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Document Development Exposition: Instructions

Explain in detail your document’s development from planning to finish, describing your
challenges, how you overcame them, and what you learned.

When trying to figure out what to write my instructions packet on, I thought of
different things I routinely do. Since coming to college, I have helped plan and
prepare Shabbat dinners at my synagogue with other college students. Many of
my Jewish peers grew up celebrating Shabbat every week with their families,
while others were starting to introduce themselves to observing Shabbat. I
wanted to make a guide that would simplify the process.

First Draft (for peer editing)

I drew out the process of preparing a Shabbat dinner. It can take a lot to prepare
for a Shabbat dinner, so I wanted to draw out the process over a few days so that
one does not have to cram the process into one day and possibly not be able to
complete something once Shabbat starts, as there are different rules regarding
work and turning on electric items during Shabbat.

Second Draft (for your packet)

After receiving peer feedback, I clarified different terms that may be unfamiliar
to non-Jews. I did not take this into consideration originally because I come
from a background where it is expected that one knows different terms in Jewish
culture. Through the peer feedback, I learned that I need to define cultural-
specific terms.

Final Draft (for your portfolio)

I added visuals to my instructions and added some clarifications.

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