Cesc Module 1 and 2

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Human rights are the basic rights and freedoms that are entitled to every person,

regardless of their race, gender, nationality, religion, or any other status.

Social justice is about fairness and equality in the distribution of resources and
opportunities within a society, and addressing systems of oppression and

Gender equality means treating individuals of all genders equally and addressing
systems of discrimination based on gender to create a world where everyone has
equal opportunities.

Natural rights are basic human rights that all people are born with, such as the right
to life and freedom, and are considered universal and unalienable.

Civil rights are the fundamental rights and freedoms that every person is entitled to
as a member of society, such as the right to vote and speak freely, and protect
individuals from discrimination.

Political rights are the rights that enable individuals to participate in the political
process, such as voting and running for office, and are essential for democratic

Social and economic rights guarantee individuals' access to basic necessities like
food, shelter, and healthcare, and provide them with economic security and
protection from poverty and exploitation.

Social justice as a core value helps decision-making in implementing community

action by promoting fairness, equality, and inclusivity. It ensures that the needs and
concerns of all members of the community are taken into account and that
decisions are made with their best interests in mind. Social justice encourages
community members to work together towards common goals, to address and
redress systemic inequalities and injustices, and to create a more equitable society.
When social justice is prioritized, decisions made in implementing community
action are more likely to be effective, sustainable, and equitable, and to promote
the well-being of all members of the community.

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