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Pre-read the Rubric

1 It is important that you read the rubric before you start so that you may grasp exactly what
the lecturer is looking for when marking. In this case the rubric for short assignments can be
found on the study guide. Make sure you understand the format and font wanted.

Read and Evaluate the Question

What is being asked? Do you understand the vocabulary being used? If not, do not be afraid to 2
search the definitions of words that you do not understand or ask for clarification from the

Determine your stance and plan

Whether you decide to make a mind map or a box plan, planning is essential in order to
make sure that your essay has a cohesive flow. Your planning should include a rough draft
3 of your introduction as well as your conclusion (so that you can refer to what you are trying
to prove).
Tip: use key words when planning, and make sure you have more than half the words in the
wordcount (You will be able to hit your word count more easily).

Write the essay

Be careful not to use contractions such as “don’t,” and make sure to write formally. Make
sure that you assume the reader has not heard of the topic you are writing on and that you
describe the concepts in full.

Proofread your essay

5 Proofreading is essential when completing your essay. The last thing you want to do is loose
marks for any spelling and grammatical errors that could have been avoided.

Hand in your essay

Make sure you only hand in the final draft and nothing else, unless stipulated by the 6
lecturer or rubric.

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