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NAME: Avril Arleth Senior Seminar Committee Use Only -- DO NOT WRITE IN THIS BOX


*check which you wish to graduate from
Agriculture, Food, + Natural Resources
Arts, Communication, + Information Systems
Engineering, Manufacturing, + Technology
Health Science Technology
Human Services
Business, Management, + Administration

1. Describe your project in one paragraph using action verbs (ex: building, becoming, learning); be as specific and
concrete as you can.

I am going to be shadowing June Piehon a parent counselor and possibliby doing activities with kids at the Steele County
Public Health office. I will also be intoduced to some other Social Workers and I will get to see what a day in their job
looks like, and a little bit more of the full work load. I will learn a lot about what a social worker actually does for a job.
Also, I want to put together some sort of mental helath presentation for the school and/or community. Possibly for a health

2. Why did you choose this area of study, and what do you hope to learn through this project?

I chose this because I am very interested in helping people who need it, especially kids because it’s harder for kids
to speak up for themselves rather than adults. Also, I have been interested in Psychology for a long time and human
services, so this is a great way for me to get more of an insight into that work field.

3. What is your background, or what do you already know about this project area?

I honestly don’t know much, thats why I’m doing this for my project, but I do know that there are different ways
in which social workers can help people including working as a social worker at a prison for the inmates. There are a lot
of in-just policies in the prison, or peope being in there with mental health issues that should rather seak treatment. Also,
social workers help kids that don’t have a great home life. Im pretty sure they can also counsel parents who need it.

4. How is this project a stretch for you?

I’ve never done work like this, or shadowed someone whos done work like this. I’ve also never looked into social
work as much as I am now. I am really having to deep dive into this, which I’ve never done for learning a profession
before. Also, I have never done a presentation this important and large before, so that will be a great experience for me to

5. List all the steps involved and the approximate time each task will take to complete in order to finish your project.
*Remember, this plan will probably change as you work on your project-- that’s expected and is part of the process of learning to do something new!

1. Shadowing/activites- 5 hrs.
2. Planning mental health presentation- 10 hrs planning, creating, and rehearsing together
3. Mental health Presentation- start to finish- 30 mins


MENTOR NAME: June Piepho & Lindsay Jensen

MENTOR PHONE #: 507-444-7683 & 507-273-9956



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