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CEN - 664

Group Project
Trip Generation Model for IITR Hostel Students - Aggregate & Disaggregate


Trip generation is the first and foremost phase in the four stage travel demand modeling
process. It predicts the number of trips originating in or destined for a particular traffic
analysis zone (TAZ). In general, it is influenced by numerous factors which include
socioeconomic characteristics of the trip maker, land use characteristics, development of
the area, distance from the city or urban centers. Development of the area whether it is
an urban or suburban area is one of the major factors that affects the trip generation.

Modeling basically relates the dependent variable i.e. trips produced by a zone for
aggregated model or household trip production rate for household based models to the
corresponding Independent variables characterized by the whole zone or household
characteristic respectively. Calibration is done based on the set of observations obtained
corresponding to the zones for aggregate model and for disaggregate model employs a
number of base year observations corresponding to an individual household in a sample
of households drawn randomly from the region.

Project overview

Problem statement
Explore the trip generation (both production and attraction) model for IITR hostel
students using different methods (aggregate and disaggregate analysis).

Task 1: Aggregate Analysis

1.1. Collect Data: Collect data on the number of hostel students, their demographics
(gender, age, etc.), the distance between the hostel and the departments/ markets

1.2. Analyze Data: Analyze the collected data to identify the factors that influence a trip
generation by hostel students. Use statistical techniques such as regression analysis to
estimate the relationship between the number of trips generated and the independent

1.3. Develop a Model: Develop an aggregate trip generation model that estimates the
total number of trips generated by hostel students based on the identified factors.
1.4. Validate the Model: Validate the model by comparing the predicted number of trips
with the observed number of trips generated by hostel students.

1.5 State the applicability of your model for the new hostel close to BEG gate.

Task 2: Disaggregate Analysis

2.1. Prepare a questionnaire: prepare a questionnaire to collect data on the individual

travel behavior of hostel students, such as destination, trip purpose, trip frequency, trip
duration, mode of transportation used, departure time, etc.

2.2. Analyze Data: Analyze the collected data to identify the factors that influence the
travel behavior of hostel students. Use statistical techniques to estimate the relationship
between the dependent and independent variables.

2.3. Develop a Model: Develop a disaggregate trip generation model that estimates the
number of trips generated by individual hostel students based on their travel behavior
and other factors.

2.4. Validate the Model: Validate the model by comparing the predicted travel behavior
with the observed travel behavior of hostel students.

Task 3: Comparison and Interpretation

3.1. Compare the results of the aggregate and disaggregate analysis to identify the
similarities and differences between the two models.

3.2. Interpret the results of the models to identify the factors that influence a trip
generation by hostel students and their travel behavior.

3.3. Discuss the implications of the findings for transportation planning and
management in and around IIT Roorkee campuses.
Site overview

Kasturba Bhawan, the second Girls' Hostel in IIT Roorkee, was established initially as a
two-floor building in the year 2006. As the time passed and the need to house the
increasing number of girl entrants to the institution increased, it was extended four
times and now in its present form is seen as a vibrant seven floored, two winged
multi-coloured building inaugurated in 12 November 2010. The name of the bhawan is
dedicated to Kasturba Ji, who is an inspiration for all girl residents. The Bhawan has
every facility that one needs to live a comfortable life. We live here, not just to survive
but to provide an expression to our lives and this Bhawan is the foundation of it all.
Objective 1 - Aggregate analysis

