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Journal of Clinical Neuroscience (2005) 12(4), 375–378

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The role of a2-agonists in neurosurgery

JR Cormack1 MBBS FANZCA, RM Orme2, TG Costello1
Department of Anaesthetics, St. Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne, Vic., Australia, 2Department of Anaesthetics, The Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne, Vic.,

Summary a2-agonists have been extensively used and studied in anaesthesia and intensive care medicine. A list of benefits includes
anxiolysis, blood pressure stabilization, analgesia, anaesthetic sparing effects and sedation without respiratory depression or significant
cognitive impairment. Fear of inadvertent hypotension, bradycardia or post-operative sedation, and the variability of the haemodynamic
response to different doses or rates of administration, have meant that universal acceptance in clinical practice has not yet been seen.
Recently, the actions of these agents on the a2-adrenoreceptor and the imidazoline receptor have been more accurately identified, helping to
explain the differences between the actions of various agents. The two readily available agents, clonidine and dexmedetomidine have already
been used in many different anaesthetic situations, for a wide variety of surgical procedures. We believe that both of these a2-agonists are
useful adjuncts for the management of the neurosurgical patient during surgery, and in the intensive care unit.
ª 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: a2-agonists, clonidine, dexmedetomidine, neurosurgery, anaesthesia

PHARMACOLOGY OF a2-AGONISTS that setting, particularly for ventilated patients where neurological
assessment is required.12–14 Dexmedetomidine has the advantage of
a2-agonists act at the a2-adrenoreceptor and the imidazoline
having six times the selectivity for the a2-receptor compared with
receptor.1–3 a2-receptors are located in the brain, spinal cord
clonidine,15 with more rapid onset and shorter duration of action.
and periphery and have been sub-classified to a-2a, a-2b, and
Early hopes that reversal of a2-agonists with atipamazole would
a-2c4 and more recently according to subtype genes.5 They act
add increased utility have thus far been unrealised due to an unac-
pre- or post-synaptically via G-protein coupled mechanisms.2 In
ceptable side effect profile.16 Clonidine also acts at imidazoline
the brain, a2-agonists mediate sedation via the a2a receptor in
receptors but has a lower a2a to imidazoline receptor selectivity
the locus coeruleus.6 This occurs as a result of membrane hyper-
than dexmedetomidine. Imidazoline agonists produce hypotension
polarisation by a G-protein coupled increase in potassium conduc-
via I-1 receptors in the rostral ventrolateral medulla, and analgesia
tance, and decreased release of the mediator noradrenaline.
via I-2 receptors in the spinal cord. The imidazoline receptors have
a2-receptors in the substantia gelatinosa of the spinal cord mediate
no role in sedation or anaesthetic action.
analgesia, again by G-protein coupled increases in potassium con-
ductance and inhibition of calcium conductance at N-type calcium
channels. The action of a2-agonists in the periphery results in di- PRE-OPERATIVE USE
rect smooth muscle vasoconstriction,7 inhibition of insulin from
islet cells in the pancreas,8 inhibition of lipolysis and platelet With close to 100% oral bioavailability, peak plasma concentra-
aggregation.9 When considering the use of a2-agonists for neuro- tion in 1–2 h and duration of action of 6–12 h, oral clonidine pro-
anaesthesia it is important to note that the potential deleterious ef- vides sedation and anxiolysis in a dose of 2–3 lg/kg.17
fects of hyperglycaemia10 and platelet aggregation11 are largely Dexmedetomidine has also been used anecdotally as a premedi-
negated by the decreased stress response to surgery. Other effects cant given by intramuscular injection in doses of 0.5–1.5 lg/
of xerostomia and decreased gut motility, renal inhibition of renin kg.18 This a2 mediated sedation differs from benzodiazepines or
release, increased sodium and water excretion and increased glo- opioids by allowing the patient to be roused easily with minimal
merular filtration2 are of no clinical importance in the routine per- respiratory depression if appropriate doses are used.12,14,19,20
ioperative setting. These qualities are of particular advantage for patients facing
Clonidine has long been available as an antihypertensive but has intracranial surgery.
been superseded by newer agents without any sedative actions. On
the other hand, the mild sedative, anxiolytic and anaesthetic- INTRAOPERATIVE USE
sparing effects of clonidine make it a suitable adjunct to anaes-
thesia for many neurosurgical operations. Medetomidine and Intracranial surgery
dexmedetomidine have long been available in veterinary practice By virtue of the reduction in sympathetic tone and inhibition of
and dexmedetomidine has recently been introduced into intensive peripheral noradrenaline release, a2-agonists reduce the hyperten-
care practice for sedation, offering a unique mode of sedation in sive responses to certain critical phases of many neurosurgical pro-
cedures. Tracheal intubation,21–24 head pin holder application25 and
extubation26,27 have been shown to have less associated hyperten-
sion in the presence of a2-gonists. Overall, intraoperative haemody-
Received 20 April 2004 namic stability may be improved with the use of clonidine28,29 but
Accepted 1 June 2004 this effect is not noticed in all groups, for example patients undergo-
Correspondence to: J.R. Cormack, Unit 7/13, Brunswick Street, Fitzroy, Vic., ing carotid artery surgery.30 Interestingly in these vascular patients,
3065, Australia. Tel.: +61 3 94173600; Fax: +61 3 94171295; reduced perioperative myocardial ischaemia occurs with clonidine
E-mail: despite the absence of improved haemodynamics.31 In anaesthesia

