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Unit: Biochemical Processes Topic: Enzyme Reaction Rate

Do Now: Observe the two models above. How are they similar? How are they different?

Essential Question: How do inhibitors affect the reaction rate of enzymes?

Standards Performance:

NGSS Standard HS-LS1-2 

Develop and use a model to illustrate the hierarchical organization of interacting systems that
provide specific functions within multicellular organisms.

Performance Objectives:
Students will be able to…

 Describe the function of inhibitors and enzyme reaction rates.

 Perform an investigation, collect/analyze data and explain how inhibitors affect enzyme

Active Site- The part of the enzyme where the substrate binds and undergoes a chemical
Enzymes- a biological catalyst and is almost always a protein. It speeds up the rate of a specific
chemical reaction in the cell. 
Inhibitors- Is a molecule that binds to an enzyme and reduces its activity.
Reaction Rate- It is the speed at which a chemical reaction occurs.
Expressed as products over time.

Material List:
Paper Clips
Paper Plates

Safety and Disposal:

Dispose of broken toothpicks in the garbage can, return paperclips and paper plates to teacher.

Development of the Lesson:

Timing What the Teacher Does What the Students Do

Beginning of Lesson

3 min Ask students to read the Essential Question Students will answer the Do Now
and Do Now. Instruct the class to answer and share with class.
the question while teacher prepares

7 min Teacher will transition into the day's lesson Students will listen and copy down
by introducing new vocabulary words and notes. They will ask question if
relate these to prior concepts related to necessary and participate in class
enzymes.  discussions.
Students will copy down vocabulary
definitions in the graphic organizer. 

Middle of Lesson

5 min Teacher will introduce the day’s inquiry Listen to instructions and
activity and explain how the activity participate when necessary.
models how enzymes work within a cell in
certain conditions (presence or absence of
Teacher will model the activity while
asking students to read through the
procedure together. 

20 min Instruct students to get into pairs. Lead the Get into pairs and listen to
activity and supervise students. Answer instruction. Work with classmates
any questions and provide support during to complete an experiment. Ask
the experiment. questions if necessary.
12 min After students complete the activity, the Students begin to create a graph of
teacher would lead a classroom discussion their data. Students analyze the
on the data analysis and how these relate to graph to make meaning of the
the introduced enzyme concepts. experiment using key vocabulary
and concepts.

End of Lesson

5 min Answer the exit ticket, ask one student to Answer the exit ticket.
write answer on the board. Use appropriate


Summative Assessment:
Exit Ticket
Explain how the inhibitors affect the reaction rate of enzymes? Use Vocabulary words!

Notes for Revision:

Worksheet- Enzyme Reaction Rate


Think Pair Share

What is the question / issue / What do I think about it? What does my partner think?

Observe the two models

above. How are they similar?
How are they different?

Vocabulary Definition
Active Site


Reaction Rate

Investigation:  Modeling Enzyme Activity with Toothpickase

 You must break each toothpick one at a time.
 You may only use one hand.
 The toothpick must be broken completely in half.
 Keep your eyes closed so each toothpick is chosen at random.
 Toothpicks can only be broken once.

1.  Spread 50 toothpicks out on the paper plate randomly.

2.  One person plays the role of the enzyme, while the others keep track of the broken toothpicks.
3.  Break toothpicks for 10 seconds. Stop and record the TOTAL number of toothpicks broken.
  (Broken toothpicks remain in the pile.)
4.  Once the timer starts again, break toothpicks for 20 more seconds (total of 30 seconds). 
5.  Repeat until you have recorded the total number broken at 60 seconds and 120 seconds.
Part 1: Normal Conditions
Time Total number of toothpicks broken (products)

0 0





Part 2: Inhibitor Reaction Rate

Repeat the procedure, but this time add 15 paperclips to the pile.  These represent substances the
enzyme (your fingers) can interact with that are not the substrate.  

Time Total number of toothpicks broken (products)

0 0




Data Analysis and Conclusions

1. Graph
 Label the  X and Y axis
 Graph Part 2. Inhibitor Reaction Rate in comparison to the Normal Condition 

2. What is the enzyme in this model? What is the substrate?

3. What happens to the number of products over time (see graph or chart)?
4. What happened to the reaction rate over time? Did it get faster or slower? Explain.

Exit Ticket:
Explain how the inhibitors affect the reaction rate of enzymes? Use Vocabulary words!


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