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Annexure – I

Micro-Project Proposal



1.0 Brief Introduction :

Since the time of independence, the small-scale sector in India has been a major
contributor to country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This traditional sector in India is
considered to have huge growth prospect with its wide range of products. With 40% in total
industrial output and 35% share in exports, the small-scale industrial sector in India is acting
as Engine of Growth in the new millennium.
The definition for small-scale industrial undertakings has changed over time. Initially they
were classified into two categories:
 Those using power with less than 50 employees
 Those not using power with the employee strength being more than 50 but less

However the capital resources invested on plant and machinery buildings have been the
primary criteria to differentiate the small-scale industries from the large and medium scale
industries. An industrial unit can be categorized as a small- scale unit if it fulfills the capital
investment limit fixed by the Government of India for the small-scale sector.
As per the latest definition which is effective since February 28, 2007, for any industrial
unit to be regarded as Small Scale Industrial unit the following condition is to be satisfied:
1. Investment in fixed assets like plants and equipments should not be more than Rs.1.5Cr.
2. An initial Investment of capital directly / indirectly
3. .The trade is classified Domestic, Export Oriented Units (EOU).
4. Artisans, Village, Cottage industries, are identified)
5. Women enterprise is also given importance- investment up to 10 lakhs.
2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed:
1. Understand how the management works on small scale industry
2. Understand how to develop small scale industry

3.0 Proposed Methodology :

First we decided the topic for the micro project. Then we divided the work among the all
members of the group. Then we referred some online references, websites to get some basic
information. We also referred some reference books like Management of small scale industry
by J.c saboo, tech max. We bought all the information together found out information about
each and every point of Mechanical properties of metal. We started editing our chart and side
by side we were preparing for our micro project proposal. Thus we completed our chart
mentioning the name of the group members.

4.0 Action Plan :

Planned Planned Name of responsible

Start Finish Team member Details of Activities
Date Date

We are collected all the 23/4/2023 25/4/2023 Shaikh ifrah

information about Small scale
industry and make report on it Sakshi pawar

Vaishnavi mangate
5.0 Resources Required Name of Specifications Remarks
Resource/material Qty.
Laptop For online references 1 1

Reference books Management of small 1 1

scale industry
3 Printer Canol 1 1

Name of Team Members with Roll Nos.

1) Shaikh ifrah.
2) sakshi pawar.
3) Vaishnavi mangate.

(To be approved by the concerned teacher)

Annexure – II
Micro-Project Report Format for Micro-Project Report

1.0 Rationale:
This Micro project has taught us importance of teamwork while doing this project.
Micro project also gives us a brief idea about the particular topic we are working on. This
also increases our knowledge by referring some online sites like Wikipedia and also
reference books. Thus micro project plays a very important role based on industrial
application. Micro projects also increases unity among each other.

2.0 Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project:

The aim of the micro project was to display some information regarding Study how
small scale industry manage business. Project has given us a brief idea about management of
small scale industry and its future planes etc. Hence this micro project has given us some
descriptive information about the particular topic.
3.0 Course Outcomes Achieved (Add to the earlier list if more COs are addressed)
1. Understand how the management works on small scale industry

2. Understand how to develop small scale industry

4.0 Literature Review:

First we decided the topic for the micro project. Divided work among all. We also
some online reference like -Wikipedia. Also took some help of books like Management of
small scale industy. We found out information of each and every point of Mechanical
properties of metal. We also referred some information best on it from different websites. Be
collected on an all the information together.
Finally be prepared our report precisely. We also mentioned the name of the group members
in the report and the information we have displayed on our chart and also the online
references we have been using and the books.
5.0 Actual Methodology Followed:
First we decided the topic for the micro project. Then we divided the work
among the all members of the group. Then we referred some online references, websites to get
some basic information. We also referred some reference books like Management of small
scale industry, Nirali publication. We bought all the information together found out
information about each and every point of Mechanical properties of metal we also saw some
information based on Mechanical properties of metal. Online websites has helped us to a great
extent to complete this project this has also helped us to gain as much as more information
about particular top it has also increased our knowledge. This has taught us the importance of
unity as it is very important based on industrial application to work together.

