International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture: A.G. Malikov, A.M. Orishich, V.B. Shulyatyev

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International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 49 (2009) 1152–1154

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Short communication

Scaling laws for the laser-oxygen cutting of thick-sheet mild steel

A.G. Malikov , A.M. Orishich, V.B. Shulyatyev
Khristianovichs’ Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, SB RAS, Institutskaja 4/1, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia

a r t i c l e in f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The laws of scaling the laser-oxygen cutting of mild steel based on experimental optimization are
Received 14 May 2009 proposed. The sheets from 5 to 25 mm are cut with the aid of CO2 laser.
Received in revised form It has been established that the minimal surface roughness is reached within the whole thickness
20 June 2009
range if the laser energy value per unit of the removed material and the power per sheet thickness unit
Accepted 22 June 2009
Available online 30 June 2009
are held constant. The results permit to determine the laser power and cutting speed values optimal for
a certain sheet thickness. Within the range of large thicknesses, the conditions of cutting with minimal
Keywords: roughness are written as ratios between dimensionless variables. Evaluation of the maximum thickness
Laser of the sheet, at which the high-quality cutting is realizable, has been made.
& 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Thick sheet

1. Introduction always possible to compare correctly the data from different

sources to clarify common process situations. Moreover, the
High processing speed and high edge quality are the main quality criteria are not always clearly formulated.
features of laser cutting. The relation between optimum cutting To overcome these deficiencies Scaling laws for the
speed and sheet thickness is an essential characteristic of laser reactive gas laser cutting of mild steel are determined in this
cutting and as surface roughness is a critically important work from the experimental optimization for sheet thicknesses
parameter of laser cut surfaces, the cutting speed producing the in the range, 5–25 mm. The following optimization criteria have
minimum roughness can be considered as the optimum. been adopted: (i) no dross has to be allowed, (ii) surface
In spite of many theoretical and experimental works, the laser- roughness has to be the minimum.
oxygen cutting process is still being studied [1,2]. Multiple
physical processes are associated with surface profile forma-
tion. Among them are non-steady-state oxidation front propaga- 2. Experimental procedure
tion [3–5], oscillatory characteristic of the thin liquid film on the
cutting front [6], melt flow instabilities, for example [7]. No In these experiments, CW CO2 gas laser equipped with a self-
adequate theoretical models of the laser cutting, including all filtering optical resonator SFUR with the Beam Parameter Product
these factors, currently exist, and this lack is of special concern equal to 4.7 mm*mrad [10] was used for cutting. The cutting was
regarding thick sheets. As a consequence, theoretical modeling carried out by the traditional method. The circular laser beam was
cannot be considered a reliable method to find out the optimum focused by a single ZnSe lens; oxygen with purity up to 99.999%
cutting speed for minimum roughness. Some authors [for was supplied to the cutting kerf through a conical nozzle. Steel
example, 8,9] find the cutting speed from the energy balance. sheets of 5, 10, 16, 20 and 25 mm were cut, using various values of
The cutting speed found in such a manner should be considered as power up to the beam maximum of 4.5 kW. A series of laser power
the maximum one. However, the maximum speed does not values W was specified for every thickness. Cutting speed and
provide the maximum quality. At the moment, quite a large data focus position were varied for every specific power value. The
base on the laser cutting is available. These data, however, are values of cutting speed v and kerf width b, corresponding to the
disembodied, as they often contain incomplete sets of parameters minimum roughness, were determined. Surface roughness Rz was
and are obtained from different conditions. That is why it is not measured with a laser confocal scanning microscope Olympus
LEXT. Measurements were made at two cross-sections—near the
 Corresponding author. Tel.:/fax: +7 383 3307342. cutting sheet top surface and near the bottom one. The maximum
E-mail addresses: (A.G. Malikov), value from the measured ones was accepted as a characteristic for
(A.M. Orishich), (V.B. Shulyatyev). a particular sample. The kerf width was measured with optical

0890-6955/$ - see front matter & 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

A.G. Malikov et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 49 (2009) 1152–1154 1153

