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Amazon mandates 3-day office week for employees

Neha Parab

Colleague ID: 0608679


LEAD 300: Management and Leadership

April 19, 2023


Amazon mandates 3-day office week for employees

“Amazon tells employees to be in the office at least three days a week, CNBC

published at 17th Feb 2023, last updated at 21st Feb 2023 written by Annie Palmer “

The article discusses Amazon's decision to require employees to work in the office at

least three days a week. The company has provided flexibility to employees to work from

home since the start of the pandemic. However, they are now shifting towards a more

hybrid model that requires employees to work from the office for a few days a week. This

decision is based on the belief that working in the office would improve collaboration,

productivity, and innovation.

The key management/leadership issues are employee satisfaction, productivity, and

innovation. Amazon's management is addressing these issues by mandating employees to

work from the office for at least three days a week. However, the decision has received

criticism from employees who prefer the flexibility of working from home. The management

needs to address these concerns and communicate effectively to employees about the

benefits of working in the office.

In my opinion, the management/leadership has taken a step in the right direction by

implementing a hybrid model. This approach balances the benefits of working from home

and in the office, such as flexibility and collaboration. However, the management needs to

be flexible and considerate towards employees who prefer to work from home. This

approach not only allows employees to have a better work/life balance, it also allows them

to have some control over their work environment and schedule. Additionally, it creates a

more diverse mix of ideas and perspectives which can lead to better decision making. This

approach also creates a more productive work environment as employees can work in an

environment that best suits their needs. Furthermore, it encourages collaboration as

employees can easily communicate with each other, regardless of their physical location,

through video conferencing, instant messaging, and other digital tools. In addition, it allows

managers to monitor and manage their team’s progress more effectively, as well as

encourages employees to take ownership of their work.

The article relates to the course reading on leadership types and communication. The

decision by Amazon's management to mandate employees to work from the office reflects

an authoritarian leadership type. The company's leadership needs to communicate

effectively with employees to ensure that they understand the reasons behind the decision.

Effective communication will help to build trust and improve employee satisfaction. It is

important for leaders to be able to communicate effectively and build trust with their

employees. This article provides a good example of how a company's leadership can use

communication to build trust and ensure that employees understand the reasons behind

the decisions that are being made. This is an important lesson in the importance of effective

communication in leadership.

The course reading also highlights the importance of employee satisfaction and

motivation in achieving organizational goals. The management needs to consider the needs

of employees when making decisions that affect their work environment. This approach will

help to improve employee satisfaction, productivity, and innovation.

I would say that the decision by Amazon's management to mandate employees to

work from the office is supported by the course literature. However, the management

needs to be flexible and considerate towards employees who prefer to work from home. As

the manager, I would communicate effectively with employees and provide them with the

necessary support to ensure a smooth transition to the new hybrid model. I would also be

open to feedback from employees and make changes where necessary to improve

employee satisfaction and motivation. In order to do this, I would provide employees with

the resources and tools they need to work from home, such as laptops and video

conferencing software. I would also ensure that employees have clear expectations of their

roles and responsibilities and provide regular feedback on their performance. Additionally, I

would foster a culture of collaboration and trust between employees and the management,

so that everyone feels comfortable and supported.

Russel Honore, a retired lieutenant general, once wrote: “Leadership means forming a

team and working toward common objectives that are tied to time, metrics, and resources.”

By creating an environment that encourages collaboration and open communication,

employees can feel more connected and engaged with their work, leading to better

performance and increased productivity. Moreover, when employees have clear

expectations and regular feedback, it allows them to focus on their tasks and develop the

necessary skills to perform their jobs more effectively.



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