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What is ESG?

A Plain English Guide

Learn what ESG is, why it’s important to your business, how it’s
different from sustainability, and more.
Table of Contents

Introduction 3

What is ESG? 3

Why is ESG important? 4

What are the 3 pillars of ESG? 4

What are some examples of ESG issues? 4

How is ESG different from sustainability? 6

Who regulates ESG? 6

What is ESG reporting, and how do you get started? 7

Where is ESG headed in the future? 8

What role does ESG software play in ESG performance? 9

About Perillon 10

Final thoughts 10
If you’re an EHS professional, executive, or decision- ESG includes everything from air quality and waste
maker, you’ve probably been hearing a lot about ESG. management, to employee health and safety, to diversity
While you might have a general sense of what ESG is all and inclusion, to customer privacy and data security, to
about, it’s a little harder to know what’s involved in business ethics and competitive behavior.
implementing ESG into your organization and how it
ESG is not new, but it is the new normal. Today, more
differs from your existing sustainability efforts. There’s a
companies are talking about ESG in their boardrooms,
lot of industry jargon thrown around, and ESG can look
during earning calls, and on their websites and social
incredibly different from one organization to the next.
media channels.

We’re also seeing more companies taking steps like

linking executive pay to ESG performance — a sign
What is ESG?
that they are integrating ESG into their overall business
ESG stands for environmental, social, and strategy. And for good reason: ESG has become a
governance. It refers to a set of non-financial primary concern among employees, customers,
factors used to measure a company’s impact investors, and regulators.
on its employees, customers, and the
Why is ESG important? What are the 3 pillars of ESG?
Focusing on ESG is important to meet the demands of The three pillars of ESG are environmental, social, and
investors and other stakeholders, who want to know that governance.
the companies they’re supporting are operating
• The environmental dimension is what most of us
sustainably and managing their risks and opportunities.
automatically think of when we think of ESG. It is
It can also help companies lower costs, meet compliance
focused on improving the environmental
obligations, and deliver better financial outcomes.
performance of a company.
Some of the main benefits of ESG include: • The social dimension is focused on a business’

• Streamlined regulatory compliance impact on its employees, customers, and the

• Reduced operating costs community.

• Better shareholder returns • The governance dimension is focused on a
• Stronger customer loyalty business’ leadership and structure.
• Higher employee engagement
Now, let’s look at some examples of ESG issues for each
of these dimensions.
What are some examples of ESG


• Reducing GHG emissions

• Improving resource efficiency
• Recycling
• Emergency preparedness
• Managing climate related
risks and opportunities


• Working conditions
• Health & safety
• Human rights
• Customer satisfaction
• Data and privacy


• Social
• Working conditions
• Health & safety
• Human rights
• Customer satisfaction
• Data and privacy
How is ESG different from This, along with pressure from investors and regulators,
led to the evolution of ESG as a way to measure the
sustainability? sustainability and societal impact of a company.
ESG is often compared to sustainability, but they are not
the same thing. ESG provides a specific set of criteria —
Who regulates ESG?
namely, environmental, social, and governance — that Government agencies are responsible for 90% of ESG
companies can measure and report against. regulations, according to research by MSCI. Financial
Sustainability, on the other hand, is more of an umbrella regulators, central banks, industry and statutory bodies
term for a company’s efforts to “do good”. also play a role.

