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Real life situation related to derivative

Done by Lina Atyani & Hidaye Nouri

Grade 12A
email: -
The derivative of a variable
is defined as a measure to
What is compute the rate of change
of a function's output value
derivative? as it varies from the initial
value or input.

Example of derivative in real life:

The displacement of a car moving in a straight line is
given by this equation of motion: s(t)= 5t^3 + 3t + 8

a) Find the velocity after t=2 seconds?

b) Find the acceleration after t=2 seconds?
To find the velocity of the car, we
will use this formula: v(t) = s’(t)

S(t)= 5t^3+3t+8
(Which is the
Then substitute with t=2 derivative of
v(2)= 15(2)^2+3 the equation
= 15(4)+3
= 63 m/s
To find the acceleration of the car, we’re going to find
the derivative of the v(t). This means finding the
derivative of s(t) twice. Using this formula: s’’(t) or v’(t)

v(t)=15t^2+3 Then substitute with t=2

a(t)= v’(t) a(2)= 30(2)
= 30t = 60 m/s
Graph of the solutions
v(t)=15t^2+3 a(t)= 30t
Thanks for listening

Done by:
Lina Atyani
Hidaye Nouri
Grade 12A

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