Traditional and Modern Small Scale Industries and Their Products:

The traditional small-scale industries clearly differ from their modern counterparts
in many respects. The traditional units are highly labor consuming with their age-old
machineries and conventional techniques of production resulting in poor productivity rate
whereas the modern small-scale units are much more productive with less manpower and
more sophisticated equipments .
Some of the traditional small scale industries are that of Khadi and Handloom, coir,
village industries etc. The modern small scale industries are that of garments, leather
products etc. But in today's scenario, most of the small scale industries in India are modern
small scale industries .The items manufactured in modern Small-scale service & Business
enterprises in India now include:
 Rubber Products
 Plastic Products
 Chemical Products
 Glass And Ceramics
 Mechanical Engineering Items
 Hardware
 Electrical Items
 Transport Equipment
 Electronic Components AndEquipments
 Automobile Parts
 Bicycle Parts
Distinction Between Traditional And Modern Small Industries

Traditional small industries Modern small industries
Include khadi, handloom, village Variety of goods including simple and
industries, handicrafts, sericulture, sophisticated goods such as TV sets,
coir etc. engineering products and electronic
control systems.
Highly labor-intensive Use highly sophisticated equipment and m

Need to Boost Small Scale Industries:

Realizing the importance of small scale industries in Indian economy, the government istrying to
develop this industry keeping in mind the following aims:
 To increase employment.
 To prevent unequal distribution of income.
 To develop capital investment.

Opportunities for small scale industries :

Small industry sector has performed exceedingly well and enabled our country to achieve a wide
measure of industrial growth and diversification. By its less capital intensive and high labor
absorbs ion nature, SSI sector has made significant contributions to employment generation
and also to rural industrialisation.This sector is ideally suited to build on the strengths of our
traditional skills and knowledge, by infusion of technologies, capital and innovative
marketing practices. The capacity building for SSI sector in terms of infrastructural facilities,
availability of raw material, R&D, development of human skills, dissemination of
information and formation of industry cluster need to be developed to take advantage of new

The opportunities in the small scale sector are enormous due to the following factors:
 Less Capital Intensive
 Extensive Promotion & Support by the Government
 Reservation for Exclusive Manufacture by small scale sector
 Project Profiles
 Funding
 Finance & Subsidies
To Open Up Small Scale Industry, Govt Set To Remove Restrictive Law:
Moving to liberalize small-scale industries (SSIs), the Governments all set to remove
restrictive clause in a 1951 law that prevented non-SSI players from setting up small units.
The number of items reserved for small-scale industries will remain the same at 114 but the
restrictive clause will go. The idea is that our SSIs must have access to technology and
Once the notification clears Parliament, SSIs would only be defined on the basis of one
definition— Capital investments of up to Rs 5 core in plant and machinery.
This is important because we have got to modernize our SSIs. It is not that some
reservations that are there would go away. Excise and other benefits will remain. The SSI
sector needs foreign equity. If today someone wants to set up an SSI unit and ancillary units,
they cannot fund it because it is not allowed. Now there is no limit. They can own an SSI.
FDI would-be allowed, but it will be governed by the investment policy. So if a large
industry is allowed 51per cent in that sector, then they will also be allowed 51 per cent in
SSIs as well.
The big challenge is no more generating or earning foreign exchange which was the
case15 years ago, but generation of employment. In the end, the question (about policies) is if
they would multiply employment generation. In my view, any investment that generates
additional economic activity is great.

6.0 Actual Resources Used:

S. Name of Resource/material Specifications Qty. Remarks

1 Laptop For online references - 1
2 Reference books Management of small - 1
scale industry
3 Printer - 1
7.0 Outputs of the Micro-Projects:
Micro project has not only increased our knowledge but have also tough us about the importance of
teamwork. The unity we keep from the beginning to the end of the project. This has also
taught us about how to handle electronic gadgets and how editing is done. Using different
sites at great extent increases the will power to learn. Thus micro projects are the best way to
get practical knowledge

8.0 Skill Developed / Learning outcomes of this Micro-Project:

1) Increases Team work among the members.
2) Online references increase knowledge about the particular topic.
3) This micro project has also increased our practical knowledge.
4) How ductile materials change their properties according to their condition.
5) There are different points on Stress and strain curve we come to know about each on the curve


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