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This includes environment, distance,

Elements of Communication challenging stimulus, and media
They are the senders and receivers LINGUISTIC
of the communication process. This includes dialects and language
The content of a communicative act. CULTURAL
This includes age, social position,
NOISE mental difference or thinking
Anything that interferes with or behavior, economic status, political
distorts our ability to send or receive views, values and rules, ethics or
messages. standards, motives, and priorities.

The environment surrounding the This includes anger, fear, hostility,
communication act. and overconfidence.

CHANNEL It is important to remove barriers to effective

The medium of communication. communication in order to streamline and
smoothen the whole process.
The verbal and nonverbal cues that NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION
we perceive in reaction to our Non-verbal aspect which does not make
communication function. use of words.

EFFECT 1. Non-linguistic elements

As people communicate, they are Non-speech elements fall under
each other changed in some way by seven categories.
the interaction which in turn Kinesics language of the body
influences what follows.
Proxemics language of space
Communication is a social practice. In order
Chronemics language of time
to succeed in communication encounters,
you need to understand these elements for Haptics language of touch
you to become an effective communicator.
Olfactics language of smell

Artefactual language of objects

There are several factors that inevitably Physical Language of look
spur in the way of efficient message Appearance
sending and receiving.
4. Assuming similarities instead of
2. Paralinguistic elements differences In order to prepare yourself for
These include attributes of the voice various circumstances, it is very important
that accompany the words we say to assume laws, habits, and attitudes of
such as vocal quality, pitch, tempo, another society.
volume, and juncture.
5. Anxiety - It is feeling nervous, which can
3. Metalinguistic elements affect communication when you focus so
refer to communicators’ awareness much on your own feelings that you do not
of the component units of language pay attention to what other people are
like sound, words, phrases, and telling you.

Our real language is behavior. This implies ELEMENTS OF COMMUNICATION

that we have to be careful with our behavior LETTER
because it considerably speaks louder than
the words we utter.

Communication is a cultural practice.

1. Ethnocentrism- It is judging another

culture solely by the values and standards
of one’s own culture.

Cultural relativism is the belief that a

culture should be judged by its own context
and not measured against its own culture.

2. Stereotyping Any thought widely

adopted about specific types of individual or
certain ways of behaving intended to
represent the entire group of those
individuals or behaviors as a whole.

3. Prejudice -It is generally referred to as

the unfair, biased or intolerant attitudes or
opinions towards another person or group
simply because they belong to a specific
religion, race, nationality or another group.
Business letters place a great demand on
your ability to formulate and organize a
suitable message for your readers.

1. Cover Letter
2. Relations
3. Sales
4. Inquiry
5. Request

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