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Information technology

Розглянута проблема проектуван- UDC 004.89

ня інтелектуальної системи комерційно- DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2019.164441
го поширення інформаційних продуктів
із застосуванням персоналізованого під-
ходу до відвідувачів на основі категорій DESIGN OF THE ARCHITECTURE
та тегів цікавого відвідувачам контен-
ту. Розроблена загальна типова архітек-
тура відповідної системи з використан-
ням методів та засобів персоналізації в
Інтернет-середовищі із ядром автоматич-
ного рекомендування тегів (категорій) у
вигляді нейромережі з контрольованим
навчанням. Персоналізований підхід до
користувача сайту призводить до більш
високого коефіцієнта продаж. Розроблена
система на основі сучасних методів SEO- SEO-TECHNOLOGIES, NEURAL
технологій з врахування метрик оціню-
вання роботи інформаційно-пошукового NETWORKS, AND MACHINE
модуля системи дозволяє підбирати реле-
вантний контент згідно інтересів персо- LEARNING
налізованого користувача. Система володіє
класами та підкласами, до яких належать V. Lytvyn
реальні комерційні інформаційні продукти, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor*
між якими побудовані логічні зв`язки, за E-mail:
допомогою яких відбувається інтелекту- V. Vysotska
альна подача контенту на основі персоналі- PhD, Associate Professor*
зації потреб та зацікавлень користувача. A. Demchuk
Також на основі сучасних методів Machine PhD
Learning розроблена система навчається Ukraine National Paralympic Commitee
уточнювати результати пошуку затре- Esplanadna str., 42/813, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01023
буваного контенту згідно персоналізації I. Demkiv
вподобань користувача. Алгоритми пер- Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor
соналізації дозволяють пов’язати кожно- Department of Computational Mathematics and Programming**
го користувача з списком продуктів, які
O. Ukhanska
найімовірніше його зацікавлять, а також
PhD, Associate Professor
можуть прогнозувати те, що клієнти
Department of Applied Mathematics**
можуть хотіти бачити, навіть якщо ще
не знають про це. Метою інтелектуальної
V. Hladun
PhD, Associate Professor
системи е-комерції є подача унікального
IT Academy “STEP”
контенту на основі підходу персоналізації
Zamarstynivska str., 83a, Lvіv, Ukraine, 79019
та використання тегів. Окрім звичайного
текстового введення категорій та тегів на R. Kovalchuk
основі зображень та опису продукту, роз- PhD***
роблений процес автоматизації визначення O. Petruchenko
тегів та категорій товару. Розпізнавання PhD***
контексту за допомогою глибоких нейрон- L. Dzyubyk
них мереж тепер забезпечує технологію PhD***
автоматичного додавання тегів в описи N. Sokulska
товару сайтів е-комерції. Методи можна PhD***
використовувати для класифікації міміки і *Department of Information Systems and Networks**
розпізнання емоцій **Lviv Polytechnic National University
Ключові слова: комерційний контент, S. Bandery str., 12, Lvіv, Ukraine, 79013
персоналізація, Machine Learning, SEO- ***Department of Engineering Mechanics
технологія, метрики пошуку, електронна (Weapons and Equipment of Military Engineering Forces)
комерція, NLP Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy
Heroiv Maidanu str., 32, Lviv, Ukraine, 79012

1. Introduction investments into the personalization of the Internet content,

because they recognizes a series of advantages of this effec-
Recent years have witnessed the increasing effectiveness tive technology for e-business [3]. Search keywords from
of search features and navigation as regards the Internet consumers ensure, in real time, a deeper understanding of
e-commerce [1]. It is an important component of successful the behavior of the target audience and provide the company
strategy of e-business [2]. Companies increase their own with invaluable data for future research and use [4]. The in-

 V. Lytvyn, V. Vysotska, A. Demchuk, I. Demkiv, O. Ukhanska,
V. Hladun, R. Kovalchuk, O. Petruchenko, L. Dzyubyk, N. Sokulska, 2019
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies ISSN 1729-3774 2/2 ( 98 ) 2019

formation on behavior of the target audience, if successfully example, Amazon generates personalized recommendations
applied, is very valuable because it increases sales volume to users depending on their activities at the Internet-site and
and the number of loyal customers [5]. previous purchases [20]. Netflix creates personalized con-
Personalized approach to the Internet-resource user tent for tv and the movies based on the interaction between
greatly increases sale coefficients [6]. That is, those clients the user and a genre [21]. Providing personalized recom-
that cannot find the required information leave a Web-re- mendations help users find an object of search, saving their
source unsatisfied and would probably never visit it again, giv- time and resources, as well as creating an atmosphere of trust
en the extremely competitive Internet market [7]. Paper [3] and personal attention to each visitor of a Web-site [22].
found that up to 40 % of visitors usually use the search This makes it possible to increase the volumes of visitors
feature on a Web-resource, thereby demonstrating their and expand the circle of loyal consumers of the relevant
intentions to buy a product using its title or code [8]. The e-commerce.
home page and search page on a Web-resource are the best The effectiveness of implementing artificial intelligence
positions to place blocks with recommendations [9]. to personalize the prediction of user wishes in the results
Therefore, obtaining the required results from person- of searching for a product heavily depends on the operation
alized search and further analysis by means of artificial of an information retrieval system embedded to a Web-re-
intelligence based on SEO technologies, neural networks, source. A standard assessment of information-retrieval sys-
and Machine Learning, is essential for the successful devel- tems includes such components [23] as a collection of:
opment of e-business [10]. E-commerce employs Machine ‒ content of the Internet e-commerce site [24];
Learning to improve recommendations for consumers as – test informational needs in the form of queries by
the regular/potential visitors of a Web resource [11]. The users [25];
methods of Machine Learning significantly improve anal- ‒ estimated relevance, represented in the form of bi-
ysis of results from the previous personalized search each nary assertions on relevant/non-relevant relative to each
time the user visits a Web resource. Generating a search pair request-content (reference (gold standard) relevance
topic rating makes it possible for a Web-resource to sort out assessment) [26].
results for estimated relevance. This estimate takes into An approach to evaluating information-retrieval systems
consideration specific search terms, as well as the specific is based on the concept of relevant/non-relevant content ac-
features of the respective user’s profile (such as age range, cording to the end user personalization [27]. According to the
gender, previous orders, preferences and previous search informational needs by users, content from a test collection
terms). The personalization algorithms make it possible to undergoes binary classification: relevant or non-relevant [28].
associate each user with the most probable list of goods/ Relevance (from English: relevance) is the degree of con-
services according to his needs and interests. These algo- formity of the result obtained to the result desired [29].
rithms also make it possible to predict customer wishes, That is, it is a measure of compliance between the results of
even if they are not aware of them or have no idea at all [12]. query from the personalized user [30]. A collection of test
In addition to the usual text entry of categories and tags content and queries must be of a sufficient size: the larger
based on images and description of goods/services, a more the test sample, the more accurate the evaluation of qual-
viable option is to add automation processes and decision ity of operation of the personalized search algorithm [31].
making systems for the identification of wishes by the user To assess the quality of work of an information-retrieval
of a Web resource [13]. Scientific advances concerning the system, different estimates are used [32]. In this case, the
recognition of context using deep neural networks now best algorithm is the one for which the personalized output
provide the technology of auto-tagging the descriptions of search results, generated by the system, are close to the
of goods on the Internet e-commerce site [14]. In addition, user’s conclusions [33]. The most commonly used metrics for
these methods are used to categorize facial expressions evaluating the operational quality of systems based on user
and emotion recognition of Web resource users [15]. The needs are [34]:
purpose of an intelligent system of e-commerce is to pro- – recall [35];
vide unique content based on user personalization and on – precision [36];
applying the appropriate tags for training a neural network. – average precision [37];
– precision at the level of 5 content articles [38];
– precision at the level of 10 content articles [39];
2. Literature review and problem statement – R-precision [40];
– 11-point matrix (TREC) [41];
Twiggle uses natural language processing to improve – modified 11-point matrix (RIRES) [42].
search results for buyers of goods on the Internet. Clarifai in To categorize information-retrieval systems, most often
the United States also improves the search process in e-com- used are recall, precision, accuracy, error, and F-measure [43].
merce [16]. The project uses visual search elements and the Most of these metrics are explored in detail [44]. Howev-
so-called artificial intelligence with a prediction. The latter er, the interpretation of these estimates often varies [45].
makes it possible for developers to create intelligent applica- Therefore, we shall provide a detailed description of each
tions that “see the world as you”, thereby making it possible metric within the personalized search when applied to a
for companies to develop customer-oriented experience single query (category). Next, by averaging the metrics to
through advanced image recognition and video [17]. obtain the integrated quality indicators for search/classi-
By using the technology of Machine Learning, software fication. Most metrics, when estimating the content-based
employs artificial intelligence to automatically adds tags, search, are based on the matrix of classification given in
organize and search content, by marking the properties of Table 1 (Fig. 1), where a is the amount of content found by
an image or a video [18]. Referral process is widely practiced the system and which is relevant to the user; b is the amount
in e-commerce to help clients find the best solution [19]. For of content found by the system, but non-relevant to the user;

