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Clark 1

Brady Clark

Professor Whitener

English 102

May 3rd, 2023

Reflection Paper

In this essay, I discuss how my last college semester has helped me develop as a writer, student,

and person. The pandemic made things challenging, but I learned to write more succinctly and clearly, to

stay focused, and to better manage my time. I also gained the ability to be strong and rely on other

people's support. Prior to this semester, I had been having problems with procrastination and time

management, which had a big impact on how well I did in school. I had always been interested in a

variety of things, but I had a hard time juggling my academic obligations with my extracurricular

activities. My grades plummeted as a result, and I started to feel frustrated and unmotivated.

Fortunately, I came to the realization that I needed to change, and I began making baby steps in the

direction of improvement. Making a calendar for myself with designated hours for studying, tasks, and

personal activities was one of the biggest changes I made. I was able to better organize my time and stop

procrastinating as a result of this. I also started to prioritize my work, putting the most crucial tasks first

and dividing big projects into more manageable chunks.

In addition, I started to set both academic and personal objectives for myself. I was able to

maintain my motivation and attention by setting realistic, attainable goals. Although writing has always

been a passion of mine, this semester's writing assignments gave me the chance to improve. I did a

Clark 2

paper on how the use of PEDs in baseball should not erase the records set or broken for a player. I gained

knowledge about the value of information investigation and analysis through this assignment, which

helped me to develop strong arguments. I also learned to write more concisely, avoiding overly lengthy

sentences in favor of simplicity and clarity. This method, I discovered, not only improved the

effectiveness of my writing but also helped me comprehend the subject matter I was writing about. I've

come to appreciate persistence and flexibility as a student. We've had to change how we learn because

of the pandemic, which calls for more initiative and self-discipline. I've learned to maintain concentration

and endure the challenges placed in front of me. I've also come to understand the importance of time

management and how to balance my personal and academic obligations. Despite the difficulties, I

believe the abilities I've developed this semester will be useful to me in the future, both academically

and professionally.

Finally, I've come to understand the value of community and endurance as a person. The

pandemic affected every part of our lives this past year, making it a very challenging one. I have,

however, developed my toughness and ability to maintain a positive attitude in the face of adversity. I've

also come to understand the value of community and having people around you who will support you

when you're going through a tough period. I'm thankful for the support that my teachers, classmates,

and family have given me throughout my life and my time here at The University of Alabama. Overall,

I've had a wonderful but tough experience this semester. It has taught me the value of adjusting to

changing circumstances and remaining committed to my goals.

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