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 “…parenting happens to be one of the hardest jobs in the world and yet
it’s the only one we don’t get any training for.” (Jessica Joelle Alexander,)

 there’s no such thing as a perfect parent. Parents are human, we make

mistake .    no matter how hard we try not to.

We as parent we are responsible for :

 maintenance. ( to provide with housing, food, clothing,

education and medical care, or with the means that are
necessary for providing the person with these essentials.

What is my responsibility as a Christian parent?

 Pray for our children constantly.
 Teach them the ways of the Lord.
 Be a living example of Christ to them.
 Discipline them in the same manner the Lord disciplines us.

 And ‘support'.
As a parent, you are your child's first and most important teacher. When parents
and families are involved in their children's schools, the children do better and have
better feelings about going to school. In fact, many studies show that what the
family does is more important to a child's school success , There are many ways that
parents can support their children's learning at home and throughout the school
year. Here are some

 Support your child academically

1. Find out how your child is doing at school
2. Apply for special services if you think your child may need it. If your
child is having problems with learning, ask the school to evaluate your child ,
to check If your child has a learning disability,
3. Make sure that your child gets homework done
Demonstrate a positive attitude… about education/ life to your
children. What we say and do in our daily lives can help them to develop positive
attitudes toward school, life and learning, to build confidence in themselves as
Providing support means both challenging and suitable guiding a child as he or she
develops his or her skills and interests. Therefore, providing effective support is
always personalized and will look different for different children—the decisive factor
is that it fits the individual needs and possibilities of the specific child.

Supporting gifted children should not be limited to specific skills in which they show
special talents (e.g., mathematics or music), but rather should focus on the
developmental needs of the whole person. What does the child need to effectively
develop his or her talents? This may include, for example, the ability to motivate
oneself and to persevere during difficult times, the ability to regulate one’s own
emotions, and the ability to find like-minded people and make friends. A helpful
approach is for teachers and parents to be attentive, and make conversation.

4. Deuteronomy 11:18-21

“ It is the parents' responsibility to teach their children God's word. We must

instill in the heart of a child, love for our Lord Jesus Christ and the works of

`Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from
it. ' (Prov. 22:6.)
Raising Godly Children In A Changing World
1. Children should be taught to be confident in themselves: ...
2. Teach them to value others: ...
3. Teach them that they are called to lead and not to follow: ...
4. Set boundaries very early in their lives: ...
5. Discipline
6. Keep the Lines of Communication open:

life lessons parents want to teach their children

 Be respectful
 Be thankful for what you have
 Honesty is the best policy
 Never give up
 Learn from your mistakes
 Don’t be quick to judge people
 Admit mistakes
 Take care of your physical health
 Listen before you speak
 Spend time with the people you love

life skills parents want to teach their children

 Basic cooking
 Good hygiene practices
 Drive a car
 Do laundry
 Money management
 Be aware of your surroundings
 Basic housekeeping skills
 Time management
 Reading and comprehension
 Make healthy food choices


disagreements about how to raise your children. In fact, different parenting styles

can cause major problems in your marriage and a great deal of stress for your
1. Disagreeing Is Normal.
2. Be Clear About Your Parenting Style.
3. Don't Criticize Each Other in Front of the Kids.
4. Make Couple Time to play with your kids
5. See a Therapist when needed


The words one speaks to oneself, others, and in the sensitive case of parenting, your
children, can shape how they think and feel about themselves as well as the words
they speak about themselves, and eventually, the actions they take. “Words can
shape who kids think they are and how they perceive themselves.

Which ones do you use? Hurting words slash at a child's self-confidence: "You're
stupid." "What a slob!" "You're disgusting." "You're worthless." 

Helping words show you care and make a child feel worthwhile and secure: "You can
do it." "Great job." "You're beautiful." "I'm proud of you."

Also avoid some words that can inflict BRIDE and ARROGANCY “ You are better
than…., you are more beautiful than…..

The words one speaks to oneself, others, and in the sensitive case of parenting, your
children, can shape how they think and feel about themselves as well as the words
they speak about themselves, and eventually, the actions they take. “Words can
shape who kids think they are and how they perceive themselves. 22 Sept 2018

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