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Changes from build 1295 (V1.2.1) to 1298 (V1.2.


Minor new feature:

- A321 NEO now features the FLAP/MCDU and PITCH TRIM/MCDU DISAGREE caution messages
- FMGS can now compute predictions across discontinuities

Bug fixes:
- Engine Fire now also works with engine at idle
- When performing a DIRTO with Radial In or Radial Out, the heading does not resync
anymore upon insert, if already in Heading mode
- FIX INFO is now available again during PREFLIGHT Phase.
- RNP departures from NZQN RW23 work now as they should.
- Reduced speed trend and vertical FD jitter occuring during high accelerations
- Fine tuned AP altitude tracking and capture
- Improved LEAP and PWG startup sounds
- Brakes will not stop working below 2kts anymore.
- Removed aileron anti-droop on A321 NEO, as that feature does not exist IRL
- Livery control strings now work, if there is no livery config file present.

Changes from build 1290 (V1.2) to build 1295 (V1.2.1)

Minor new features:
- Oil quantity now decreases when the engine is running and increases when engine
is stopped and all the oil accumulates in the sump.
- Crew oxygen is now consumed if you breath through the oxygen mask.
- Added AP TCAS mode for the A321 NEO
- Added Soft Go Around mode for the A321 NEO
- NEO specific cockpit changes: DDRMI disappears and ECON FLOW switch is replaced
by Pack Flow switch, if a NEO engine is selected.
- Aircraft registration is now in a separate object (selcal.obj) with separate
texture to easily adapt the registration to custom liveries
- Added Minimum and 100 above callouts for MDA/Baro minima

Bug fixes:
- PW Dual Cooling: The engine start will now only resume once both engines finished
the cooling cycle
- A321 NEO will deflect ailerons up with ground spoilers independent of the
Florence Kit setting.
- Rollout mode will now only disengage once you leave the runway
- Availability of ENG data on SD page depends on FADEC for NEO engines (on CEO
engines, these pass directly through SDAC, on NEO they pass through FADEC)
- Aural alert volume does not reset to full on its own anymore.
- Added dry cranking sequence to LEAP engine
- Nosewheel animation deflects correctly now when using better pushback
- Unless in SRS mode, managed speed target cannot be less than green dot/s-speed or
f-speed anymore even if there are flight plan constraints requesting less - it's
the same in real life.
- 3d model fixes.
- Reduced crackling sound on NEO engines, improved whale and external startup sound
for the PWG engines
- Windshield wiper volume now blends with cockpit sounds slider as it should.

Changes from build 1254 (V1.1) to build 1290 (V1.2)

- Major new features: Support for the NEO package addon featuring the PW1100G
engine and the LEAP 1A engine, including 3 new fuselage exit configurations, A321
LR and XLR fuel tank configurations, A321LR and XLR weight envelopes, accurate fuel
burn and climb performance, custom TSS sounds etc.
- Option to use imperial units for FMGS, weights and cabin temperatures
- Complete rework of engine failure handling: ECAM actions and speed target rework,
beta target added

Minor new features:

- Improved lateral control laws for better handling during engine failures
- Added injected faults to the situation save.
- Complete rework for the managed speed computation for a given CI during the climb
- Retuning of the fuel burn for the existing engine types (IAE + CFM)
- Rework of the EWD for better accuracy of the representation
- Livery specific configuration items can now be done via a livery configuration
- Added support for approaches with MA route points between the MAP and the runway,
like e.g. LOWI RNP-Y for Rwy 08

