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Solid State Ionics 70/71 ( 1994) 505-5 10

North-Holland STATE

Determination of the free ionic carrier concentration:

A discussion of different methods
H. J. Schiitt
Fachbereich Physik, Vniversitiit Restock, Vniversitiitsplatz 3, D-18051 Restock, Germany

A model of space-charge relaxation is derived and used for the determination of free ionic carrier concentration from experi-
mental data of admittance spectroscopy of glasses. Transient current and Hall-voltage measurements give comparable concentra-
tions due to analogous electrodynamic description. Concentrations given by the homovalent-doping method do not have the same

1. Introduction kali borosilicate glasses with batch compositions in

mol% given by ( 16 + x) L&O-4Na,O- 1OSiOz-
The determination of the magnitude of charge car- ( 70-x)Bz03, with x=0, 10, 20, 30. These glasses
rier density and mobility is a fundamental problem are of special interest, because for the same glasses
of ionic conductivity in solids. Information on con- a determination of the carrier concentration is known
centration and mobility of ionic charge carriers in from the application of the homovalent doping
glasses have been estimated from the methods of method by Ingram et al. [ 2-41. Disks of 25 mm dia-
homovalent doping [ I-41, field assisted diffusion meter and approximately 2 mm thick were used for
(Chemla method) [ 561, the isothermal transient admittance measurements. After grinding the sur-
ionic current (ITIC) [ 7- 10 ] and Hall effect (HE) face of the specimen have a roughness of the O.Ol-
[ 11,12 1. The published data differ by several orders 1 urn range [ 141. The vacuum evaporated alumi-
of magnitude due to fundamental differences in the num electrodes are blocking for alkali ions and do
underlying conceptions of the transport mechanism. not diffuse into the specimen. The sample holder with
Sometimes conductivity and mobility are even used guarding electrodes [ 15 ] reduces thermal gradients
as synonymous terms supposing that ali mobile ions and thermoelectric voltage.
participate in the charge transport [ 13 1. In this pa- The determination of admittances in the range
per it is compiled how the frequency dependence of 293-7 13 K at constant temperature ( 4 0.25 K) and
the effective dielectric constant in the frequency range at frequencies of lo-‘-lo6 Hz is accomplished by
of the drift- and diffusion-determined space charge different measuring methods. In the frequency range
(DDSC) relaxation has been used to determine a free of lo’-1 O6 Hz, depending on the value of the con-
carrier concentration, no. The comparison of our re- ductivity, a General Radio bridge 162 1 or above 10m4
sults with literature data was carried out on the basis S a commercial admittance bridge SWM 3-2 were
of the corresponding assumptions of the models used used. The accuracy of this measurements was -t 2%.
in the different methods. Below 100 Hz the admittances were evaluated with
an accuracy of + 5% from the phase difference be-
tween the stimulating voltage and the response cur-
2. Experimental rent determined with a laboratory equipment. The
fundamentals of the method are given in [ 161; our
In the experimental part of this work the admit- equipment was modified for measuring voltages be-
tance has been measured on fast ion-conducting al- low 0.1 v.

0167-2738/94/S 07.00 0 1994 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