Zone Identifier Distance from Travel time

KB in m in minutes

Applied science and engineering 850 7


Architecture 450 3

Biotechnology department 1200 10

Chemical engineering 950 8

Chemical sciences 1300 11

Chemistry 950 8

Civil Engineering 450 4

Computer science and 850 7


Earth sciences department 650 5

Earthquake department 140 2

Electrical engineering 850 7

Electronics and communication 750 6


Engineering physics 950 8

Humanities and social sciences 950 8


Hydrology 900 7

Management studies 1000 9

mathematics 950 8

Mechanical and industrial 1100 10


Mehta Family School of Data 850 7

Science and Artificial Intelligence
Metallurgical & Materials 1000 9

Polymer and Process 450 4

Engineering Department

Water Resources Development 550 4

and Management

Physics 950 7

Students Club 850 7

SAC 100 2

MAC 1200 10

Temple 650 5

Library 800 6

Playground 750 6

Century gate 1500 14

Gate number 05 800 6

APJ and Gargi Block 830 7

a) Distance from Kasturba Bhawan to different zone identifiers

b) Time taken to reach different Zone identifiers from Kasturba Bhawan

c) Number of students involved in making trips to different zone

d) Total number of trips being originated or destined between Kasturba

Bhawan and different zone identifiers
i. Factors that are affecting the trip generation model- From the above data , we
can see that there are many factors that are affecting the trip generation of the students.
These factors include the average age of the students traveling for any particular
purpose, the average income of the students traveling for any particular purpose, the
distance between origin and destination, number of students enrolled in different
departments living in Kasturba Bhawan.

ii. Regression Analysis: For the aggregate model, we want to estimate the
relationship between Distance from Kasturba Bhawan (d_in_km), No of students for
each destination (no_of_students), the average income of these students (avg_income)
and the average age of these students (avg_age) with Dependent variable which is the
total number of trips for the destination. To estimate the relationship between a
number of trips generated (Dependent Variable) and independent variables (Distance
from Kasturba Bhawan, No of students for each destination, the average income of
students and the average age of students), we will use a linear regression model. For the
estimation of the results, we have used Statistical Software called “STATA”.

Model functional form:

No. of trips generated for destination = f (Distance, No. of students, Average age,
average income)

Regression Equation :

Number of Trips = b0 + b1*d_in_km + b2* no_of_students +

b3*avg_income + b4*avg_age + Ui

Where b0, b1, b2, b3 and b4 are coefficients and Ui is the error term.

b0 = Intercept term

b1 = change in number of trips if distance from Kasturba increases by 1 KM.

b2 = change in number of trips if number of students increases by 1.

b3 = change in number of trips if average income increases by 1 rupee.

b4 = change in number of trips if average income increases by 1 year.


1- Model Statistics - Model has been estimated for 32 observations (destinations).

Since probability > F = 0.000012 so that model is significantly explaining the number of
trips generated. Adjusted R^2 = 0.544 is also good which is a measure of goodness of fit
of the model. R^2 is 0.6028 which means 60.28% variation in the number of trips
generated for particular origin and destination (dependent variable) is explained by
model independent variables.

Table : Model Statistics

No. of Observation 32

F(4,27) 10.5

Prob > F 0.0

R^2 0.6028

Adj. R^2 0.544

Root Mean 419.5

Table : ANOVA

Source ss df MS

Model 7212131.93 4 1803033

Residual 4751524.95 27 175982.4

Total 11963656.9 31 385924.4

2- Estimated Coefficients: If the distance of the destination from Kasturba Bhawan

increases by 1 KM then average 8.64 trip decreases but the p-value of Coefficient is
0.407 that means d_in_km is insignificant for level of significance below 40%. If the
number of students making a trip from Kasturba Bhawan for a particular destination
increases by 1 then the average 1.13 trip increases but the p-value of Coefficient is 0.0
that means no_of_students is significant even for 1% level of significance. If the average
income of the students making a trip to a particular destination from Kasturba Bhawan
increases by 1 Rs. then average 0.012 trip decreases but the p-value of Coefficient is
0.601 that means avg_income is insignificant for level of significance below 60%. If the
average age of the students making a trip to a particular destination from Kasturba
Bhawan increases by 1 year. Then the average 2.35 trip decreases but the p-value of
Coefficient is 0.964 that means avg_income is insignificant. From the analysis of p value
of coefficients, we can see that most of the factors except no_of_students included in the
model doesn't can’t help in the prediction of the no. of trips.

Table: Coefficients Table

Trips No. Coef. Std. Err. t p>|t|

d_in_km -8.644255 10.26206 -0.84 0.407

no_of_stude 1.128989 0.2123452 5.32 0


avg_income -0.0120618 0.0227843 -0.53 0.601

avg_age -2.358181 51.59482 -0.05 0.964

_cons 497.8159 1055.824 0.47 0.641

So, Finally the estimated model will be

Number of Trips = 497.8159 + (-8.644255)*d_in_km + (1.128989)*

no_of_students + (-0.0120618)*avg_income + (-2.358181)*avg_age + Ui

Model for Aggregate Trip Generation:

As per the above regression analysis, we can identify the independent variables that
have a significant impact on the dependent variable. So we will include
d_in_km(distance), no_of_students, and avg_income(Average Income) and we can
exclude avg_age (average age). The aggregate trip generation model is as follows:

Number of Trips = 497.8159 + (-8.644255)*d_in_km + (1.128989)*

no_of_students + (-0.0120618)*avg_income

1.4 Comparison between the predicted number of trips and observed

number of trips -

Model is good in predicting the number of trips for those zones, which don't have
extremely high or low values of trips. The cause of this result is the high value of the
intercept term (_cons) in the model. From the table below, we can compare the
predicted and observed trips for different zones.