Bug fixes:
- Fixed issue with disappearing LOC indication when flying the LOC backcourse
- Fixed issues with Minimum callouts when they did not coincide with Radio altitude
- Fixed issue with inconsistent runway naming between procedures and scenery
- Improved smart copilot synchronization of the MCDUs
- Fixed a bug leading to x-plane freeze when changing runway after a go around
(under certain conditions)
- Hydraulic brake accumulator pressure does not change anymore when changing from
yellow supply to accumulator supply without changing amount of braking
- Fixed an issue with alternate flight plan loading if alternate plan is in "fms"
- Cabin chime queue is fixed so that no chimes are lost anymore.
- Corrected the logic for AC power supply to the system 1 fuel pumps. Direct supply
from GEN1 now depends on the GEN 1 LINE switch as it should.
- Corrected vertical guidance for LOWI RNP RWY08 approaches. (You have to make sure
to be at flaps 2 when crossing WI750/WI810, the subsequent 3.77deg slope cannot be
flown clean without accelerating)
- ILS tracking retuning in LOC and G/S
- BSCU failures now actually do something.
- Limited alternate braking pressure to 1000psi
- Fixes to the VOR cone of confusion model - you do not lose DME or identifier
- Improvements to ILS auto tuning
- Standby DDRMI now uses the same datasource as the VOR/ADF needles on the ND.

Changes from build 1202 (V1.0.4) to 1254 (V1.1)

Major new features:

- Sound system fully transitioned to FMOD sounds including new sounds such as door
opening/closing, electric hydraulic pump, brake fans, and many more
- Joystick command support for TCA Sidestick and Thrust levers
- Addition of the Bottom of Descent and Descent profile intercept indicators
- Added simplified rain effects that also work under Vulkan/Metal
- Complete rework of PFD and ND drawing to improve representation accuracy and
drawing performance (time required to draw cut in half on our test platform)
- Complete rework of the RAD NAV page, including custom VOR and NDB reception and
decoding routines, appropriate ID vs frequency NavAid tuning and FMGS messages when
performing manual ILS overrides.
- Big improvements to the SmartCopilot support: Both sides can brake, sidestick
inputs are used simultaneously with Airbus style input priority logic, Popup MCDU
is now useable
Minor new features:
- Added Stay-out zone for IAE engine on ground
- Adapted TCAS to new XP11.50 interface - now supporting up to 63 other aircraft
- Adapted TCAS to not issue alerts when flying parallel approaches, e.g. in KSFO
- Fine tuning of engine start timing to better reflect the differences between CFM
and IAE engine
- Fine tuning of engine auto ignition logic
- Activation does not required aircraft reload anymore
- Idle factor on MCDU status page can be used to stretch or shrink the descent
- INIT page values CRZ TEMP and TROPO enter into the vertical FMGS predictions
- The pilot can now overwrite the ALTN fuel on the MCDU INIT B page
- Added functionality on OHP maintenance panel, like Blue pump override and FADEC
ground power
- Main landing gear compression sounds are now faded in accordance with 3d sound
fading option
- Improved flight phase logic for serial traffic circuits with full stop landings
in between.

Bug fixes:
- Improved landing gear strut absorber deflections for more realistic ground
- Fixed SD page displayed after landing after engine shutdown - it's back to
DOOR/OXY as it should be
- Reduced time to disarm slides after landing when engines shut down and beacon
- Fixed numerous replay issues
- Fixed ISI reset issue on power transients
- Fixed TCAS panel CLR button behaviour
- Fixed cockpit brake pedal animations.
- GPWS does not issue glide slope warning anymore, unless you are on a ILS
- LAND ASAP is now displayed above secondary failures, as it is in real life.
- Fixes to automatic SD page selection logic when ENG mode selector is set to IGN.
- Improvements to the display logics of the MCDU flight plan page.
- Corrected load assignments between generators to avoid generating power out of
- 3d cockpit model fixes
- Display of minima in the FMA now starts at 250NM from destination even when in
phase cruise
- Improved Glide Slope tracking performance
- Improved GPWS mode 2 performance to reduce occurance of false warnings
- Fixed behaviour of FIX INFO page when two radials are entered and the first
radial is cleared
- When copying the active FPLN into the SEC FPLN, the SEC FPLN page is now called
- In DES phase, when extending flaps or slats, the managed speed target remains
unaffected now, as it should
- When moving the thrust levers into reverse prior to touch down, the associated
ECAM warning now self-clears upon touch-down
- Speed target in GA phase reduced to Green dot (rather than 250kts/CI speed)
- During TO, in SRS mode, the magenta bug now remains on the V2 mark, but the AP
controls pitch to achieve a speed between V2+10 and V2+20 when all engines are
- KEDW is now available as an airport again.