506 H.J. Schiitt /Free ionic carrier concentratcon

3. Results perature in this region was discussed earlier [ 17 ] for

potassium borosilicate glasses. The dispersion in the
From the measured admittances the effective di- frequency range lg( wzu) = - %..- 2 is caused by the
drift and diffusion-determined space-charge polar-
electric constant, F’, and the effective electrical con-
ductivity, 5, are evaluated and summarized as mas- ization at blocking electrodes. A theoretical descrip-
tion of the DDSC-relaxation is given in the next
ter curves shown in fig. 1 for one glass composition.
The term “effective” is used since in the low fre-
quency range the data do not represent volume prop-
erties. The master curve of the conductivity is based
4. Theory
on measurements at medium temperature where the
frequency-independent conductivity is a, z 2.4
The aim of the theoretical analysis is at first the
X 1O-5 Sm-‘. The apparent wide frequency range is
construction of a model for small-signal space-charge
obtained by reduction of the measuring series from
relaxation which gives a good approximation to the
different temperatures to the bulk relaxation time,
experimental data. On the basis of this relation we
7D, of the electrical modulus M*(W). Therefore, the
will then determine the free carrier concentration
high frequency parts of the master curve, represent-
from the frequency dependence of the admittance.
ing the bulk relaxation, stem from measurements at
A one-dimensional model is evaluated on the fol-
lower temperatures. The low frequency parts are fit-
lowing assumptions which take into account the spe-
ted to the curves at medium temperature from mea-
cific properties of the ion-conducting oxide glasses:
surements just below Tc The high and low frequency
(a) One sort of mobile ions moves in an isotropic
parts of the conductivity curves are shifted along the
material with absolute permittivity E= toe: (to is the
axis of conductivity to lit the middle part at
permittivity of the vacuum, EL is a real term of the
0,=2.4x IO-‘Sm-‘.Uncertaintyassociatedwiththe
relative permittivity in the low-frequency bulk re-
effective conductivity and dielectric constant is & 3%
laxation process) between blocking electrodes at
for data from measurements above 1 Hz and * 6%
x= -d and x= +d.
below 100 Hz. In the range lg(wrD) = -2...+2 the
(b) A compact double layer exists near the elec-
bulk polarization appears. The frequency depen-
trodes. Since its capacity is approximately a hundred-
dence of the admittance on concentration and tem-
fold higher than the capacity built up by space-charge
relaxation, the compact double layers correspond to
a capacitive short circuit which can be neglected in
this case. There is no static space-charge apart from
the compact double layer.
(c) The electrode interface is assumed to be per-
fectly flat. The influence of roughness shown by Bates
et al. [ 141 is discussed.
(d) In the beginning of the space charge relaxation
I I the bulk polarization can be regarded as stationary
(tk =const.).
(e) The system is linearized by using small signals
(L’cO.1 V).
(f) The changes in the migrating (free) charge
carrier concentration, )n 1, produced by the periodic
electric field during space-charge relaxation are small
Fig. 1. Experimental master curves of the frequency dependence in comparison with the equilibrium concentration
of the effective dielectric constant, F’, and the effective electrical
without external fields ( 1II 1<< no).
conductivity, 8, of an alkali borosilicate glass in comparison with
theoretical curves evaluated for the space charge relaxation model (g) The diffusion coefficient, D, and mobility, ,LL,
(eq. (10)). rD is explained in the text. are assumed to be constant in space and time.
H.J. Schiitt /Free ionic carrier concentration 507

If a small external electric field

EoF*2.E 1+ (10)
E,(t)=E,exp(iot) (1) l+(07fI)2 -l l+(w7s)* >.
is applied to the ionicly conducting sample, drift and A more detailed discussion of the model is given in
diffusion cause small spatial and temporal devia- [181.
tions from the carrier concentration in the zero field Due to the limited frequency range ( 10 -‘- 1O6Hz)
case, n,: a curve fitting of eq. ( 10) was not conducted. The
low frequency increase in conductivity or the low
n(x, t)=nO+n(x) exp(iot) . (2)
frequency plateau of the effective dielectric constant
Analogous relations describe the electrical potential are unsuited for estimations, because in this fre-
and field strength inside the sample quency range curves can be modified by discharge
processes. Therefore, the high-frequency part of E”’
@(x, 0 =@(x) exp(iwt) , (3)
immediately below the frequency range of bulk po-
E(x, t) =E(x) exp(iot) , (4) larization is used for analysis. The effective dielec-
tric constant in the DDSC-relaxation range is de-
where n(x), d(x), and E(x) are complex terms. For
rived from eq. ( 10)
the ionic current density a drift and a diffusion term
is considered 6

1+(07s)2 >.

ax’ The concentration of free charge carriers results from
this relation if we determine the frequency oIo6,
where p is the mobility of the free charge carriers, D,
where E”‘(wlos) = lot:, using the Nemst-Einstein re-
the diffusion coefficient.
lation, D= pkT/e:
Introducing the equation for the conservation of
-- aj
at --ax (6)
Further details of this derivation are given in [ 19 1.
it follows that

-= 5. Discussion
at (7)

If the last term in eq. (7) is substituted by the Pois- Complex admittances of ionicly conducting glasses
son equation determined at frequencies of 10-2-106 Hz have
shown that the DDSC-relaxation begins at lower re-
--__ en duced frequencies (Ig (wzp) = - 2... - 8 ) after the
ax* - E
volume polarization with the relaxation time 7,, has
from the resulting deviation of the equilibrium free reached its low frequency stationary state, E;. There-
carrier concentration, n(x), the macroscopic space- fore we can directly use relations of the model of
charge polarization is given by DDSC-relaxation established above for the estima-
+d tion of the free carrier concentration, no, from the
frequency dependence of the effective dielectric con-
P(0) = Cdj xn(x)dx. (9)
stant, g’. The errors due to high field discharge and
surface roughness remain relatively low, since for the
For specimens of conducting glasses with d= 1 mm, estimation the frequency wloc is determined in the
it is commonly found that d/L,=6> 1 (LD=@, frequency range of the beginning of the DDSC po-
the Debye length, 7=~~~~/0~). Then the effective larization where 5’= 10~:. The no-values of the in-
permittivity is given approximately by vestigated alkali borosilicate glasses are located in the
508 H.J. Schiitt /Free ionic carrier concentration