Zone Observed Trips Predicted Trips

(Weekly) (Weekly)

Applied science and 9 119

engineering department

Architecture 189 472

Biotechnology department 240 338

Chemical engineering 557 528

Chemical sciences 209 493

Chemistry 209 270

Civil Engineering 821 575

Computer science and 408 531


Earth sciences department 514 477

Earthquake department 7 125

Electrical engineering 644 529

Electronics and 440 507


Engineering physics 133 508

Humanities and social 164 237

sciences department

Hydrology 79 238

Management studies 131 193

mathematics 586 428

Mechanical and industrial 952 598


Mehta Family School of 10 118

Data Science and Artificial

Metallurgical & Materials 335 528


Polymer and Process 82 123

Engineering Department

Water Resources 112 253

Development and

Physics 313 229

Students Club 844 1363

SAC 2111 1370

MAC 1388 1360

Temple 864 1365

Library 448 964

Playground 948 1024

Century gate 1536 1357

Gate number 05 842 1363

APJ and Gargi Block 2697 2463

1.5 Applicability of the model for the new hostel close to BEG gate -

Since students have homogeneity in their travel patterns and other variables related to
demography etc., we can assume that other factors are the same for the new hostel. We
have predicted the number of trips generated weekly for different zones based on the
distance of different zones from BEG gate while taking other factors same as for the
Kasturba Bhawan. It helps decision-makers to understand the potential impact of the
project and make informed decisions about the allocation of resources. We have
presented the table below which includes the distance from BEG gate (in meters) and
trips predicted (weekly). Predicted trips can help in transport planning and planning for
the infrastructure required for managing the traffic flow. It can help in identifying
potential bottlenecks and the need for additional roads or lanes. This includes
determining the number of lanes, the type of roadway, and the expected flow of traffic.

Zone Distance from BEG Predicted Trips

gate( in meters) (Weekly)

Applied science and 550 79


Architecture 900 398

Biotechnology 750 283

Chemical 750 471


Chemical sciences 900 427

Chemistry 210 260

Civil Engineering 500 536

Computer science 270 515

and engineering

Earth sciences 750 418


Earthquake 1100 31

Electrical 350 506


Electronics and 400 479


Engineering 140 504


Humanities and 170 231

social sciences

Hydrology 950 164

Management 500 158


Mathematics 170 422

Mechanical and 290 582


Mehta Family 400 90

School of Data
Science and

Metallurgical & 850 463


Polymer and 750 438


Water Resources 650 201

Development and

Physics 140 225

Students Club 290 1345

SAC 1100 1075

MAC 1300 1258

Temple 1200 1267

Library 500 1327

Playground 1200 1267

Century gate 1600 1232

Gate number 05 100 1362

APJ and Gargi 600 1319


Objective 2: Disaggregate Analysis

Disaggregate analysis for trip generation involves analyzing individual trip-making

decisions made by people based on their socio-economic and demographic
characteristics, land-use patterns, and transportation infrastructure. The following are
the steps to perform disaggregate analysis for trip generation:
Collect data: Gathering data on individual-level socio-economic and demographic
characteristics, land-use patterns, and transportation infrastructure. This may include
data on the number of households, employment, population, household size, car
ownership, public transit availability, and road network characteristics.

Define trip purposes: Define the purpose of trips, such as work, shopping, education,
or recreational activities. This information will help in identifying the types of trips
made by individuals and their trip-making behavior.

Develop models: Develop models to estimate the number of trips made by individuals
based on their socio-economic and demographic characteristics, land-use patterns, and
transportation infrastructure. These models may be regression models or other
statistical models that help in identifying the factors that influence trip-making

Analyze data: Analyze the data using the models developed in step 3 to estimate the
number of trips made by individuals for each trip purpose. This will help in
understanding the factors that influence trip-making behavior and how different
socio-economic and demographic characteristics, land-use patterns, and transportation
infrastructure affect trip generation.

