GCSE Overview

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The GCSE Art and Design course at Oulder Hill is a very popular choice and students have been achieving
grades above the National average.
It is a well-designed curriculum developed with the facilities that we can offer in mind.
Our ethos is that we balance contemporary and traditional techniques to give students the best possible
opportunity to express themselves and create work that they are proud of and can enter as part of their
GCSE portfolio.

The course is weighted 60% Coursework and 40% Controlled Test.

Coursework 60% : Started in the September of Year 10 and consists of two main projects. These are
IDENTITY and METAMORPHOSIS. Students will explore painting, colour theory, screenprinting, photoshop,
pyrography and many, many more techniques during the Coursework element of the course.

Controlled Test 40%: Started in the Spring term of Year 11, this is a choice of seven projects created by
AQA which is structured in the exact same way as the school projects but gives students more freedom to
select and explore their own topic. NB: there is NO written exam as part of the Controlled test.

ALL work completed over the 2 year course is marked against 4 assessment objectives which can be
viewed simply as:

Assessment Objective 1: Artist Reference

Assessment Objective2: Exploring Media
Assessment Objective 1: Developing Ideas
Assessment Objective 1: Final Outcomes

Facilities on offer: UV Exposure screen-printing, Ceramics section with Kiln, Mac computers in each room,
specialist support for large scale acrylic work, class set of iPads for research in each room, printing press,
technician support, pyrography set, beeswax collage, lino and etching facilties and many more.

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