Information technology

c is the amount of relevant content, not found by the system; 2 2 ⋅ precision × recall
F1 = = .
d is the amount of non-relevant content, not found by the 1 1 precision + recall
system [46]. precision recall

Table 1 Main features in the metric F for 0 ≤ F ≤ 1 [55]:

Main document categories – if r=0 or p=0, then F=0;
– if r=p, then F=r=p;
Amount of
Relevant Non-relevant r+p
content –  min(r , p) ≤ F ≤ .
provided for a (correctly c (provided content, non-rel-
a query provided content) evant for a given category) A general formula for the F-measure is calculated from [56]:
not provided for b (incorrectly d (not-provided and
precision ⋅ recall
a query provided content) non-relevant content) Fβ = (1 + β2 ) ⋅ .
(β2 ⋅ precision) + recall

Positive Categorized as Negative In the case of classification and filtering, the text search
employs a method for averaging multiple metrics.
Positive 1. Macroaverage: compute metrics for each query sepa-
Real positive Poorly negative rately and then average them [57]. Characteristic of eval-
Actually uating search tasks [58], in which an important result is
Poorly positive Real negative based on average for the query, regardless of the power of a
Negative response to this query [59].
2. Microaverage: find the total amount of content based on
Fig. 1. Content categories a category from Table 1 and calculate the desired metric [60].
Characteristic of evaluating the categorization and filtering
We shall consider each metric in detail. where the volumes of queries are considered [61].
Recall is calculated as the ratio of the found relevant con- Metrics for a collection of content, sorted by relevance,
tent to the total amount of relevant content [47]. This is the take into consideration not only the fact of the presence of
capability of the system to find the content desired by user, content in the list of that found, but its position in the col-
but it does not account for the amount of non-relevant content lection [62].
provided to the user. For example, if Recall=50 %, then half of Precision of content at level n (precision n) is defined
the relevant content was not found by the system [48]. as the amount of relevant content among first n of the
provided content divided by n [63]. If the system provided
a k>n content, then precision (n)=Precision of the system
Recall = .
a+c based on first n of content for query results [64]. If the
system provided k<n content, then Precision at level of n
Precision is calculated as the ratio of the found relevant content would not exceed the system’s Precision. Precision
content to the total amount of the found content [49]. This of content at level n describes the capability of a system
is the capability of the system to produce only the relevant to produce relevant content at the beginning of results
content in the collection of results. For example, if Preci- collection [65]. For example, if the system provides <10
sion=50 %, then a half of the found content is relevant and a content at the first page, precision (10) reflects the qual-
half is not relevant [50]. ity of the system’s results, which are obtained at the first
page. This metric has a series of disadvantages. In partic-
a ular, for different queries, the metrics of precision(n) are
P recision = .
a+b not comparable. For example, for a system that produces
relevant content only, precision(100)=0.2 for the query
Accuracy is calculated as the ratio of decisions, correctly which has 20 relevant content, and precision(100)=0.3 for
made by the system, to the total number of decisions [51]. Since the query that returned 30 relevant content. Despite the
it is assumed that the system makes a decision on that each con- shortcomings, precision at level is an indispensable metric
tent within a collection belongs to a given category. Thus, the for search systems since it makes it possible to estimate
denominator does not depend on a given category. When cal- the usefulness of the first page in the system’s response to
culating an estimate, the denominator used is the total amount a personalized user [66].
of content, which was estimated for at least one category [52]. R-precision equals precision of content at level n for n
equal to the amount of relevant content for a given query [67].
a+d This metric replaces precision at level in those cases when it
Accuracy = .
a+b+c+d is necessary to account for a big difference in the amount of
relevant content for different queries [68].
Error is calculated as the ratio of decisions, incorrectly Average precision for a query is defined from [69]: let
made by the system, to the total number of decisions [53]: a query returns k relevant content. Precision at the level of
the i-th relevant content prec_rel(i) equals precision(pos(i)),
b+c if the i-th relevant content is in the query results on posi-
Error = .
a+b+c+d tion pos(i). If the i-th relevant content is not found, then
prec_rel(i)=0. The average precision for this query is equal
F-measure is used as a unified metric that combines Recall to the average value for magnitude prec_rel(i) for the entire
and Precision in a single metric for this query (category) [54]: k relevant content [70]:

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies ISSN 1729-3774 2/2 ( 98 ) 2019

