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There are two main ways to plan an essay.

The first being a mind

map and the second being a box plan. The only thing that should
differ is the format.

Mind Map Box Plan

Introduction Essay topic

Essay topic

Paragraph topic

Paragraph topic

Points Points

Each box represents a

new paragraph and
points within the
paragraph. Each
Each big blue bubble represents a paragraph should support
paragraph, and the smaller blue the conclusion. This
bubbles represent the ideas within layout is most effective
the paragraph. This layout is most when used on Microsoft
effective when manually writing word as it allows you to
on paper or using an app. (I would edit easily as you plan.
recommend the iOS app Popplet).

The Main difference between the mind map and the box plan is
the flow. The mind map makes it easier to brainstorm while
the box plan makes it easier to plan in a structured way. Both
are acceptable.

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