The Security Paradigm. Table of Content

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Good morning, I’m Kurdistan, MSc student in EPU.

In this presentation I’m going to present our research.

This research is supervised by Dr. Reben.

The subject of this research is: 5G and wireless Sensor Network future trends in
the security paradigm.

Table of content:

First of all, I’m going to introduce the 5G integration with WSN and IoT overall.
Then I will talk about research problem in WSN field and the objective of research
is to try to resolve these problems.

Then I will discuss about the attacks of WSN. Then the procedures of generation of
each attack. Also, the detection procedure will be addressed.

I will show you our simulation and results. Also, performance evaluation in field of
Energy, Lifetime and Temperature of sensor nodes

At the end I conclude my presentation with some important points.


As we know 5G, it is a new global wireless standard after 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G.
That is communication technologies encourage the use of mobile networks to not
only link people. But to connect virtually everyone and everything together
including machines, objects and devices and control them.

Because of the 5G has a multi-gigabit per second (Gbps) speed that will have
significant use in the Internet of Things (IoT).

Therefore, the integration of 5G networks and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)

is crucial for the new area of the Internet of Things (IoT), which is used for
different applications. Such as: daily living, manufacturing, health care and
transportation, etc.

We can say, 5G provide an energy efficient, fast and full coverage network
infrastructure for WSN systems. However, the energy consumption and efficiency
of WSNs are major concerns in the IoT.
WSNs are already used in critical monitoring and control applications. Therefore,
security is needed for all sensor networks, to protect WSN environment and
sensitive information that are exchanged between sensor nodes in WSN and to
ensure the operation of sensor nodes due to the security mechanisms.


WSNs are usually more vulnerable to different security threats because the
unguided transmission medium is more ready for security attacks. The most……..

If WSN security is weak, each node established in a network is easy to

compromise, which means that this node is taken out of control of the system and
an adversary node can quickly access whole network by this node, all the data may
be altered and destroyed.

Wormhole and Replay attacks are threats of WSNs. These attackers can
compromise the internal sensor nodes by sending malicious information, attackers
may decrease the sensor nodes’ lifetime from years to days and have a severe
impact on the energy of the sensor network.

Research problem:

As I mentioned above, WSN is faced with security issues today. Because open
network or unguided transmission media, WSN are susceptible to many types of


Energy conservation is critical in WSN because the main source of power for
sensor nodes is battery with a limited energy. It cannot be easily replaced or
recharged. Therefore, power saving is essential to increase the lifetime of sensor

Energy consumption refers to amount of energy that is used by data transmission

and communication between sensor nodes.
The larger amount of energy consumed by sensor nodes during the illegal packet
transmission by the malicious node. As a result, reduces the lifetime of sensor

Research objectives:

To overcome the mentioned problems

WSN in the design phase is essential for identifying security vulnerabilities that
helps to prevent possible problematic vulnerabilities.

Protect WSN…..

As I mentioned above, the main threats to WSN are wormhole and replay attacks,
we proposed………….

The most amount of……..,

It is critical to conserve the energy of the sensor nodes, which increases their
lifetime by lowering energy consumption.

Network Layer Attacks:

Wormhole and replay attacks are different attacks performed in network layer

The first one is wormhole attack

This is dangerous attack in WSN, in this attack the attacker keeps track of the
packets and make a tunnel with other nodes of different communication networks
and the attacker passes the packets through this tunnel.

As shown in this figure,

Step by step I will discuss about how the attacker fined vulnerability and creates a
tunnel inside the network using wormhole attack.

Step 1 we have three type of node sensor node, anchor node and adversary node. In
this step the attacker try to find possible connection between the nodes using the
distance formula.
Step 2 during the connection the nodes find the transmission time and propagation
delay the neighboring nodes.

Step 3 …… step 6

The algorithm of wormhole attack is shown in algorithm 1.

The second one is replay attack

is another type of network layer attack which uses ID of man in the middle and
flood the packet or massage to the destination node, as a result the destination node
suffers from increased energy consumption.

So, in this figure step 1 to step 4 are the same as wormhole attack.

But in step 5……..

The algorithm of replay attack is shown in algorithm 2.

Detection Procedure:

DCPN algorithm is used ….

DCPN based on nonce technique.

Nonce is a random number that is generated for a specific use.

Every packet that is transmitted by each node has a packet nonce and a packet
nonce ID. Also, an adversary node employs the same technique in an attempt to
predict the packet nonce and packet nonce ID.

If the packet nonce and packet nonce ID don’t match the packet received, the
packet will be dropped because it contains malicious data that was sent by an
illegal node.

But For replay attacks detection we use PCD, PCD is based on Packet ID.

Each packet has its own ID whenever a packet is received by the receiver this
packet is counted. If the received packet from adversary is less than the sensor
received packet the replay attack is detected and the las received packet will be

Simulation and results:

WSN localization simulator is used to investigate the robustness and performance

of our algorithms to prevent power consumption during attacks.

During the simulation the following parameters are used.

The important parameters are 200 mobile nodes with 40 byte transmitted packet
size are used……..

Performance evaluation:

Energy consumption:

This diagram demonstrated the energy consumption of each node with a wormhole
attack and with the DCPN algorithm.

The blue line represents energy consumption during wormhole attack And the
other line represent energy of node during DCPN algorithm to detect wormhole

For replay attack used the same way


In this diagram, the lifetime of each sensor node is shown for each round.…….


By implementing our algorithms, the temperature of the sensor will be stable and
will be reduced by 1–2.5 c per 2.5 minutes.

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