1 k 3. The aim and objectives of the study

AvgP rec = ∑ prec _ rel (i).
k i=1
The aim of this study is to design an architecture of the
Basic features of metric average precision [72]: intelligent system for distributing commercial content in the
–  AvgP rec ≤ recall; Internee space based on SEO technologies, neural networks,
– if relevant content is only at the beginning of the col- and Machine Learning.
lection of results, then AvgP rec ≈ recall; To accomplish the aim, the following tasks have been set:
– if relevant content is evenly distributed in the collec- ‒ to define general functional requirements to the archi-
tion of results, then AvgP rec ≈ precision ⋅ recall; tecture of the system for distributing commercial content in
– the amount of content ranked below the last relevant the Internet space;
does not affect the values (the “tail” is truncated). ‒ to construct a method of personalization of commercial
Average precision makes it possible to evaluate opera- content according to the needs of the user;
tional quality of the system, taking into consideration the ‒ to develop software support for distributing commer-
priority of highly ranked content against those documents cial content in the Internet space based on SEO technolo-
that are at the end of the collection. In contrast to the met- gies, neural networks, and Machine Learning;
rics precision(n) and R-precision, the average precision takes – to analyze results from experimental testing of the pro-
into consideration the entire found content [72]. posed method for the personalization of commercial content
Using the personalized recommendations on a Web- according to the needs of the user.
site based on the results of relevant, topical, and precise
search instead of standard navigation would be of interest
to modern average consumer in order to return to such a 4. General functional requirements to the architecture of
convenient service when time saving is quite a significant an intelligent system for distributing commercial content
indicator for the informatization of society. If a use, while according to the needs of the user
making a purchase with specific intentions and needs, is
given an automatic service for quick and easy orientation Personalization can be improved in two stages.
in the collection of goods/services in accordance with his 1. Generate the most relevant collection of content.
history of requests and previous purchases, then he is more 2. Classify the appropriate content for the needs and de-
likely to return and recommend this Web-resource to others. sires of the user and demonstrate it in a convenient form in
If the user at the beginning is presented with novelties from the process of flipping through the pages by a user to avoid
the categories of interest to him in the form of a conveniently selecting non-relevant content or losing time searching for
arranged content modules for viewing, the chances to draw relevant personalized content.
attention dramatically increase. Every new purchase from A Web resource user uses e-commerce service to make
a particular Web-resource provides the system with better purchases for convenience, to save time and effort. Improv-
personalized information about the consumer, for example, ing the conditions of cooperation with each end user would
categories of products/services, criteria for purchasing/ make it possible to significantly simplify the process of doing
ordering, price range, size, form of delivery, etc. By using business and could reduce the effort required from the user
Machine Learning, the system learns from a specific con- to search for what he needs.
sumer to recommend him, during his next visit, a collection The most common activities by a user of the Internet
of goods/services better adapted to him. e-commerce site are reviewing products, making purchases,
Each user has different requirements for content re- and registration of clients (Fig. 2). A unit that registers
garding a query. However, typical search engines return customers makes it possible to get discounts or invitations
the same result for the same request from different users. to closed sales. A unit for viewing the goods includes adding
Intelligent search engines take into consideration the so- the search tags. The client can also search for products, view
called cookies in the users’ browsers thereby refining the a product list, view recommendations, add products to a
result of relevant content. However, this will not solve the shopping cart or a wish list.
task for e-commerce, as HTTP-Cookies contain either too
much or too little information so that the user could place Registered buyer Online shopping service
an order not from his computer. To solve the problem of
information overload and to provide users with relevant in- Product overview
formation, Web-personalization is applied. It increases the
accuracy of a search engine at the Internet e-commerce site, „includes”
simplifying the process of individual search, saving time,
Internet Personalization
and providing users with relevant content. Personalization Purchasing provider
buyer process
creates a sense of individuality and uniqueness. Custom-
ers feel special and important, as if a company does care „includes”
about them. By segmenting and targeting different buyers,
personalization meets different needs by each client, thus Payment service
optimizing the user experience, as well as the average ex- New buyer
perience for all. The object of this study is the application Registration
of neural networks for creating tag-recommendations and
using personalization tools available in the market. The Fig. 2. Use case diagram for the Internet e-commerce site
subject of this research is the automation of the process for
forming personalized recommendations to the end regular A unit for adding the search tags is expandable using
user of the Internet e-commerce site. the automated generation of recommended tags, and in-

Information technology

cludes forming a product (Fig. 2). A unit for client authen- of saved tags in Sitecore, because these tags underlie the
tication includes a unit to view recommended products execution of personalization rules. A personalization unit
and those added to a wish list, because both require the is also extended with specified units of categories and sub-
authentication of a client. At the same time, a product categories that are also stored by the CMS Sitecore and are
can be added to a shopping cart without checking the related to the unit “tags saved in Sitecore”.
authenticity of the user. A decision-making system for A unit to add a product is extended with a description
the Internet e-commerce site ensures that adding each of this product (Fig. 5). A product description is extended
new product by a content-moderator provides rendering with the unit “neural network of recommended tags”.
of the expanded description of products. In addition, it The purpose of the diagram essence‒relation is the intro-
yields appropriate recommended categories and tags us- duction of certain general data for the Internet e-commerce
ing synonymic options. A synonymic series is determined site: client, Web-user, account, cart, product, categories, tags,
through a neural network and the Machine Learning al- as well as relations among them (Fig. 6). Each client has a
gorithms. An example of application is the implementation unique identifier that is associated with exactly one account.
based on .Net CMS Sitecore, which has personalization A customer can sign up as a Web user to purchase goods on
tools that can be extended, as well as to add new rules, the Internet. A Web-user has a login name, which is a unique
based on available core-functionality. identifier as well. A Web-users can exist in several states: new,
A home page at Fig. 4 includes units with typical active, temporarily blocked. A client can have no orders, not the
content: video, courses, books, published articles. It is ex- history of previous searches or page views. Customer orders are
tended with a personalization unit, which includes various sorted and are unique.
versions of the aforementioned content and thus includes Products have tags that define them, as well as cate-
the unit “changed content at the home page”. In addition, gories to which they belong. Each product may refer to a
a unit of the personalized content is extended with a unit single category and have many tags.

Product „includes” Client
creation Product authentication
Adding search tags overview „includesє”
„extends” „includes”
Autogeneration of „extends”
recommended tags „extends” „extends”
„extends” „extends”
search Product list Recommended Adding to wish Adding to cart
overview products overview list

Fig. 3. Use case diagram for a product overview unit

Homepage Category of the
video highest level

Personalized content Category of the Category of the
lowest level 1 lowest level 2

Saved tags and Set of individual

Changed content at categories in Sitecore tags
home page fields
Neural network for deriving
Search result based on categories of the highest level
existing tags and

Fig. 4. Use case diagram of the content personalization process

Adding a new product

Product description
(source data)
Neural network of
recommended tags

Fig. 5. Use case diagram of the process to add a product

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies ISSN 1729-3774 2/2 ( 98 ) 2019

