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Oral exam

I. Teacher asks each student some of the following questions.

Unit 1 Unit 2
 What are your favourite hobbies?  Are you doing anything this weekend? If not,
what would you like to do?
 What games do you like playing? 
 How much free time do you have?
 What do you usually do at the weekend?
 Do you like reading magazines?
Unit 3 Unit 4
 What’s your favourite meal of the day? Why?
 What do you like to eat on special occasions?  What did you do on your last holidays? Where?
 Do you like cooking? What food can you
cook? Who did you go with?
 What’s your favourite snack?  How did you travel?
 What kind of food do you prefer spicy or
sweet?  What did you take with you?

Student’s name:
Needs Improvement Satisfactory Good Excel
1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4p
Grammar from the unit
Vocabulary from the unit
Total score

Student’s name:
Needs Improvement Satisfactory Good Excel
1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4p
Grammar from the unit
Vocabulary from the unit
Oral exam
Total score

Student’s name:
Needs Improvement Satisfactory Good Excel
1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4p
Grammar from the unit
Vocabulary from the unit
Total score
Needs Improvement Satisfactory Good Excellent
1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt
Grammar from Student was difficult to Student was able to express their Student was able to express their Student was able to express
the unit understand and had a hard ideas and responses adequately but ideas and responses fairly well their ideas and responses with
time communicating their often displayed inconsistencies with but makes mistakes with their ease in proper sentence
ideas and responses because their sentence structure and tenses. tenses, however is able to correct structure and tenses.
of grammar mistakes. themselves.

Pronunciation Student was difficult to Student was slightly unclear with Pronunciation was good and did Pronunciation was very clear
understand, quiet in speaking, pronunciation at times, but generally not interfere with communication and easy to understand.
unclear in pronunciation. is fair.

Vocabulary Student had inadequate Student was able to use broad Student utilized the words Rich, precise and impressive
from the unit vocabulary words to express vocabulary words but was lacking, learned in class, in an accurate usage of vocabulary words
his/her ideas properly, which making him/her repetitive and manner for the situation given. learned in and beyond of class.
hindered the students in cannot expand on his/her ideas.

Comprehension Student had difficulty Student fairly grasped some of the Student was able to comprehend Student was able to
understanding the questions questions and topics that were being and respond to most of the comprehend and respond to all
and topics that were being discussed. questions and topics that were of the questions and the topics
discussed. being discussed. that were being discussed with

Fluency Speech is very slow, Speech is slow and often hesitant Speech is mostly smooth but with Speech is effortless and
stumbling, nervous, and and irregular. Sentences may be left some hesitation and unevenness smooth.
uncertain with response, uncompleted, but the student is able caused primarily by rephrasing
except for short or memorized to continue. and groping for words.
expressions. Difficult for a
listener to understand

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