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The Age of Discovery

What motivated European explorers to venture into unknown territories

during the Age of Discovery

They were motivated by Gold, because there was so much of it in the mines.
God, because they would worship because of their beliefs. and even glory,
because they fought for what they earn. And they were trying to explore and
create colonies for the Europeans.
How did technological advancements in shipbuilding and navigation impact
the Age of Discovery?

It provided mariners in the Middle Ages and is safer and easier for sea
journeys it also led to increased culturally.
What impact did the Age of Discovery have on the indigenous populations of the
Americas, Africa, and Asia?

The indigenous population was wiped out between the 15th and 18th century
due to European diseases which enabled the Europeans to overcome the natives
and establish colonial rule.
How did the columbian Exchange change the global economy and the
world’s food supplies

It introduced a new range of calorically old staple farms to the Old World. It also
has potatoes, sweet potatoes, maize, and even cassava. The benefit of the new
World staples was that they could be grown in Old World climates that were
unsuitable for the cultivation of Old World staples.
3 of the Explorers from the Age of Discovery

Vasco da Gama - 1st Count of Vidigueira, he was a Portuguese explorer and the first
European to reach India by sea. His initial voyage to India by way of Cape of Good Hope
was the first to link Europe and Asia by an ocean route, connecting the Atlantic and the
Indian oceans.
Christopher Columbus - Was an Italian explorer and navigator from the Republic of Genoa
who completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean sponsored by the Catholic
Monarchs of Spain, opening the way for the widespread European exploration and
European colonization of the Americas.
Amerigo Vespucci - was an Italian merchant, explorer, and navigator from the Republic of
Florence, from whose name the term "America" is derived. Between 1497 and 1504,
Vespucci participated in at least two voyages of the Age of Discovery, first on behalf of
Spain and then for Portugal.
What role did religion play in the Age of Discovery, both as motivator and a
tool for colonization

The Catholic Church has started a major effort so they could spread Christianity
around the whole world so people could see the goodness of it.

Spiritual motivations have also justified European conquests of the foreign lands.
What were long consequences of the Age of Discovery, both positive and
The Age of Exploration provided some opportunities for the societies and cultures
to interact, and it brought all parts of the world into contact with each other, paving
the way for the globalised economies that we see today.

There are many environmental effects of the European expansion, including

deforestation, land degradation, and the introduction of foreign animal and plant
species, and the spread of European diseases that happened.
How did the Age of Discovery contribute to the rise of European global
dominance and the establishment of colonial empires.

Explorers learned more about areas such as Africa and the Americas and brought
that knowledge back to Europe. Massive wealth accrued to European colonizers
due to trade in goods, spices, and precious metals.
How did the Age of Discovery challenge existing beliefs and ideas about the
world and humanity's place in it?
The voyages of the discovery changed the way of what Europeans thought of the world
and their place in it. The explorations brought new knowledge about geography and
proved some old beliefs to the wrong.
How did the Age of Discovery contribute to the growth of capitalism and the
development of global trade networks.
They invested money and profit, many merchants went off to start trading
business on boat. Exploration and trade led to the growth of capitalism.
t.What I believe might happen next

I honestly think that the empire will fall because of the disaster’s that mostly
happened. You might think something different like it will be a better society from
the age of Discovery.

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