Web User Customer ‒ based on the creation and im-

N 1
Login_id: String {id} id: String {id} plementation of rules for condition-
Password: String 1 1
Shopping Cart Address: Address al representation.
State: UserState N 1 Phone: Phone Sitecore sets conditions for con-
Tags: List<tag> Created: Date Email: String
Categories: List<category> ditional visualization in the rules
1 1 1 editor based on logic to determine
“enumeration” Accont the validity of condition. One also
UserState Tag
id: String {id} defines activities as a conditional
New Tags: List<Tag> Billing_address: Address rendering that takes effect when
Active TagDescription: String Is_closed: Boolean
Blocked 1 Open: Date the condition holds or a certain
TagActive: Boolean
Banned Closed: Date event takes place. A condition that
N N is associated with action is the rule.
1 Access to the rule code editor is
id: String {id} Category
derived from the editor of activi-
Name: String
Supplier: Supplier N 1 CategoryID: String {id} ties. Access to it is also obtained by
Tags: List<Tag> CategoryDescription: String using a content editor and market-
Categories: List<Category> Active: Bool ing control panel. Typically, con-
ditional correction is carried out
Fig. 6. ER-diagram for the Internet e-commerce site
and moderation is performed in the
experience editor.
5. Method of content personalization according to the Content profiles are the categories for tracking user
needs of the user behavior when navigating the Internet e-commerce site. It
helps better understand the behavior, actions, and interests
Personalization is a method for displaying targeted, of users. The content of profiles consists of:
relevant content to users, taking into consideration their – profile’s keys (attributes of categories for tracking);
characteristics and behavior, such as location, gender, con- – values for a profile (numeric values assigned to differ-
tent, or previous visits. By using personalization, one can ent keys of the profile);
confirm that the required content reaches appropriate users, – profile’s cards (stored combinations of profile’s keys
for example, showing, hiding, or customizing the content. and values that are used for content).
Personalization is used to: Sitecore is also used to create personal properties to
‒ display different content for users based on geolocation; represent typical users who are also assigned with profile’s
– hide a registration form for the users who filled out the cards. Users are used to implement the personalization of
form previously; rules. They create profiles of content, keys to the profile, pro-
– change a banner text on a Web-site by linking it to the files and persons at the center of marketing. The elements’
site of the user. profile is compiled in the experience editor. Profile’s keys
Conditional visualization is a piece of content that is describe various aspects of profiles. They assign numerical
displayed when a condition is defined in advance. One can values of the profile for the profile’s keys, and then use the
use conditional shades to control the way customers view value of the profile to track the interaction between users
and interact with a Web-resource. and the Internet e-commerce site. Sitecore has some pre-
Conditional representation is often used as a synonym defined profiles that have the assigned profiles. One can
for personalized content. This, however, is not synonymous also create own keys to the profile. When users navigate at
with personalization. Personalization refers to a broad pro- a Web-resource, they are assigned the values of the profile’s
cess of delivering targeted, relevant content for appropriate content, which are defined for each visited element. These
users (Fig. 7). Personalization includes: values are accumulated at repeated visits to a Web resource
‒ adaptive (a dynamic change in the content on a Web-re- by user. They help create a contact profile for regular users.
source based on user’s behavior); Information about users’ activities ‒ browsed pages, the
goals accomplished and the way they navigate a
Web-resource, etc. – defines those sections at the
Web-resource that must be improved. It is also
Action used for the segmentation of users and to create
personalization rules for selling. For example, if a
user often navigates certain categories or reached
a high profile, he is a potential client of this di-
Rules rection. Then he is added to a CRM system as a
potential buyer or sent an e-mail message.
Profile’s cards contain the saved keys to the
Action profile and values of the profile. Profile cards are
used for assigning standard values of profiles for
the Web resource elements. Conditional persons
are created when setting the content profiles.
These are fictional characters as certain types of
users within a target demographic group. Persons
describe life, age, habits, prerequisites, interests
Fig. 7. Personalized content for users and a profession of the fictional character who

Information technology

can use the Internet e-commerce site in a certain way. They – Input 0: and;
create profile cards that describe the way a person consumes – Input 1: dark;
the content of a Web resource. – Input 2: suit;
Users profiles’ source data on a Web resource in Sitecore – Input 3: sports;
are the input data for a neural network in Machine Learning – Input 4: without;
for personalization when forming recommendations to the – Input 5: trousers;
end customer of e-commerce. Neural networks are formed – Input 6: black;
from layers of similar neurons. Most neural networks have – Input 7: with;
at least an input layer and an output layer. Input template – Input 8: two.
is given in the input layer. Then the output template is re- Lines are encoded in the following way, by filling the
turned from the output layer. Processes between the input missed words with zero:
and output layers is a black box, for example, – “with and without trousers”
– input to a neural network: [–0.535, 0.383, 0.1]; [0 4 5 7][1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0];
– output from a neural network: [0.383, 0.645]. – “two sports trousers” [1 5 8][0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1];
There are many different architectures that define pro- – “dark tracksuit” [1 2 3][0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
cesses between the input and output layers. A neural net- – “trousers and black trousers”
work has three neurons in the input layer and two neurons [0 5 6][1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0].
in the output layer. The number of neurons in the input and Now there is a constant vector length. Nine is the total
output levels does not change. The number of elements in number of words in the dictionary. Each component’s num-
the input and output templates for a specific neural network ber in the vector is an index in the dictionary of available
can never change. To use a neural network, it is necessary words. Each vector component keeps the count of the num-
to state the task so that the array of numbers has a floating ber of words for this dictionary. Each row usually contains
point. Similarly, solutions to the problem must be an array of only a small subset of the dictionary. As a result, most vector
floating-point numbers. They take one array and convert it values are zero. One of the most difficult aspects of program-
to another. Neural networks recognize patterns. ming in Machine Learning shifts the problem to an array of
Entering a text to a neural network is especially compli- the fixed quantity of floating-point numbers.
cated. There are certain challenges that must be overcome.
Individual words have different lengths. Neural networks
require a fixed input and output size. Should letters “A”‒”Z” 6. Methods and means to implement the architecture of
be kept in one neuron or in 26 neurons, or otherwise? Using a an intelligent system for distributing commercial content
recurrent neural network, such as neural network by Elman, according to the needs of the user
solves part of the problem. Let us create an Elman neural
network, which has enough input neurons to recognize Latin Processing of the Internet e-commerce sites makes it
letters. It will use a context layer for remembering the order. possible to receive operative and objective data about the
Text processing employs one long thread of messages. Each functioning of e-business and in order to assess the level
entry is the quantity of one particular word. The entire in- of competition in the segment of financial Internet market
put vector contains one value for each unique word, such as of commercial content. As well as to evaluate the level
“with and without trousers”, “two sports trousers”, a “dark of competitors and measures of their competitiveness in
tracksuit” and “trousers and black trousers”. There are such the financial market for distributing commercial content
unique words that form the dictionary of keywords. (Fig. 8).