376 Cormack et al.

Dexmed = dexmedetomidine, HR = heart rate, MAP = mean arterial pressure, CBF = cerebral blood flow, CPP = cerebral perfusion pressure, ICP = intracranial pressure, CVR = cerebrovascular resistance, AVDO2 = arteriovenous
for craniotomy, haemodynamic stability and avoidance of perioper-

No change
ative hypertension are essential, particularly for tumour surgery,

cerebral aneurysm and arteriovenous malformation surgery. Care
must be exercised with intravenous clonidine, as rapid injection will
result in a1-receptor activation with consequent increase in systemic

vascular resistance and brief hypertension.

The anaesthetic-sparing properties of a2-agonists are well
recognised with both volatile and intravenous anaesthesia32–35

and while some may argue that it is preferable to give more of
the primary anaesthetic agents such as propofol or remifentanil,

we prefer to add an a2-agonist in order to smooth induction and
extubation, to avoid sudden emergence pain,36,37 tachycardia,28


hypertension26 and agitation,38 and to save considerably on the
overall cost of the anaesthetic.

No change
No change
While a2-agonists have little effect on intracranial pressure,39,40

direct activation of cerebral a2b-receptors may result in cerebral
vasoconstriction (and perhaps more importantly venoconstriction),
which combined with reduction in mean arterial pressure (MAP)

may reduce cerebral perfusion. The reduction of cerebral perfusion

pressure (CPP) with clonidine seems to closely follow MAP, and
MAP reduction is dependent on route of administration (oral ver-
sus intravenous) and dose, with 2–3 lg/kg orally causing the least

Transient rise
No change
No change
No change

No change
disturbance. The clinical advantage of this is in theoretically better
operating conditions but conversely a reduction of CPP may be

critical in patients with raised ICP, for example, those with severe
head injury.41 A non-randomised study incorporating clonidine to
reduce intracerebral blood volume and favouring the ‘‘Lund Prin-

No change

ciple” of normovolaemic vasoconstriction improving microcircu- CPP
lation, in patients with raised ICP, showed that there may be
some outcome advantages in using clonidine under certain, highly
controlled circumstances.42 Our recommendation is to use a2-
CO2 reactivity

agonists with great caution in patients with raised ICP. a2-agonists

No change

No change

No change
have been implicated in the uncoupling of cerebral blood flow and
cerebral metabolic requirement for oxygen, however other studies
have shown that a2-agonists have no effect on cerebral metabolic
requirement for oxygen.41,43 Therefore, the clinical relevance of
No change
No change

these findings is still unclear when reasonable blood pressure is



maintained. Our application of this information has led to the safe

and successful use of these agents for intracranial surgery over the
last decade, with the caveats of particular care to maintain an ade-
No change
No change

quate MAP with preoperative volume replacement and avoidance



in patients with suspected acute raised ICP.


With clonidine there is a suggestion that cerebral autoregula-

tion, even in the head injured patient, is not abolished and that
No change

the cerebral vasculature may dilate to compensate for a reduction



in MAP.43 Fale et al.44 further demonstrated in dogs, that dex-

medetomidine limits the vasodilatory effect of raised PaCO2.

No human studies have been performed to examine cerebral pro-

tection or ischaemia, however in rabbits and rats, dexmedetomi-
Clonidine 2.5 lg/kg
Dexmed 600 pg/ml

Dexmed 10 lg/kg

Dexmed 10 lg/kg
Dexmed 10 lg/kg
Dexmed 30 lg/kg
Clonidine 1 lg/kg

Clonidine 1 lg/kg

Dexmed 4 ng/ml

dine conveys dose related cerebral protection from

Table 1 Summary of reported effects of a2-agonists

ischaemia,45,46 and in dogs there was no evidence of cerebral

Drug used

ischaemia despite reductions of cerebral blood flow. Reports of


the effects of a2-agonists relevant to neurosurgical anaesthesia

are summarised in Table 1.


Awake craniotomy
difference in oxygen content.

Because dexmedetomidine induces a state of sedation with clear





sensorium, analgesia and minimal respiratory depression, it has



been used as a sedative for awake procedures in neurosurgical pa-

tients. It is a more titratable agent than clonidine for intraoperative

use; however, oral clonidine is a good premedicant in this often anx-



ious group of patients.47 Lower dosage ranges are suggested for this




procedure (0.01–0.2 lg/kg/min) during cognitive testing and corti-

cal mapping48,49 as higher doses can impair patient responses.50

Journal of Clinical Neuroscience (2005) 12(4), 375–378 ª 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
a2-agonists in neurosurgery 377

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Journal of Clinical Neuroscience (2005) 12(4), 375–378 ª 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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