Tema 2 Curriculum Explicacion

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curriculum vitae works in much the same way as a resume, providing

information about an individual's educational and work history. Often called a
CV for short, it's much more comprehensive than the typical resume and can be
much longer.
There's no limit to how long a CV can be, but it must be focused on academic
and professional experience. A lengthy CV isn't any better than a short one if it
contains fluff or irrelevant data.
A job applicant seeking an academic position, like a teaching appointment at a
college or university or a research position, should always use a CV. If you're
unsure whether a prospective employer wants a resume or CV, use the job
announcement to guide you. It will usually state which document the institution
conjunto de estudios, méritos, cargos, premios, experiencia laboral que ha desarrollado u obtenido
una persona a lo largo de su vida laboral o académica. Se suele exigir en forma de documento con el
fin de justificar la idoneidad de un candidato al optar a un puesto de trabajo. Junto a la carta de
presentación, es el documento destinado a presentar en un único lugar toda la información que puede
resultar relevante en un proceso de selección de personal o en una entrevista.

Full name: yaquelmy martinez Diaz

Address:direccion: street (avenue)1st,house number 91,mella 1, Santiago.
Telephone: 809-575-1992.
Email:bla blagmail.com
Apply for :teacher
About me:

 Personal data : más información personal

Nationality : dominican.
Sex: male…….. female
Marital status:single……. Married IN A RELATION
Date of birth:fecha Nacimiento ejemplo: mes, día año : november 9th 1991
,1ST,2ND,3RD,4TH,5TH,6TH,7TH, 11TH
Place of birth:Santiago.
 Education
Example: Utesa-medicine- 2020-PRESENT
high school plinio …. 2016-2020.

(se pone de la educacion más alta a la más baja)

 Additional skills and interest

Son las habilidades adicionales e intereses puede ser cursos realizados en infotec etc
Ejemplo infotec, computer, 2019.

 Working experience
Se pone la empresa y año de servicio
Claro company, 2018-present. 809-5757 7678

Como solo están en bachiller inventaremos estudios universitarios, experiencia laboral y
otras habilidades.

Job interview common questions.
Are you married? Do you have children?
What and where did you study? I studied
Why do you like that career/area/profession?
what job experience do you have?
What schedule do you like working in?
How would you describe yourself in the professional field?
What do you do in your free time?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
why do you want to work here?

Job interview
A: good morning, my name is ___________, i´m here for the job interview.
B: hello, nice to meet you. Please sit down.Let me your resume please.
A: here you are.
B: tell me where and what did you study?
A: I studied at plinio Martinez, I studied ___________________.
B: very good, what job experience do you have?
A: I was a trainee at ___________ company for a year. There I ______ (actions you do)
B: umm , good and one last question why do you want to work here?
A: because I feel this is the right place to grow professionally.
B: well that’s great. We will call you soon. See you later.
A: thanks a lot.

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