Informational level
Subsystem of content Subsystem of content Subsystem of content Web-
Query creation management support resource
Advertising Content Categories creation
reports Administration manager
core of modification
communi- electronic removal
Module removal
cation content Web-page generator
manager creation
other commerce modification (intelligent part)
features system Thematic questionnaire
Construction rules
реєстрація SEO manager manager
Content management
Software part
User manager genera- modifi- removal HTML CSS
tion cation
authenti- JS jQuery
Applied level cation

Content Rule Template

Datalogic level User base Data base base
base base

Fig. 8. Structure of e-commerce system

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies ISSN 1729-3774 2/2 ( 98 ) 2019

Main classes of users/characters of the Internet e-com- titative examination of the dynamics of thematic flows of
merce sites (clients, task force managers and administrators) personalized commercial content.
define the design of the site and the process of decision ap- A display subsystem (Fig. 13) generates a page with con-
proval. The Internet e-commerce site mandatorily includes tent requested based on the content from the database. The
a Web-display (informational resource) with a directory dialog box of database access enables viewing, search, and
of commercial content (with the ability to search) and the content representation, a possibility is given to refer to the
necessary interface elements for entering registration data, originals of content on the Internet. Content in the database
order formation, payments through the Internet, delivery is changed using the edit module. Pages are created anew
type (e-mail/on-line), obtaining data on the company, as by a server for each request, which increases the load on the
well as on-line support (Fig. 9). system’s resources. The load is reduced when using caching
Registration/authorization of a regular user is carried out tools of modern Web servers (Fig. 13). The task on a full-text
when processing order or when entering the system. To pro- search in a large array of content is inefficient. The issue of
tect, the interaction is carried out over a secure SSL channel. accuracy is resolved by a search among the annotated con-
The entire process of content management is registered when tent. Instead of searching the full content, it is appropriate
supporting personalized content for compiling statistical data to search based on annotations – search images of content.
on the functioning of a Web-resource and personalized pro- Quasi-abstract for large content is the formation that remote-
posals in the form of a list of popular topics related to content ly resembles the original content and most often is not per-
to form the content. Fig. 10 shows a detailed diagram of the ceived by humans. However, the search image of such content
process of processing a Web resource. By identifying priority with weighted keywords and phrases leads to quite adequate
topics in the content and their relationship to main classes results during full-text search. Quasi-abstract is constructed
of users, they create the architecture of a Web-resource sys- from fragments of content with the largest weight values. The
tem, the hierarchy of content, the ways to display it and the benefits of caching pages with content are: a display subsys-
interaction between each class of users (for example, themes tem generates a page once (Fig. 13); a page in the cache exists
and agenda or sessions, planning these issues). The process time Δt‒ until the content is relevant; a ready page is loaded
of processing Web resources is made up of subsystems for the faster from cache; the cache is updated periodically manually/
creation of content (collection/creation, systematization and automatically: at the end of time Δt; when modifying an infor-
dissemination of personalized content); content management mational resource or content.
(editing, processing, and submitting personalized content). ІІІ. A content support subsystem includes the follow-
І. A subsystem of content creation is realized in the form ing integrated sequential processes: Usercontent struc-
of content-monitoring over collection of content from a turingdatabasecontent moderationdatabasecontent
source during data integration (Fig. 11). generalizationmoderator. The problem in content support
The subsystem of content creation is provided with is the lack of general approaches to automated analysis of the
the construction of a database of content according to functioning of the system of electronic content-commerce.
the needs of regular/potential users: moderatorcon- In order to attract more clients to a Web-resource, they
tent creationdatabasecontent systematizationda- add the options for content analysis (ratings, reviews, and
tabasedistribution of contenteditor, or Web-resource comments) about content (Fig. 14). A Web-resource with
(a source)collection of contentdatabasecontent sys- reviews of the content attracts more visitors. This function-
tematizationdatabasedistribution of contentmoderator. ality does not include moderation and leads to redundancy
The result of collection (Fig. 12) and primary processing is of data on a Web-resource. The user is forced to segment
that the content is brought to a unified format, classified a constructive content, which requires efforts and diverts
according to the defined rubricator and is assigned with a prospect. The content that gets on a Web-resource is not
descriptors with keywords. The subsystem ensures constant filtered, that is the interaction between users and a portal
updating of the database with content, effective simultane- is one-sided. The component Ratings/Reviews reflects the
ous access to the database by users, convenient search tools results of evaluating the rating of the content based on the
for the required content. Creation and management of the scale defined in advance (Fig. 15).
Web-resource is performed by information system depend- Many business areas are trying to find new ways of
ing on the activities of users and moderators of the system, personalization and creation of recommendations to the end
as well as personalized commercial content. user. They come up with new tests for such systems and Web
Such an information system that supports the process solutions. However, designing those that will increase the
of processing a Web-resource makes it possible to maintain real value of e-business is a very long and difficult process.
a rapid growth rate of demand in the distribution of con- Consider four examples where different types of e-business-
tent; constant interaction between users and the system; es obtained considerable and fast results through testing or
a possibility to increase the target audience of existing/ personalization. Each of these methods is a possible approach to
potential clients, increasing the rating of content and the personalization. Each of these approaches is based on customi-
Web-resource; improvement of e-business via better under- zation by available tools from Personalization Sitecore.
standing of a client. The subsystem makes it possible to save 1. Testing the result. It specifies a message about a pro-
on resources involved in the administration of information posal, which would have the greatest impact. The problem is
system and processing a Web-resource; to keep anonymity; in that the tests, developed by a team, are rather basic, and
not to overload the Internet traffic; to self-scan the Internet. typically do not contain enough information on individual
ІІ. A content management subsystem consists of the segments. Thus, the team returns to the built-in test A/B
following relationships: Usercontent processingdata- Sitecore for a better understanding of which content best
basecontent analysisdatabasecontent displayuser. fits the business results. Next, one needs to check several
Analysis of content and a Web-resource, modeling and messages about a proposal from a home page and obtain the
display is one of the most informative methods for quan- results, the example is shown in Fig. 16.

Information technology

The same proposal changes dramatically when the display 2. Personalization based on geolocation. An example is
path is changed. In the end, the winner is ahead by a large the personalization of the audience, depending on its where-
margin, making it possible for the company to initiate a strat- abouts. They create individual components at key pages for
egy to change a proposal for other content with high profit- the western, central, and eastern regions. This is a simple
ability. It also gives an idea for forming future proposals at example, but it is also one of the easiest ways to get a quick
different channels to maximize the impact of personalization. win. The location of visitors can be tracked in real time.

Informational resource processing

Web resource Web resource Source Commercial
User Database Author
content creation
Choice of Order Order Content Query
User visited Moderator
content/service formed processing formation creation
system Elimination User
of causes Registration/ Query check Database
User accepted
Web resource authentication
Content Storing to
rejected Content Registration/ Correct Incorrect database
accepted authentication query query
Support to commercial completed
content Support Content
User Database
acceptance Query Generation of
Moderator Report confirmed message to user
Content Content generation
support arrived Database Order Selection of
confirmed received content from DB
Content packet
User Newsletter
Google ready
Analytics Organizati
Web resource User Web resource on flow Organizational Function Action
Control flow

Fig. 9. Diagram of informational flows during content processing

WWW Subsystem of content Subsystem of content Subsystem of

Web creation management content support
Administrator Moderator Moderator
interface interface interface WWW

Content Database Informational

Web Web
construction and
resource collection portraits resource
Content database


Database Thematic

topics WWW

Keywords Personalization Web


based on XML/RSS resource
Categorization Resource Table of content
Duplicates creation interrelations

Web Informational resource
resource Digests PROXY server Content rating

@ Generation of
output forms
Moderator Analyst
resource User interface
interface interface

Fig. 10. Schematic of processing a Web-resource

Content- Indexing Generation

Source 1 Content Search Result
analysis of search
Source 2
.................. selection Content patterns
Content formatting patterns
Source N
Content- Display of
Query Indexing Generation of Content
analysis Search result
search command search
Content management commands

Fig. 11. Structural diagram of the process of content-monitoring of data

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies ISSN 1729-3774 2/2 ( 98 ) 2019