While there is a significant difference between

sustainability and ESG, they are closely related. In fact,
many of the key concepts of ESG are rooted in the
sustainability movement, which began in the 1980s.
Sustainability sought to preserve natural and physical
resources in order to ensure their long-term availability.
ESG regulations vary from country to country, and
In the decades that followed, many companies took different countries have different practices when it
steps to become more sustainable, like reducing their comes to regulating ESG. In the European Union (EU),
energy consumption and launching recycling programs. regulations like the green taxonomy and the Non-
However, the word “sustainability” was so overused that Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) govern how
it eventually became a cliché. With no clear criteria to companies address and report on ESG issues. In the US,
measure sustainability, some companies resorted to on the other hand, there are currently no mandatory
greenwashing practices that made their businesses ESG disclosure regulations at the federal level. However,
sound more sustainable than they really were. that could all change with the announcement of new
SEC climate disclosure rules.
What is ESG reporting, and how do While these frameworks and examples can help
eliminate some of the confusion around reporting,
you get started? companies still face many ESG reporting challenges as
ESG reporting is the process of collecting data about a they consider integrating ESG into their organization.
company’s environmental, social, and governance
performance and presenting the information in an
organized format that is usually aligned with a reporting
ESG reporting tips
• Engage with stakeholders to determine which
Some of the most common ESG reporting frameworks information is material to your company’s
include: environmental, social, and governance
• CDP • Build a multidisciplinary ESG team and foster
• CDSB collaboration between departments such as
• GRI human resources, operations, product
• IIRC development, procurement, and marketing
• SASB • Gather operational data such as risk
observations, near misses, and environmental
These frameworks can help simplify reporting by measurements
outlining which issues your organization should disclose, • Engage frontline employees in your data
what metrics to track, and even how to structure your collection efforts
• Align your reporting to global and regulatory
sustainability reports. In addition, it can be helpful to
look at ESG report examples from other companies to
get a feel for what yours should look like.
Where is ESG headed in the future? and the Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB) to
form the first ever International Sustainability
While there is still a lot of uncertainty about what Standards Board (ISSB). The goal of the ISSB is to create
information companies should be reporting and how a set of global ESG disclosure standards. These
regulations will shape up in the future, it’s clear that ESG standards would give businesses a standardized way to
is here to stay. Statistics show that as of 2020, 88% of measure and report non-financial performance, and
publicly traded companies, 79% of venture and private provide investors with consistent information to help
equity-backed companies, and 67% of privately-owned them make informed decisions.
companies had ESG initiatives in place — and those
With the growing demand for ESG disclosure comes a
numbers will only continue to grow as new ESG
need for more reliable and timely data. This explains
regulations emerge.
why we are seeing a trend toward companies moving
Today, companies are moving toward a more holistic toward managing ESG at the asset level. Asset-level
approach to ESG. Holistic ESG is about looking at the management refers to the practice of using software and
whole business’ impacts on the world around it. In other sensors to capture data at the source. For example,
words, businesses are moving beyond “going green” and asset-level management could mean collecting
addressing the full range of environmental, social, and information about energy usage for each piece of
corporate governance factors. This includes everything equipment. This yields more detailed information than
from carbon emissions and climate risk, to workplace looking at utility bills for the whole facility. Not only does
safety and human rights, to board compensation and this lead to more prompt and accurate reporting, it can
anti-bribery and corruption. also help you make more informed decisions about how
to improve your company’s ESG performance.
We are also seeing a movement toward more unified
ESG reporting standards. For example, the International
Financial Reporting Standards Foundation (IFRS) recently
consolidated with the Value Reporting Foundation (VRF)
What role does ESG software play in
ESG performance?
ESG software refers to software that serves to centralize
your ESG activities and data. Many companies can use
ESG software to track, manage, and report on their ESG
performance, such as:

Environmental data

ESG software allows you to measure energy usage,

waste, water, and carbon emissions at the asset level.
From there, you can set goals, analyze trends in Compliance
performance, and make sustainable changes to your
enterprise. ESG software brings together your compliance actions,
tasks, data, assessments, and reporting. This gives you a
Health & safety streamlined way to track your compliance
responsibilities and ensure accountability.
With ESG software, you can increase visibility and reduce
health and safety risks across your organization.
Everything from near miss reporting to incident
investigations and corrective/preventive actions live
under one roof.
Final thoughts
More than ever, investors, customers, and employees About Perillon
want answers about how businesses are managing their Responsible Together™
impact on the world around them. This means that a
strong ESG strategy, along with the software to support Perillon provides integrated EHS Management
it, is more than just a "nice-to-have". software solutions committed to customer
experience and service as its top priority.
Perillon is now part of Lisam, a global leader
in SDS/Chemical Management software,
serving more than 1,700 customers from 24
worldwide locations.

Perillon and Lisam provide the most intuitive

and the easiest-to-implement cloud platform
for industrial corporations, setting a new
norm with corporate leaders for how to
efficiently meet new Environmental, Social
and Governance (ESG) goals. Our
comprehensive and modernized set of EHS
applications help employees at all levels in the
organization by inspiring a higher global
standard for sustainable business.

Learn more and request your free demo at

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