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The Construction Leaders Dashboard




Your Edge

(Top 3)

(Top 3)



Low Overhead. Stay Humble. It’s Not What You Make, It’s What You Keep.


Complete the Construction Leaders Dashboard to the best of your knowledge.

Don’t worry about being perfect.

Focus on being directionally correct and use it as a way to track progress and opportunities.

Following is a glossary of the terms in the Dashboard:

Vision: This is what you want your career to look like over the next two to five years.
Paint a brief picture with words of where you want to be in the future.

Mission: Describe the “why.” What difference or contribution do you want to make? What
gets you excited about the impact you can have in your career?

Values: What are the top three to five values that are non-negotiable for you in
your career?

Edge: What are your unique talents that set you apart? Think about your unique qualities,
attributes, gifts, strengths, and value as a professional. What do others say you do best?
One way to phrase this question is, “Unlike others in my field, I…”

Initiatives: What are the most important initiatives that currently define your success
and are where you should focus your time? List the three that should account for the
majority of your focus.

Performance metrics: What are the most important performance metrics that
define the success of your initiatives and your overall success?

Relationships: Who are the most important people who are critical to your success? Be
sure to consider relationships up, down, across, and outside the organization.

Development opportunities: What are the experiences, assignments, skills,

educational opportunities, and other professional development opportunities that will advance
your career? What behaviors and attitudes do you know you can build on, start doing, do less,
or eliminate?

If you have questions, or need help completing the dashboard, contact me, anytime:

Low Overhead. Stay Humble. It’s Not What You Make, It’s What You Keep.

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