Scanner resource

Non-formatted content
C2 Content in XML format K1 WWW Content
Monitoring and filtering Web Filter
resource database
K2 Cache
C3 K3 Web

........ Sources Content
........ Content
search filtering
CN Content
Editor Web
qualification Analyst

Content Creation Moderator Content Content

database editing
Moderator User

Fig. 12. Schematic of the personalized content creation

Web server
content K WW
W Cashe
...... Web

page 1
content 3
content 2
Content display Web

content 1 page 2 Web

∆t page N

the content Query editing
Content editing

query N query 3 query 2 query 1

content M content 3 content 2 content 1

Moderators Users

Fig. 13. Schematic of caching the generated pages of a Web-resource

Google Analytics

Ratings/ Questions/
... History Content Cabinet
reviews answers
Web resource
Query 1 representation 5
6 Confirm/decline
Content support
Users Content D D

Search patterns


processing and B

E-commerce system

Fig. 14. Structure of the subsystem of commercial content support

Information technology

Web resource
– “run”“move faster than walk”;
Ratings/ Questions/ reading
History – ”write”“represent symbols at the surface with a tool
reviews answers ... index
сontent display
(for instance, pen)”.
This is representation of words and the definition of
Queue of FIFO type
Filters Support each word. This is a hash table. They use the key of the
queue Content row for another value of the row. The appropriate key
reading content content for from the dictionary returns the value. Most neural net-
Commerci indexing works function in this way. A single neural network is the
Relevant al content Search
replication Query Data indexing bi-directional associative memory, that is it also makes it
content ...
replication possible to transmit the value and receive the keys.
replication reading index Hash tables in programming use keys and values.
reading Client
Search reading For example, the pattern that is sent to the input layer
Statistics Cabinet Client of the neural network is very similar to the process of
patterns recording
typing a key to a hash table. Similarly, the value that is
returned from a hash table as a template is similar to the
Fig. 15. Data flow diagram in the commercial content one returned from the output layer of the neural network.
support subsystem However, the process of functioning of a neural network is
much more difficult than working with hash tables. Neu-
ral networks do not return the empty result NULL but
find the closest value. Therefore, if one completes the “in-
Position 3 Position 1 troduction” to the above neural network, he would proba-
bly get what is expected at “output”. Not enough data for
a neural network to change the response, since there are
Winner only three examples. Thus, probably, we shall obtain at
Below the level of 21.43 % better than the output one of other keys. To begin with, consider the
conversion by 18.37 the preceding one and operator XOR as if it would be a hash table. Truth table for
% below the third 9.76 % better than the XOR is as follows.
best last one – False XOR False=False – [0.0, 0.0]->[0.0];
– True XOR False=True – [1,0, 0,0]->[1.0];
Fig. 16. Personalized content for users – False XOR True=True – [0.0, 1.0]->[1.0];
– True XOR True=False – [1.0, 1.0]->[0.0].
3. Personalization based on the visitor’s profile. E-busi- These representations show the input and the best ideal
ness can see that the Web-resource is visited by different expected output for a neural network. If one sets the perfect
types of users. Thus, the team sets up the profiles and uses result, this is a controlled training. If one does not provide the
the predefined categories to determine to which group a perfect results, then it is the uncontrolled training. Superviso-
visitor belongs. The built-in algorithms capture the inten- ry training trains a neural network to produce a perfect out-
tions of individual visitors in real time when navigating put. Uncontrolled training usually teaches a neural network
through the content of a Web resource. Next, using the to group the input data into multiple groups, defined by the
intelligent personalization of the home page for each cate- original number of neurons. Supervisory and uncontrolled
gory of user, they change the image of a banner and call for training is an iterative process. For a controlled training, each
a response, to focus on performance, as a company with a learning iteration computes how close the actual result is to
personal touch. These changes not only provide the team the perfect output. This closeness is expressed as a percentage
with more potential clients, but also new defined catego- error. Each iteration modifies the internal matrices of weight
ries. In addition, they help focus its strategy for personal- in a neural network to obtain an error at the low level. Un-
ization on the rest of the Web-resource. controlled training is also an iterative process. However, the
4. Personalization based on the stage of flipping through calculation of error is not that simple. There is no expected
content. It is required to register the movement of users output, so one cannot measure how close the uncontrolled
within a Web resource on the eve of a big event. It is nec- neural network to the perfect output, because there is no a
essary to track the movement of early visitors, tracking ev- perfect output. Often, they repeat several iterations, and then
erything from electronic chapters, which were of interest, use the network. If additional training is needed, then it is
before they confirmed their registration for the event. Next, learning. Another very important aspect of the above-spec-
the types of interests that predated the registration must ified training data is a possibility to use them in any order.
be divided into categories. Thus, there forms a clear idea The result “0” XOR “0” will always be “0”. This is not the case
about which areas of the Web-resource are weak, which for all neural networks. For the operator XOR, they probably
left the visitors interested, but failed to inform, and which used a type of the neural network feedforward. A tagger in
informed, but did not motivate. This approach is used for Machine Learning automatically assigns four bogus tags, two
the creation of clear strategies of personalization based on at the beginning and two at the end, to a target expression.
how close a visitor to the registration. Then the neural network learns to automatically assign the
After collecting the personalized user data, we build morpho-syntax descriptions, taking into consideration the
a neural network using the example of a hash table in context, that is, the two previously assigned tags and possible
conventional programming. A hash table is used to rep- tags for the current and the next two words. One word is
resent keys to values. Somewhat similar to a dictionary, characterized by a vector that encodes its morpho-syntactic
for example, description. To encode possible morpho-syntax descriptions,
– “listen”“perceived by ear”;

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies ISSN 1729-3774 2/2 ( 98 ) 2019

