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Energy Equation

Examples DE
‫أمثلة على معادلة الطاقة للسوائل‬

Dr. Johain J. F.

1. Understand the energy equation.

2. Ability to use energy equation to analyze
pipe systems.
3. Ability to solve pumping problems.
4. Ability to design turbine piping systems.

.‫ فهم معادلة الطاقة‬.1

‫ القدرة على استخدام معادلة الطاقة للتحليل‬.2

.‫أنظمة األنابيب‬

.‫ القدرة على حل مشاكل الضخ‬.3

‫ القدرة على تصميم أنظمة أنابيب التوربينات‬.4


01 Example 1
System with thermal
02 Example 2
Fire hose nozzle

03 Example 3
Pump Efficiency
04 Example 4
Pressurized reservoir
Miscellaneous example …
‫ درجة مئوية عبر مضخة يبلغ قطر فيها أنبوب التدفق‬20 ‫يتدفق املاء عند‬

‫ تتم محاذاة الخطوط‬.‫ مم‬75 ‫ مم ويبلغ قطر أنبوب التدفق الخارجي‬150
‫املركزية ألنابيب التدفق الداخلي والخارجي بحيث ال يكون هناك فرق في‬
‫ تكون‬،‫ ثانية‬/ ‫ لتر‬30 ‫ عندما يكون معدل التدفق عبر املضخة‬.‫االرتفاع‬
‫ كيلو‬500 ‫ كيلو باسكال و‬150 ‫ضغوط التدفق الداخلي والخارجي‬
‫ وتشير القياسات إلى أن درجة حرارة املاء تزيد‬،‫ على التوالي‬،‫باسكال‬

Example ‫ قم بتقدير املعدل‬.‫ درجة مئوية بني التدفق الداخلي والخارج‬0.1 ‫بمقدار‬
‫ ما هي النسبة‬.‫الذي يتم به توصيل الطاقة بواسطة املضخة إلى املاء‬
‫املئوية تقريبا من مدخالت الطاقة التي تنتجها املضخة نحو رفع درجة‬
Water at 20 C flows through a pump in which the inflow pipe has
a diameter of 150 mm and the outflow pipe has a diameter of 75
mm. The centerlines of the inflow and outflow pipes are aligned
so that there is no difference in elevation. When the flow rate
through the pump is 30 L/s, the inflow and outflow pressures are
150 kPa and 500 kPa, respectively, and measurements indicate
that the temperature of the water increases by 0.1oC between the
inflow and the outflow. Estimate the rate at which energy is
being delivered by the pump to the water. Approximately what
percentage of the energy input by the pump goes toward raising
the temperature?
L=mCp𝝙T= 1000*(30/1000)*4.2*0.1
=12.6 kW = 0.42 kJ/kg
hl=0.42*1000/9.81 = 42.8 m

z1 =
1 2

D = 150 mm
P = 150 kPa
D = 75 mm
Q = 30 L/s
P = 500 kPa
Q = 30 L/s
‫يتم توصيل املضخة بصنبور إطفاء كما هو موضح في‬
‫ حيث من املرغوب فيه إنتاج طائرة ترتفع إلى‬،‫الشكل‬
100 ‫ مترا وتوفر املياه بمعدل‬40 ‫ارتفاع أقصى يبلغ‬
‫ مم‬100 ‫ يبلغ القطر‬،‫ في موقع املرفق‬.‫ ثانية‬/ ‫لتر‬
‫ يبلغ قطر‬.‫ كيلو باسكال‬150 ‫ويقدر الضغط بنحو‬
‫ درجة إلى‬50 ‫ مم وتميل بزاوية‬80 ‫فوهة التفريغ‬
‫ فقم بتقدير‬،‫ إذا تم إهمال خسائر االحتكاك‬.‫األفقي‬
‫الرأس الذي يجب إضافته بواسطة املضخة لتحقيق‬

‫ ما مقدار الطاقة التي سيستغرقها‬.‫الهدف املطلوب‬
‫تشغيل املضخة تقريبا؟‬

A pump is attached to a fire hydrant as shown in figure, where it is desired to Fire hose nozzle
produce a jet that rises to a maximum height of 40 m and delivers water at a
rate of 100 L/s. At the attachment location, the diameter is 100 mm and the
pressure is estimated as 150 kPa. The discharge nozzle has a diameter of 80
mm and is inclined at an angle of 50o to the horizontal. If friction losses are
neglected, estimate the head that must be added by the pump to achieve the
desired objective. Approximately how much power will it take to run the pump?

D = 80 mm
P = 0 kPa
z2 = 40 m

z1 = 0
The suction and discharge pipes of a pump
both have diameters of 150 mm and are at
the same elevation. Under a particular Pump efficiency
operating condition, the pump delivers 1600
L/min, the pressures in the suction and
discharge lines are 30 kPa and 300 kPa,
respectively, and the power consumption is
8 kW. Estimate the efficiency of the pump
under this operating condition. Assume
water at 20oC.
z1 = z2

1 2

D = 150 mm D = 150 mm
P = 30 kPa P = 300 kPa

Q1 = Q2=1600 L/min=26.7 L/s

04 Pressurized reservoir Water is pumped from an open lower reservoir to a
pressurized upper reservoir as shown in figure.
Example Under design conditions, the water level in the
upper reservoir is 30 m above the water level in
the lower reservoir, and it is desired to have a
minimum delivery rate of 20 L/s from the lower to
the upper reservoir. If a 10-kW pump is used and
friction losses in the pipeline are neglected, what
is the maximum allowable air pressure in the
upper reservoir?

(open reservoir) 1
Example A pump delivers water from a source reservoir to a terminal
reservoir through a 200mm diameter pipe as shown in figure.
The water surface elevations in the reservoirs differ by 2 m, and
05 the delivery pipe discharges at an elevation 5 m below the
water surface elevation of the source reservoir. Both the
frictional head loss, hℓ, and the head added by the pump, hp,
are functions of the flow rate, Q, between reservoirs, and these
functional relationships are given by

hℓ = 3V2/2g , hp = 18(1 − 100Q2)

Estimate the flow rate between the reservoirs.

Solution: 1

z=0 2

(open reservoir)
Water flows in a 1-m-diameter
pipeline from a reservoir through a
turbine and discharges freely as
shown in figure. Under design
conditions, the water surface in the
reservoir is 30 m above the discharge
point. The head loss through the
system can be estimated using the
relation hℓ = 0.8V2/2g, where V is the
velocity in the pipeline. (a) If the flow
rate through the system is 10 m3/s,
estimate the power extracted by the
turbine. (b) If the turbine was
removed, what would be the flow rate
through the system?



(open reservoir)

Water is pumped from a lower
reservoir to a higher reservoir
using a pump that delivers 30 kW
of power. The elevation Ans. hP=21 m, Q = 0.146 m /s
difference between the upper and
lower reservoirs is 15 m, and the Water flows through a turbine as
head loss in the pipeline is shown in figure, where the pipeline
estimated as 6 m. Find the flow upstream of the turbine has a
rate in the pipeline, the rate at
2 diameter of 1.2m and the downstream
which energy is lost from the pipeline has a diameter of 1.7m. The
system, and the fraction of input inflow section of the upstream
power that is lost. pipeline is 4 m above the outflow
section of the downstream pipeline.
When the flow through the turbine is 6
m3/s, the pressure at the inflow
section is 450 kPa, the pressure at the
outflow section is −30 kPa, and the
head loss between these two sections
is estimated as 20 m. What is the
power being delivered to the turbine?
Ans. hT=34 m, WT = 2001 kW

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