range of 10z2- 1O24 mm3 corresponding to ppm por- teristic depth was 2X lo6 V m-i. This value is be-
tions relating to the composition. Concentration, n,,, yond the linear range in bulk measurements.
and mobility, ,LL,of free carriers evaluated according It is seen that the model predicts, for the para-
to meters expected for ion-conducting glasses in the
middle frequency range of DDSC-relaxation, a
0, =noey (13) C’-0 -’ dependence, whereas the experimental val-
are summarized in fig. 2 for one glass composition. ues are proportional to w-‘.‘~‘---‘. According to the
The statistical error of the no-values estimated from results of Bates et al. [ 141 we have to give up the
experimental conditions is ? 50%. assumption of a plane interface and to consider the
In a test for the frequency ~~~~ at the characteristic type of roughness and pores, respectively, which de-
depth of 3 x 1O-* m from the electrodes 1n(x) 1 was termines the exponent of the constant phase angle
determined to be 2x 102’ rnm3. Since no was found (CPA)-element &.,=A (io) -“, for the metal-elec-
trolyte interface. Using n=0.9 the theoretical curve
to be 6x 1O22me3 at this temperature, the required
relation no> I n(x) 1 confirmed the model assump- gives a good approximation to the experimental data
of the glass composition shown in fig. 1.
tion at this frequency.
If in the Nernst-Einstein relation the Haven ratio
In this layer, near the electrodes, the electric field
HR= D*/D, is introduced (D’ is the self diffusion
strength was found to be 4 X 1O4V m- ’ which is typ-
coefficient for tracer ions; D,=akT/( n,,e*), where
ical of linear behaviour in bulk relaxation. This jus-
ylst is the concentration of carrier ions according to
tifies the use of linear equations in the theory. How-
the composition), one ought to consider the factor
ever, in the frequency range of the low-frequency
H,=O.2...0.45 [ 61. The systematic errors caused by
?-plateau (o<l/rS), In(x)] was found to be
roughness and the Haven ratio compensate each
7 x 1O23 m-3, and the field strength at the charac-
other approximately and are not considered in this
The Chemla method makes the assumption that
diffusion as well as mobility is determined by self-
diffusion of tracer ions in an electric field [ 5,6] and
T that all existing alkali-ions are mobile. Since this
method sums up the effects of all charge carriers, the
9 estimated mobility represents a mean value for all
charge carriers.
The homovalent-doping method of Bruce et al. [ 1 ]
gives in the work of Ingram, Mtiller and Torge [2-
4] for the same borosilicate glasses as in this work
23 concentrations of mobile charge carriers in the range
1026-1027 m-3. The significance of these concentra-
tions depends upon the model which is constructed
by the application of the weak electrolyte theory to
ion conducting solids [ 201. The ionization process
was described as [ 2 1,221

M+h*=M*+h; [M*] < [Ml, (14)

(M, M* are the cations in normal and interstitial sites;
h, h* are the vacant normal and interstitial sites).
Fig. 2. Temperature dependence of the free ionic carrier concen-
Mobile ions appear as pairs of alkali ions where one
tration, no, and the corresponding mobility, p, of an alkali boro-
alkali ion is bound to a non-bridging oxygen ion and
silicate glass determined by eqs. ( 12 ) and ( 13 ) , respectively. The
probable error of k 50% is given by the bar. The lines are guides the other mobile ion is considered as an interstitial
to the eye. ion (mobile defect) contributing to the concentra-
H.J. Schiitt/Free ionic carrier concentration 509