Validate the models: Validate the models using different statistical techniques such
as cross-validation, sensitivity analysis, and goodness-of-fit tests. This will help in
ensuring that the models are robust and provide accurate estimates of trip generation.

Use the models: Once validated, the models can be used to forecast trip generation for
different scenarios, such as changes in land-use patterns, transportation infrastructure,
or socio-economic and demographic characteristics. This information can be used by
transportation planners and policymakers to plan for future transportation
infrastructure and to make policy decisions related to land use and transportation
2.1 Data collection
For collecting data on an individual level ,a questionnaire was prepared and circulated
among the Kasturba Bhawan hostel students.
Out of 859 students residing in the hostel,91 responses were recorded through
questionnaire surveys i.e approximately 10.6% of the total residing students.

Observation and Analysis


From the sample taken,about 69% of the students were UG students ,22% of the
students were doing PG and 9% of them were from PhD.
Most of the students were from UG 4th year,followed by UG 3rd year,PhD 2nd year etc.
The least were from PhD 4th year.

Average age of PhD students was 29 years, whereas UG and PG students had an average
age of 20 and 26 respectively.

32.96% of students in UG belong to the age group of 18-20,whereas PG students

(17.58%) belong mostly in the age group of 24-26 and PhD scholars belong to the 26+
age group.
Travel Behaviour Data

From the graphical representation of the data,we can see that most of the PhD scholars
use other modes of transport which includes walking,2 wheelers.Only 25% of total Phd
scholars use cycle.Most of the PG students use cycle for commuting whereas UG
students depend on E rickshaws.
Students belonging to the age group of 26+ use other modes of transport like walking ,2
wheelers etc for commuting while the age group of 24-26 are the most common users of
cycle. The 18-20 age group prefer E rickshaws for transportation.

The average daily trip frequency for attending lectures for UG students is found to be 6
while that of PG and PhD is 4.

The average weekly trip frequency for attending classes for UG students is found to be
14 while that of PG and PhD is 13 and 11.
The average weekly trip frequency for non class activity for UG students is found to be
16 while that of PG and PhD is 14 and 18.

Course Monthly Individual

Income Level(Rs)

PG 12400

PhD 31000

UG 0

The monthly income of students according to the courses are listed in the table
above.Income level is obtained on the basis of the scholarship they receive monthly.
Also we can see that depending on the income,the number of trips made by PhD
scholars for non class activities is more compared to the PG and UG student’s trip
frequency for the same.

The peak hour time period when most of the trips are made are during 9-11 am in
the morning, 12-2 pm at noon and 5-7 pm in the evening.The peak hour during
weekdays and weekends vary. During weekends, peak hours in the evening are between
6-9 pm. 60% of the respondents leave the hostel during 9-11 am in the morning for
lectures.Almost 80% of the respondents return to the hostel between 12-2pm for lunch
and 50 % leaves hostel to attend classes.70% of the trips are generated during the
evening peak hour between 5-7 pm when the respondents come back to hostel after
classes and goes out for social activities,temple,sports,students club,shopping etc.


I- Factors that influence the travel behavior of hostel students - From the
above data we can see that there are many factors that affect individual travel behavior.
From the data, we have identified a few factors that affect the travel behavior of hostel
students at individual level. These factors include Gender, Age, Travel Mode (Cycle,
E-rickshaw, and others), and Course (UG, PG, PhD), No. of classes daily, Day (Is it
weekend or not), Purpose of the trip.

Regression Analysis - For the aggregate model, we want to estimate the relationship
between dependent variable (total number of trips generated by each individual) and
independent variable (Individual Income Level, Trip frequency for daily classes, Mode
used (Cycle, E-rickshaw or others),age, year, course of study (UG, PG or PhD)). Two
independent variables are categorical in nature 1)- Mode Used 2)- Course of the study.
Mode used has three categories (Cycle, E-rickshaw, Others) and the Course of the study
also has three categories (UG, PG or PhD). To estimate the relationship between the
number of trips generated by each individual (Dependent Variable) and independent
variables, we will use a linear regression model. Since we have a categorical variable in
the model, we have to leave one category of each categorical variable to avoid Dummy
Variable Trap. So we are dropping e-rickshaw from modes of travel and UG from
courses of study. For the estimation of the value of the coefficients, we have used
Statistical Software called “STATA”.