we use P(a|w), where every possible attribute has a single cor- 7. Results of research into implementation of the system
responding position inside the encoded vector. for distributing commercial content in the Internet space
according to the needs of the user
C (w, a)
P (a | w) = .
C (w) As an example, we shall use approaches 2 and 3 and
define in Sitecore CMS the following rules for the system.
Vectors are used to encode the possible syntax-morpho To this end, we shall apply Sitecore Rule Set Editor. It is a
descriptions for the current and the next two words. While tool that employs the rules of logic to manage the content.
training, we also compute a list of suffixes with proper mor- The rule set editor is used to create conditional visualiza-
pho-syntactic descriptions that are used at run time to create tions for personalization and contact management. The
a possible morpho-syntactic vector for unknown words. When correct set editor has three main elements: conditions,
such words are found in the data for testing, we approximate actions, and rules.
their possible morpho-syntactic vector using a variant of The rule set editor combines conditions with actions to
the method proposed by Brants. When a tagger is used to a create rules that can be used to implement personalization,
new expression, the system iteratively computes the original to launch scripts, to create steps in the plans of interaction,
morpho-syntactic description for every single word. After the etc. (Fig. 17).
tag was assigned to a word, the vector,
associated with this word, changes
so that it accepts a value of 1 for each
attribute, present in its newly desig-
nated morpho-semantic description.
As a result of encoding each attribute
separately for morpho-syntax descrip-
tions, a tagger assigns new tags that
were never associated with the cur-
rent word in the learning process.
Although it is a good practice to work
with unknown words, it often refers to
that it assigns the value of an attribute
that are not valid for the wordform. To
overcome these types of errors, we use
an additional list of words with their
permitted morpho-syntactic descrip-
tions. For a word, a list is calculated
as the combination of all morpho-syn-
tactic descriptions that appear with
suffixes that are used to this word.
When a tagger assigns a morpho-syn-
tactic description of a particular word,
it selects one of the morpho-syntactic
descriptions of possible word forms in Fig. 17. Creation of conditions for personalization rules in Sitecore CMS
the list with the word using a simple
function of distance: – Conditions consist of logical assertions that determine
whether the condition is true. Sitecore has a series of default
min ∑ | ok - ek |, conditions that one can use, but one can also employ own con-
k =0 ditions. We shall use a condition for the location of the user, to
define a country of origin.
where P is the list of all possible morpho-syntactic de- – Actions are the logical steps that are performed when
scriptions for a given word; n is the length of encoding the one or several conditions in the rule are true. For example, one
morpho-syntactic descriptions (110 bits); o is the output of a can introduce a condition for the registered contacts, which
neural network for the current word; e is a binary encoding hides a registration form filled previously. They usually create
for morpho-syntactic descriptions in P. A WordNet proj- actions that implement a conditional representation of a Web
ect homepage,, is a linguistic resource for contacts that meet the criteria. In addition, they
database that includes a large number of interrelated syn- indicate the actions that hide or show content if the condition
onyms. We shall use them for the work of a neural network. holds. Sitecore has a series of actions by default, but one can
The lexical database WordNet is a current research project, also implement own actions. For example, let us create a rule
which includes the multi-year efforts by professional lin- about changes to content units at a homepage. And, based on
guists. Proper use of WordNet over the past ten years is sim- this and the previous element, we shall create a rule (Fig. 18).
ple, mostly using the database to identify synonyms (synsets – Rules associate one or more actions with one or more
in WordNet) and examining possible parts of a word. We conditions. To this end, one needs to define own conditions
shall use the open utility libraries Java WordNet. There are and actions prior to introducing a rule. In addition, the logical
also good client-side applications with open source software operators are used, such as аnd and or to create combinations
for viewing the lexical database WordNet, the links to which of several conditions and actions. For example, we shall create
are available at the Web site of WordNet. a rule that hides a certain element in the content from con-

Information technology

tacts from a particular region. The conditions for this rule paper or Internet magazine (to define recommendations –
check the geographical location of contacts; if appropriate, which articles would the user wish to see in the first place
respective pages in a Web-resource will not be displayed. (Fig. 21).
Run the console program for
training a neural network in order
to receive the output data in the
form of a table of the most proba-
ble content tags according to the
list assigned by the user in the In-
ternet e-commerce site (Fig. 22).
Estimate the output data
shown in Fig. 23.
The result provided a set of
keywords to the user profile based
on which the system would offer
him, the next time he visits, the
relevant ranked content – articles
about data management have the
advantage over articles on big data
and risk, while the latter have pri-
ority over those on compliance and
administration, etc.
During subsequent vis-
its by this user, the system
would learn taking into con-
sideration not only the naviga-
tion on the Web-resource, but
while reading specific articles.
Fig. 18. Example of a rule in Sitecore CMS regarding the place where a user lives A client-oriented search using
modern information retrieval
metrics greatly improves the pro-
8. Discussion of results of studying the automated cess of personalization of recommendations to the
distribution of commercial content based on SEO regular end user of the Internet e-commerce site.
technologies and Machine Learning However, at present there are no common standards and
functional requirements to the development of a typical system
A path analyzer shows a digital track (or sequence) of for creating referrals based on the personalization of needs
users by displaying it visually in the manner that is easy to and wishes of the end regular user. All projects that were suc-
use. These visual paths reflect life perceptions in order to cessfully implemented and are actively exploited are closed
identify opportunities. If, for example, many visitors stay at non-permanent commercial projects. And we can only guess
certain pages led by clicks, without conversion, it may mean which principles and approaches underlie their work and pro-
that something is not working. A path analyzer would give mote the successful development of e-business. The application
an idea of what has to be started independently or follow the of modern methods of SEO technologies makes it possible to
advice from Sitecore. After several test runs on the Web-site, gather up-to-date information about the user. Application of
one can see the representation of navigation through the artificial neural networks will make it possible to train the
pages in the diagram shown in Fig. 19. system to make personalized recommendations to the end
The possibilities of creating profiles are theoretically un- user. The application of Machine Learning methods makes it
limited. After using the Chrome browser as a unique custom- possible to refine personalized recommendations to the end
er, and performing a consumer activity on the Web-site, we user during subsequent visits to the Internet e-commerce site.
shall consider the obtained results for a user profile in Fig. 20. From a scientific standpoint, this segment of IT is not explored
To summarize the received user profile details: in detail. Each separate project is implemented almost from
– surfing behavior: new visitors vs. returning visitors, the beginning, actually based on own ideas and solutions. The
websites visited, etc.; scientific literature contains limited information about theo-
– purchasing behavior: popular brands, price ranges, retical substantiation, research, conclusions, recommendations,
related products, etc.; generalization for the design of typical systems and for process-
– geographical data and demographics: age and gender; ing Web resources in such systems. There is a need for analysis,
– sociological data: family situation, profession, inter- generalization and justification of existing approaches to the
ests, etc. implementation of e-commerce and to construction of intelli-
In general, if you chose to define these profiles, it strongly gent systems for distributing commercial content based on the
depends on the sector. One needs to constantly ask questions personalization and geolocation methods. It is a relevant task
regarding customers that is functionally possible and prac- to create a complex of technological means based on theoretical
tically possible. Using a practical example, all the above-de- substantiation of methods, models, and principles of processing
scribed takes the following form. We shall provide an ex- Web resources in such systems, built on the principle of open
ample of a short article for training a neural network for the systems, which make it possible to control the process of im-
Internet e-commerce site from the industry of Internet news- proving the distribution of commercial content.

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies ISSN 1729-3774 2/2 ( 98 ) 2019

Fig. 19. Output of statistics on gathering information based on the user profile and his navigation on a Web-resource

Fig. 20. Output of statistics on the activity of a user profile

The use of artificial intelligence gives companies a portunities for visual search. As well as search for relevant
competitive advantage, and it is available for developers products; the artificial intelligence makes it possible for
or enterprises of any size or budget. An excellent example buyers to find additional products, whether it is the size,
is the recent update suggested by Pinterest to its Chrome color, shape, fabric or even a brand. Visual capabilities
extension, which allows the users to select an object from of such software are really great. By initially receiving
any photo on the Web, and then, by using Pinterest, to visual cues from the uploaded images, the software suc-
look for similar objects using software for image recog- cessfully helps the customer find the required product.
nition. It is not only Pinterest that provides new search In other words, owing to visualization and the artificial
experience using artificial intelligence. New software intelligence algorithms the user easily find similar and
platforms that manage e-commerce create innovative op- required goods/services via the Internet e-commerce site.