tion of mobile interstitials, [M*]. This model was carrier concentration no transport mechanism as-
extended to systems with two different alkali ions sumptions. The results of ITIC and HE method are
(mixed-mobile-ion effect) assuming that the foreign comparable with the free ionic carrier concentration
cations ( I6 mol%) form fixed immobile cation from DDSC-relaxation, which are caused by the
pairs. Thus a free carrier concentration is, by this comparable current voltage relations during the
method, not determined, however, a total concen- measurements and the analogous “time windows”.
tration of the interstitial ions which, according to the This means that, in the time domain of the ITIC and
underlying law of mass action for the ionization pro- HE method, as well as in the frequency varying
cess, exist in the system and are able to participate DDSC relaxation method the time- and frequency-
in the charge transport. independent conduction, respectively, is investi-
The isothermal transient ionic current of lithium gated by different methods of stimulation. The ad-
ions in amorphous polymers was studied by Watan- vantages of the DDSC relaxation method consist in
abe et al. [ 731. They created a space-charge near a careful analysis of the transport processes and the
the electrodes with a dc voltage and determined the measuring data and in the higher precision generally
drift mobility from the maximum in the time-de- obtained by the application of sinusoidal ac meth-
pendent depolarization current which is connected ods. In the future we have to investigate the influ-
with the ion time of flight. Chandra [ 91 emphasized ence of roughness in more detail. A test of the dif-
the ability to identify different sorts of carriers as an ferent methods on the same specimen would be very
advantage of this method. Abdel-Gawad and Bhat desirable.
[ lo] used an improved theoretical model of the ITIC
process. The mobility of 1.6~ 10m9 m2 V- ’ s- ’ eval-
uated by this method is in the same range as in the References
present study. However, the statement of the initial
conditions and their nonreproducibility make the [ 1] J.A. Bruce, M.D. Ingram and M.A. Mackenzie, Solid State
Ionics 18/19 (1986) 410.
ITIC method problematic.
[2] M.D. Ingram, M.A. Mackenzie, W. Milller and M. Torge,
Clement et al. [ 111 investigated the Hall effect of
Solid State Ionics 28 ( 1989) pp. 1, 677.
Ag+ ion conducting (1 -x)AgPO,-xAgI(O<x<O, [3] W. Mllller and M. Torge, Solid State Ionics 36 (1989) 201.
5) glasses. Because electrode reactions must be [ 41 M. Torge, Thesis (Academy of Sciences of the GDR, 1990).
avoided they used a symmetric square wave current [ 51 J.R. Engel and M. Tomozawa, J. Am. Ceram. Sot. 58 (1975)
( l-5 x IO3 Hz; 0. I- 100 PA), which allowed sam- 183.
[6] H. Kahnt, Ch. Kaps and J. Offermann, Solid State Ionics
pling of the response signal in the stationary ohmic
31 (1988) 215.
range at a suitable frequency. The investigations give [ 71 M. Watanabe, K. Sanyi, N. Ogata, T. Kobayashi and 2.
nearly constant Hall mobilities ,LL~ = (6 * 2) x 1O-* Ohtaki, J. Appl. Phys. 57 (1985) 123.
m2 V-’ s-’ and carrier concentrations of [ 8 ] M. Watanabe, S. Nagano, K. Sanyi and N. Ogata, Solid State
n~4.2~ 102’-4x lO25 m-3. Denoyelle et al. [ 121 Ionics 18/19 (1986) 338.
[9] S. Chandra, S.K. Tolpadi and S.A. Hashimi, Solid State
used the same apparatus on Ag,O-P,05 glasses and
Ionics 28-30 (1988) 651.
determined pLH= lx IO-* m2 V-’ [lo] M.M. Abdel-Gawad and S.V. Bhat, Solid State Ionics 28-
n=2.Ox lO22 me3 which are comparablesw:th “,“,“, 30 (1988) 647.
data. I point out that the Hall method is used near [ 111 V. Clement, D. Ravaine, C. Deportes and R. Billat, Solid
its limit of resolution and that a theory of the Hall State Ionics 28-30 (1988) 1572.
[ 121 A. Denoyelle, M.J. Duclot and J.L. Souquet, Phys. Chem.
effect for ion-conducting solids considering diffu-
Glasses 3 1 ( 1990) 98.
sion and drift as in our theory does not exist. [ 131 P.J. Hayward, Phys. Chem. Glasses 18 ( 1977) 12 1.
[ 141 J.B. Bates, Y.T. Chu and W.T. Stribling, Phys. Rev. Lett. 60
(1988) 627.
6. Conclusions [ 151 H.J. Schiltt and E. Gerdes, Exp. Techn. Phys. 29 ( 198 1)
[ 161 E. Schlosser and G. Horn, Exp. Techn. Phys. 15 ( 1967) 188.
The ITIC and the HE as well as the DDSC-relax- [ 171 H.J. Schiltt and E. Gerdes, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 68 (1984)
ation method require for the determination of the 175.
510 H.J. Schiitt /Free ionic carrier concentration

[ I8 ] H.J. Schiitt and E. Gerdes, J. Non-Cryst. Solids I44 ( 1992 ) [21] M.D. Ingram, J. Am. Ceram. Sot. 63 ( 1980) 248.
1. [22] C.T. Moynihan and A. Lesikar, J. Am. Ceram. Sot. 64
[ 191 H.J. Schiitt and E. Gerdes, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 144 ( 1992) (1981) 40.
[20] D. Ravaine and J.L. Souquet, Phys. Chem. Glasses 18
(1977) 27.

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