Model functional form:

No. of trips generated by each individual = f (Individual Income Level, Trip frequency
for daily classes, cycle , other mode, age, year, PG, PhD)
Regression Equation(For Disaggregate Analysis):

Number of Trips generated by Individual = b0 + b1*Individual income level +

b2* tf classes daily +b3*Others + b4*cycle + b5*age + b6*year + b7*course pg +
b8*course phd + Ui

Where b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8 are coefficients and Ui is the error term.

b0 = Intercept term

b1 = change in number of trips if an individual student’s income changes by 1 Rs.

b2 = change in number of trips if Trip frequency for daily classes increases by 1.

b3 = change in number of trips due to use of other modes except cycle and E-rickshaw.

b4 = change in number of trips due to use of cycle.

b5 = change in number of trips if age changes by 1 year.

b6 = change in number of trips if course of study increases by 1 year.

b7= change in number of trips due to course of study is PG

b8 = change in number of trips due to course of study is PhD


1- Model Statistics - Model has been estimated for 91 observations (as per the
responses to the questionnaire). Since probability > F = 0.000007 so the model is
significantly explaining the number of trips generated. Adjusted R^2 = 0.6668 is also
good which is a measure of the goodness of fit of the model. R^2 is 0.6964 which means
69.64% variation in the number of trips generated for a particular origin and destination
(dependent variable) is explained by model-independent variables.
Table: Model Statistics

No. of Observation 91

F(8,82) 23.51

Prob > F 0.0

R^2 0.6964

Adj. R^2 0.6668

Root MSE 2.7165

Table: ANOVA

Source ss df MS

Model 1387.95 8 173.4894

Residual 605.12 82 7.379

Total 1993.033 90 22.145

Estimated Coefficients: If the individual income level increases by 1 Rs. then

individual trip increases by 0.000125. P-value for individual income level is 0.336 that
means the coefficient is significant only when the level of significance is less than 34%.
Trip frequency for daily classes (tfclassesdaily) is 4.28. That means due to increase in 1
average daily class trip total trip frequency increases by 4.28 and p-value is 0.00001
which is quite low that means coefficient of tfclassesdaily is significant for 1% level of
significance. Coefficient of other modes (Others) is -0.4236 and p-value for it is 0.559.
That means use of other modes is an insignificant variable for levels of significance less
than 55%. It is here notable that the level of significance for checking the significance of
the variable depends upon what level of significance is being chosen by the modeler. For
most of the statistical analysis, level of significance is taken as 1%,2.5%, 5% or 10%. Use
of other modes (walking or else) causes a decrease in 0.4236 trips in comparison to
E-rickshaw. Cycle as Mode of travel causes an increase in trip frequency by 0.9034 trips
in comparison to E-rickshaw . P-value for this variable is 0.21 that means variable is
significant for 21% level of significance. Increase in age of the individual by 1 year causes
an increase in total trip frequency by 0.1582 and for a 16% level of significance this
variable will be significant. The year in which an individual is studying has a negative
impact and for an increase in one year the trip frequency decreases by 0.5457. This
variable will be significant for 19% of significance. Total trip frequency decreases by 2.3
trips for PG course (coursepg) in comparison to UG course students’ trip frequency and
it is significant for 5% level of significance. Coursephd is quite insignificant. Because its
p-value is 0.824. It causes a decrease in trip frequency by 0.55 trips in comparison to
the trip frequency of UG course students. The value of constant term (intercept) is 7.9
and it is significant for even 1% level of significance. It means that use of E-rickshaw as a
mode by UG students causes 7.2 trips weekly when all other variables are not present.