Information technology

Fig. 21. Example of an article for training a neural network

that consumers should receive the appropriate products
at minimal cost. However, the difficulty is in determining
the proper correspondence between each content and each
individual user. If users’ preferences are similar, we have
a generally correct sequence of the selected content for a
given request, which makes the problem of sorting easier.
However, if users’ preferences are different, that is, if two
users submit the same query and search for different data,
the problem becomes much more difficult. A user who is
looking for Java can search coffee, but finds information
about the programming language Java or a vacation on
the islands of Java. The corresponding features of content
depend on a specific user. For example, a coffee house is
relevant to a user who is looking for coffee but not for
those looking for holiday tours. An optimal order should
be individual. A potential solution to this problem is to
personalize the content sequence. Indeed, all major search
engines have experimented and, in some cases, did add
their personalized content selection algorithms, even for
users who visit a Web-site for the first time.
Some researchers even doubted the importance of
personalization of search results, not only in the context
Fig. 22. Intermediate results from training a neural network of search engines, but also under other conditions. In fact,
this discussion about search results personalization is part
of a larger discussion about the results of personalization
in the context of marketing-mix variables. As regards
privacy, consumers and administrators should understand
that keeping the long histories of users helps reveal situa-
tions when personalization helps.
This paper considered content personalization using
sorting, that is, an optimal customized sorting of content
sequence for getting the required results. The goal is to
build a structure to display personalized content and to
evaluate personalization in general.
In the process, we sought to identify the role of users
Fig. 23. Output data on training a neural network according and the level of queries in personalization. This is a diffi-
to the input data cult problem due to three reasons.
First, one needs a structure with an extremely high
Indeed, receiving optimal results from adding tags and accuracy of prediction. The problem of personalized con-
categories is an important issue because recent research tent in the system is one of the predictions ‒ which result
has shown that it significantly affects the behavior of con- or content will be the best for the user? To organize a list
sumers and the profit of enterprises. At first glance, this of selected results so that the top part displays the most
seems to be a trivial problem; given the set of goods, simply optimal options for each user. Traditional econometric
place them in decreasing order, but of great importance is tools that are used in the literature on marketing are not

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies ISSN 1729-3774 2/2 ( 98 ) 2019

suitable to answer this question because they are designed user. All projects that were successfully implemented and
for causal conclusion to derive the best objective assess- are actively exploited are closed non-permanent commer-
ments, and not for the prediction. That is, they generate cial projects. And we can only guess which principles and
inaccurate predictions. approaches underlie their work and promote successful
Objective assessment are not always the best indica- development of e-business. The application of modern
tors, because they tend to have high variance, and vice methods of SEO technologies makes it possible to acquire
versa. Thus, the problems on forecasting and on causal up-to-date information about the user. Application of ar-
conclusion are fundamentally different and often con- tificial neural networks will make it possible to train the
flicting. Thus, a methodological framework is needed, system to offer personalized recommendations to the end
optimized for the accuracy of prediction. user. Application of the Machine Learning methods makes
Second, they need to include a large number of at- it possible to refine personalized recommendations to the
tributes, and allow complex interactions between them. end user when he revisits the Internet e-commerce site.
The standard approach to modeling in the marketing 3. We have developed the intelligent system for dis-
literature is to accept a fixed functional form to model an tributing commercial content in the Internet space based
output variable, include a small set of explanatory vari- on SEO technologies, neural networks, and Machine
ables, allow several interactions between them, and then Learning. We have also stated general functional require-
to specify the settings related to the predefined functional ments to a system for distributing commercial content in
forms. However, this approach has poor predictive ability. the Internet space. The developed system, based on mod-
Third, the developed approach is an effective and scal- ern methods of SEO technologies with consideration of
able. Efficiency concerns the time of the execution and the metrics for evaluating the work of information-search
deployment of a model, which is as short as possible, at module within a system, makes it possible to select rele-
minimal loss of accuracy. Thus, an effective model loses a vant content according to the user’s personalized inter-
small amount of accuracy, but leads to huge gains during ests. The system has classes and subclasses that include
use. Scalability and efficiency are necessary to run the the real commercial information products, which are
model in real time. To solve these tasks, we refer to the interconnected by logical links, using which performs the
methods of Machine Learning. They ensure the extremely intelligent presentation of content based on the person-
high precision of work with a large number of data attri- alized needs and interests of the user. In addition, based
butes, as well as effective scaling. on modern methods of Machine Learning, the designed
system learns to refine search results for popular content
according to user preferences and personalization.
9. Conclusions 4. We have analyzed results from experimental testing
of the proposed method for the personalization of com-
1. We have considered a task on designing an intel- mercial content according to the needs of the user. The
ligent system for commercial distribution of information purpose of the intelligent system of e-commerce is to sup-
products using the personalized approach to visitors ply unique content based on a personalization approach
based on the categories and tags for content that is inter- and the use of tags. In addition to a standard text entry
esting to visitors. We have designed a general standard of categories and tags based on images and description of
architecture of the corresponding system using methods a product, we have developed an automated process for de-
and means of personalization in the Internet environment fining tags and categories of goods. Context recognition
with a core that automatically recommends tags (cate- that uses deep neural networks now provides a technology
gories) in the form of a neural network with controlled for auto-tagging the descriptions of product at the Inter-
training. Providing a convenient Internet site is essential, net e-commerce sites. The methods can be used to classify
since the Internet e-commerce site help clients find a facial expressions and emotion recognition. The system is
desired product in a more universal way. That makes it designed for the distribution of information technology
possible for visitors to manage their own experience of products (publications, books, courses, videos, files, etc.)
buying, which helps increase the loyalty of customers and via the Internet. Implementation of this system would
makes them more prone to return to the Web resource for make it possible to access a particular kind of content by
more purchases, which in turn would greatly contribute to a wide audience of users, because the site would be posted
e-trade. Artificial intelligence technologies will provide on the World Wide Web, on the other hand, another part
clients with the best services, and individual experiences. of the purpose for creating this system is a commercial
They will also maximize the marketing efforts of a com- component, namely ensuring profits for the owner or ad-
pany, minimizing the need to spend money on ineffective ministrator of the intelligent system, through the mecha-
advertising campaigns. nisms of e-commerce. Our project, when completed, has
2. We have developed a method to personalize com- practical application and could be used as one of the sys-
mercial content according to the needs of the user. The tems of e-commerce on the Internet, provided it is filled
personalized approach to a site user leads to a higher with actual goods and services. If we are to evaluate the
coefficient of sales. The personalization algorithms make degree of its readiness for implementation, then of course
it possible to associate each user with a list of products one must first conduct a relevant study into demand for,
that are most likely to be of interest to him, and can pre- and proposal of, services available in the market prior to
dict what customers may want to see, even if they are not running the entire cycle of works related to e-commerce.
aware about it. However, at present there are no common Success will depend not only on the literacy and quality
standards and functional requirements to the develop- in the design of a Web-resource, but also on interest in the
ment of a typical system of recommendations based on the proposed services, on advertising and awareness about the
personalization of needs and wishes by the end regular resource.

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