forget to know your target audience. Is it for
the youth? Is it for adults? Is it for experts? Is it for novices?
Remember that you cannot always resonate to every single
person in the world; you need to focus on a  target audience. In
this manner, you will be able to adjust the content, your use of
language, and your style of presentation.
 Content and Meaning.  Your work needs to have substance.
Apart from being considerate of your target audience, what will
make them read the work is its content and meaning.

One of the recent developments in reading has been brought
about by the advancement of technology. Let’s take a look at the
technological advancements that you’re familiar with. Circle those
that you actually have as possessions.
                              tablet                                  laptop
                              desktop computer           smartphone

Perhaps you encircled most of these. If you did and you read texts
through the said gadgets, you may have noticed that some web
pages have texts that have hyperlinks (normally underlined and in
blue color).

What makes hypertext unique is the speed at which you can shift
to different texts. When the first text mentions the concept that is
also discussed in another text, all you have to do is to click the
hyperlink and the other page will load.

What happens when we shift to different texts

One good thing that hypertext does is allowing readers to shift to
different web pages almost instantly. When you get to navigate
around the internet and view several web pages in a matter of
seconds or minutes, you have a greater chance of getting a better
picture of the entire scenario in a fast manner.

There are now so many news websites and applications that are
accessible via the internet. Often, when you read a news article –
especially one that belongs to a series – you will see hyperlinks
that will bring you to other related news stories. This helps the
reader get a better understanding of the whole story.
Always remember that true comprehension is being able to
understand the whole picture.

Intertextuality draws origin from literature and asserts that texts
can only be understood in relation to other texts. Also, present-
day texts are believed to have been based on or at least inspired by
previously-published literature – from the style to the content, to
the context, etc.

While intertextuality has remained researched largely in the field

of literature, it has applications for academic and technical
reading (academic is for school; technical is for work). Let’s take a
look how we can benefit from intertextuality:

 We can widen our knowledge. Reading more leads to knowing

more, and that can help broaden what you know about the
 We can view different texts and different perspectives.
Referring to different texts and authors helps give you other
perspectives about the same topic, preventing you from having
a fundamentalist view of things.
 We can be more certain of what we know. Finding out that your
ideas match the ideas of the previous authors helps validate the
things you know. It likewise increases the credibility of the
Don’t forget these very important lessons!

 A text’s meaning can be determined based partly on the context

in which it was developed.
 Hypertext is a reading environment that is based on the
 Hypertext allows people to shift to different texts as fast as the
internet loading speeds allow.
 Intertextuality helps people understand better by referring to
multiple texts to compare meaning.

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