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The Ultimate Elementary Ceramics Tracking Kit

Included in this kit are 4 forms/tracking sheets to help you

keep track of all your student ceramics projects!
Kiln Firing Sheet: Use this helpful sheet to keep track of what you’ve loaded into
the kiln from the bottom up. This sheet allows you to track loading, firing, and
unloading by date. Mark the firing as bisque or glaze and what cone you’ve fired
to. Additional columns allow you to label the work by teacher and project. There
also a place for any notes related to the firing. Just in case, another area allows
you to write down pieces that broke during the firing.

Tray Labels: Do you store your student’s ceramics on a tray? In a box? On a shelf?
Either way if you teach hundreds of kids, your keeping track of hundred pieces of
art! These small tray labels can be stapled, taped, or placed near ceramic pieces
to help you keep track of the work. Print a few sheets, trim them, and keep
them with your student’s work so you know exactly what belongs to who.

Art Project Tracking Sheet: This versatile page allows for you to map out your les-
sons for the entire week for all of the grade levels you teach.

Glaze Tracking Sheet: Do you want to know what glazes your student has used on
a specific piece? Do you sometimes try funky glaze combinations? This mini slip
will help you keep track of that information. Each slip allows for the student to
write their information on top. The bottom has a place for students to write infor-
mation for up to four different glazed areas, keep track of color and the number
of coats applied!

Art with Heather Marie 2018

Date Loaded: Date Fired: Firing Complete: Date Unloaded:

Firing Details Shelf Layer Teacher/Day Item/Project

Bisque Bottom

Cone ####


Cone ####


Notes: Broken Pieces:

Date Loaded: Date Fired: Firing Complete: Date Unloaded:

Firing Details Shelf Layer Teacher/Day Item/Project

Bisque Bottom

Cone ####


Cone ####


Notes: Broken Pieces:

Art with Heather Marie 2018



Date Produced

Earthware: Bisqueware: Glazed: Complete:



Date Produced

Earthware: Bisqueware: Glazed: Complete:



Date Produced

Earthware: Bisqueware: Glazed: Complete:



Date Produced

Earthware: Bisqueware: Glazed: Complete:



Date Produced

Earthware: Bisqueware: Glazed: Complete:

Art with Heather Marie 2018
Art Project/Lesson Tracking Sheet
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
First Grade

Art with Heather Marie 2018

Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade
Name: Name:

Homeroom: Homeroom:

Project: Project:

Area: Glazed: # of Coats: Area: Glazed: # of Coats:

Area: Glazed: # of Coats: Area: Glazed: # of Coats:

Area: Glazed: # of Coats: Area: Glazed: # of Coats:

Area: Glazed: # of Coats: Area: Glazed: # of Coats:

Name: Name:

Homeroom: Homeroom:

Project: Project:

Area: Glazed: # of Coats: Area: Glazed: # of Coats:

Area: Glazed: # of Coats: Area: Glazed: # of Coats:

Area: Glazed: # of Coats: Area: Glazed: # of Coats:

Area: Glazed: # of Coats: Area: Glazed: # of Coats:

Art with Heather Marie 2018

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