Changes from build 1197 (V1.0.3) to build 1202 (V1.0.4)

Minor new features:
- FMGS now provides the extended runway centerline when selecting a runway without
- Engine parameters shown on the ENG SD page are now routed through SDAC1 + SDAC2
rather than the FADEC.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue with entering a plan point in MCDU if alternate and active plan
are both shown on FPLN page.
- Fixed issue with full deflection flight director just after take-off
- Fixed issue with popout windows changing size and position everytime they are
closed and reopened.
- Fixed some ECAM text colors
- Fixed an issue with AP2/FD2 in any CLB or DES mode.
- Fixed an issue that can lead to the aircraft climbing in DES mode, when below
minimum econ speed
- Fixed an issue with the temporary flight path not aligned when they should be.
- Fixed erroneous scaling of the vertical AP command in pitch speed control modes.
- Fixed order of MACH and IAS on PERF DES page
- Fixed sound player issues leading to crackling noises
- ISI backup power supply only available about 50kts CAS

Changes from V1.0.2 (build 1185) to V1.0.3 (build 1197)

Minor new features:
- Added tail strike warning indication on PFD during landing
- Rework of PFD colours and Landing system symbology
- Added a warning, if experimental flight model is on, to ensure you switch it off
and get the right performance
- Adapted aircraft to allow sounds and ground vehicles when using XP11.50 Vulkan
including frame rate improvements
- Pause at T/D now stops one minute before reaching the T/D.
- Smoother FD and AP behaviour in managed descent.

Bug fixes:
- Improved Engine EPR indication to have realistic values (IAE engine only)
- Improved N2 windmilling value to avoid that a failed engine still produces
hydraulic pressure when too slow for that.
- Acceleration and thrust reduction altitude on the GA page can now be entered
correctly in flight
- Altitude bug indication on PFD now changes correctly between FL and ft
- Reduced risk of overspeed during managed DES with high CI.
- Fixed a potential CTD when entering airways
- Fixed a bug with the import of custom scenery airport information
- Speed constraints are now ignored in the approach phase, as per discussion with
RL A320 pilots.
- Fixed an issue with loss of approach type after inserting the secondary plan
- Fixed an issue with arrival procedures after inserting a secondary plan with a
different arrival airport
- Fixed issues with the ToLiss sound player.

Changes from V1.0.1 (build 1181) to V1.0.2 (build 1185)

Bug fixes:
- Fixed crashes at T/D
- Fixed crashes when entering HOLD in secondary plan
- Limited Air pack outlet temperature to positive values
- Retuned approach attitude and speeds.
- Adapted AP logic for the case of pressing the ALT selector knob when flying along
an altitude constraint
- Changed indications for FROM waypoint on MCDU to correctly show the values when
passing the waypoint.
- Corrected estimated time of overfly of TO waypoint shown in ND
- Fixed flap track collision on right wing
- Fixed mapping conflict between speed brakes and sharklets
- Cabin lights switch off now during TO and LDG
- APU flap is animated now
- Fixed misalignment between speeds shown in PERF APPR page and on PFD
- Path computation improvements for corner cases

New minor features:

- ISCS TO performance calculator can now be forced to use TOGA thrust.

Changes from V1.0 (build 1178) to V1.0.1 (build 1181):

Bug fixes:
- XP10 acf file not showing Xplane model tail anymore
- Roll to NWS can now be used as it should
- Allow brake on one pedal setting is now saved
- Aural alert volume setting and saving via ISCS works correctly now
- Center for Copilot ND in Plan mode is now driven by copilot MCDU, as it should
- Fix main cause for crashes around T/D.
- Secondary flight plan airways now go into the secondary plan
- Added Doors to replay
- Corrected an approach stringing bug, highlighted for KDTW RKCTY2 arrival, via
- ILS 22R KDTW now have the G/S. (Nav database issue for which we coded a work-
- Holdings not followed by a discontinuity now use the right entry pattern.
- Improved the situation save algorithm to reduce risk of crashes at autosave.
- Retuned the FLEX temp calculation of the TO performance calculator.

Version 1.0, build 1178:

- Initial release

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