Nomenclature T material melting temperature, K

g material density, kg/m3
W laser power, W c material specific heat, J/kg/K
v cutting speed, mm/s L material latent heat of melting, J/kg
b kerf width, mm E laser energy per volume unit of removed material, J/mm3
t sheet thickness, mm Es laser energy per unit of cutting surface, J/mm2
Rz roughness, mm Sf Stephan number
k material heat conductivity, W/m/K Pe Peclet number
a material heat diffusivity, mm2/s

measuring microscope with the minimum value of scale The limited laser power did not permit to define the presence
factor of 1 mm. The measurements were made on the sheet top of minimum as the thickness was above 10 mm. Fig. 2 shows the
surface. measured value of Rz vs the laser power and cutting speed at the
sheet thickness of 10 mm. Values W/ktT and vb/a in Fig. 2 are
related to Eq. (1).
3. Experimental results and discussion Table 1 presents the W/t for minimal Rz at t ¼ 5, 10 mm. Table 1
also gives the values of W/t for the best samples at sheet thickness
The results are presented in Fig. 1, dimensionless variables above 10 mm. It is evident that all W/t values are closely related.
W/ktT and vb/a are used, where k is heat conductivity, a is The mean value of W/t from Table 1 is 194 W/mm for the
heat diffusivity, T is melting temperature and t is thickness. thickness range of 5y25 mm. The corresponding dimensionless
Thermophysical parameters were chosen for pure iron at the room value W/ktT ¼ is 1.6 and the corresponding value of Peclet number
temperature. is equal to 0.5 according to Eq. (1) (vb ¼ 11 mm2/s). It is known
As can be seen in Fig. 1, allowing for some experimental error, that high-quality cutting corresponds to the confined range of Pe
all experimental data can be described by a linear dependence. As [9,11]. Notice that cut-quality criteria are not always clearly
a consequence, the value defined as E ¼ W/vtb remains constant, formulated. A specific value of the Peclet number was found in
and provided that kerf side walls are parallel, E represents the this work in accordance with the unambiguous quantitative
laser energy per unit volume of the removed material. The solid criterion of quality.
line in Fig. 1 is the result of approximation by the root-mean- The kerf width is not among the assigned cutting parameters,
square method and the corresponding value of E is 19.4 J/mm3. If as it is convenient to exclude the kerf width from conditions of the
the surface roughness is minimum, the dimensionless relation
between the cutting speed and laser power can be written as
W=ktT ¼ Peð1 þ Sf ÞE=gðcT þ LÞ ð1Þ

Expression (1) enables each Peclet number to be correlated to

the laser power value, at which the roughness will be minimum,
for a given sheet thickness. The roughness has different magni-
tudes for different couples of values (W, Pe), as is shown in Fig. 2
for t ¼ 10 mm. It is evident that the dependence Rz on W/ktT and
Pe has its minimum. There is also the minimum on the similar
dependence at t ¼ 5 mm.

Fig. 2. Surface roughness Rz as a function of the dimensionless velocity and

dimensionless power at the sheet thickness 10 mm.

Table 1
Laser power per thickness unit.

t (mm) W/t (W/mm)

5 220
10 180
16 190
20 200
Fig. 1. Dependence of dimensionless velocity vb/a (Peclet number) on the 25 180
dimensionless power W/ktT for minimum roughness.
1154 A.G. Malikov et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 49 (2009) 1152–1154

high-quality cut. From the practical viewpoint, it is convenient to cutting parameters has been investigated experimentally for the
eliminate b from the conditions of the qualitative cutting, since laser-oxygen cutting of mild steel with sheet thickness from 5 to
this value is not an initial parameter. Results from the experi- 25 mm. Two conditions for minimum surface roughness have
ments undertaken in this work show that kerf width on the top been established: (i) the laser energy per unit material volume
surface can be approximated by the expression b ¼ 0.35+0.02t. removed should be constant; (ii) the laser power per unit
Then, the following relation can be written for W (W), v (mm/c) thickness of cut sheet should be constant. The optimum values
and t (mm): of these two parameters have been determined. The above
conditions result in a constant Peclet number. The kerf width
W ¼ 194t ð2Þ
and sheet thickness ratio have been determined experimentally.
V ¼ 11=ð0:35 þ 0:02tÞ ð3Þ The conditions of minimum roughness as relations between
cutting speed, laser power, and sheet thickness have been
proposed. These relations take the dimensionless form within
Expressions (2) and (3) present the conditions of reactive gas
the large thicknesses. The maximum sheet thickness, at which the
laser cutting of mild steel with minimum Rz. For thick sheets, low-roughness cutting surface is achievable, has been evaluated.
these conditions may be written in dimensionless form since the
first term in (3) can be ignored. Then W/ktT ¼ 1.6 and vt/a ¼ 24.
Severance energy Es can be derived from (2) and (3), where
Es ¼ W/vt [12] and therefore
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