7qs Writes Your Orders

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The Extraction of Orders through the Combat Estimate

Coy Commander’s Orders Ground Orientation Pl Commander’s Orders

 Grid of own location
Task Org  Direction of North Task Org
 Ref pts that are going to be used in estimate/orders.
Ground  En dispositions & locs (poss app rtes/KAs). Ground
 Friendly force dispositions & bdrys (Pl & Coy).
Situation Situation
Time Analysis
En Forces  En Forces (Q1)
Friendly Forces (BG Plan)  Friendly Forces (Q2)
Q1 – What is the situation and how does it effect me?
 How does the gr affect en ops? Mission (From OC’s orders)
Coy Mission
 What are the enemy capabilities?
 What are the en intentions in my area? Execution
Execution  Intent (Q3)
Intent  Scheme of manoeuvre (Q4)
Scheme of manoeuvre  ME (Q3)
Q2 – What have I been told to do and why?
ME  Endstate (Q2)
Endstate  What is my role within my superior Comds plan?
 Mission Analysis
 What constraints are imposed on me? Subordinate Msn & Tasks (Q5)
Subordinate Msn and Tasks
 Risk assessment
Coordinating Instructions
Coord Instructions
Q3 – What effects do I want to have on the en & what  Timings (Q6)
direction must I give to develop a plan?  Prelim Mov (Q4&6)
Prelim Mov  Fire plan (Q6)
Control Measures Issue update to WngO SPOTOCA  Control Measures (Q7)
Fire Plan  Surprise/sy
Surprise/Sy COA GENERATION  Actions on
Actions On  CBRN
CBRN Q4 – where can I best accomplish each action/effect?
Service Support (Q5)
Service Support  SOP variation
Q5 – What resources are required to accomplish each  Resupply Plan
Command & Signal action/effect? Allocate resources.  CASEVAC Plan

Comms Q6 – When & where do the actions/effects take place in Command & Signal (Q7)
Codes relation to each other? Timeline/fireplan  HQ
Passwords  Comms
 Codes
 Passwords
Q7 – What control measures do I need to impose? FSCM,
bdrys, LOE, report lines, switch fire signal, codenames

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