Table: Coefficients Table

tftotal Coef. Std. Err. t p>|t|

Individualinco 0.000245 0.0000515 0.48 0.336

me level

tfclassesdaily 4.28 0.359 11.92 0.00001

Others -0.4236 0.722 -0.59 0.559

cycle 0.9034 0.715 1.26 0.21

age 0.1582 0.111 1.42 0.159

year -0.5457 0.411 -1.33 0.188

coursepg -02.3 1.51 -1.99 0.05

coursephd -0.55 2.47 -0.22 0.824

_cons 7.9 2.21 3.57 0.001

2.3 Disaggregate Trip Generation Model

As per the above regression analysis, we can identify the independent variables that
have a significant impact on the dependent variable. So we will include
individualincome_level(Individual Income), tfclassesdaily(Trip frequency for daily
classes), cycle (mode of travel), age, year (year of the study), coursepg (course of the
study) and we can exclude coursephd and others (mode of travel). The aggregate trip
generation model is as follows:

Number of Trips generated by Individual = 7.9 + 0.000245*Individual income

level + 4.28* tf classes daily -0.4236*Others + 0.9034*cycle + 0.1582*age - 0.5457*year
- 02.3*course pg

2.4 Model Validation

For the validation of the model, we will predict the total number of trips generated by 10
students on the basis of independent variables that are included in the model. And we
will compare the actual value and predicted weekly total trip frequency for each student.

Sr. No. Actual Value (tftotal) Predicted Value


1 21 22

2 23 23

3 27 26

4 26 27

5 14 19

6 23 24

7 18 24

8 5 26

9 21 18

10 19 22
Objective 3: Comparison and Interpretation

3.1 Result Comparison

Aggregate Analysis Disaggregate Analysis

For the estimation of relationship

To estimate the relationship between the
between number of trips generated
number of trips generated by each
(Dependent Variable) and independent
individual (Dependent Variable) and
variables (Distance from Kasturba
independent variables, a linear regression
Bhawan, No of students for each
model has been used.
destination, the average income of
students and the average age of students),
linear regression model is used.

For the estimation of the results,

For the estimation of the value of the
Statistical Software called “STATA” has
coefficients, Statistical Software called
been used.
“STATA” has been used.

Probability > F = 0.000012 so that model Probability > F = 0.000007 so the model
is significantly explaining the number of is significantly explaining the number of
trips generated. trips generated.

Adjusted R^2 = 0.544 is also good which Adjusted R^2 = 0.6668 is also good
is a measure of goodness of fit of the which is a measure of the goodness of fit
model. of the model.
R^2 is 0.6028 which means 60.28% R^2 is 0.6964 which means 69.64%
variation in the number of trips generated variation in the number of trips generated
for particular origin and destination for a particular origin and destination
(dependent variable) is explained by (dependent variable) is explained by
model independent variables. model independent variables.

Most of the factors except no_of_students Most of the factors except

included in the model can’t help in the no_of_students included in the model
prediction of the no. of trips. can help in the prediction of the no. of
trips except coursephd and others (mode
of travel).

Independent variables that have a Independent variables that have a

significant impact on the dependent significant impact on the dependent
variable are d_in_km(distance), variable are
no_of_students, and individualincome_level(Individual
avg_income(Average Income). avg_age Income), tfclassesdaily(Trip frequency for
(average age) is excluded in the model. daily classes), cycle (mode of travel), age,
year (year of the study), coursepg (course
of the study).

3.2 Result Interpretation

The distance from a specific destination affects the no. of trips generated. Average
income and no. of students residing in the bhawan also plays a significant role.
Results from disaggregate analysis gives a better explanation for the no. of trips
generated from Kasturba Bhawan, considering its R^2 value is better than the aggregate

3.3 Result implication in and around IIT Roorkee

The results may or may not be applicable to other areas in and around IIT Roorkee, as
no. of trips generated would majorly depend on the factors generating the trips, which
may be zone specific or individual specific, depending on the analysis method used. The
number of trips may vary depending on the above factors, which is why the exact same
model won’t necessarily hold true for other bhawans/areas in and around the campus.

As most trips are generated for SAC, if we assume a similar kind of pattern for other
bhawans/hostels as well, considering the mode of transport to be majorly walking or
cycling according to the survey results, we can promote the provision of dedicated
paths/lanes for such users to avoid accidents and mixed traffic.

As most of the trips observed are nearby places only, we can predict that students tend
to traverse around the campus, preferably to amenities available nearby.
Efforts By -

Name Enrolment Number

Aparna Anil 22554002

Harsh Bamniya 22554003

Nainsi Gupta 19113085

Oshin Agarwal 22554004

Rajat Kumar 22916037

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