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PBIS Corner September 2014:

At Captain Isaac Paine School we are proud to be part of a school wide Positive
Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Program. PBIS is an initiative that
supports the development of academic, social/emotional, and positive behavioral skills. It
is our school’s motto that a Paine Panther “ROARS” (Respect Others, Respect Self, and
Respect Property). Our school community has also incorporated within our PBIS
program, Coach John Wooden’s book/pyramid/philosophy, Inch and Miles, the Journey
to Success. At Paine School we feel that this behavior/character education program
mirrors our School’s Mission Statement (Respect, Open-mindedness, Achievement,
Relationships, and Self-esteem) and embodies the principles and traits which nurture the
physical, mental, and social/emotional development of the whole child.

Close to a century ago, a man was born who would change the face of basketball.
During his remarkable lifetime, he was named the “greatest coach of the 20th century”
and led teams to set records now deemed to be unbreakable. That man was Coach John
Wooden, revered UCLA basketball coach whose team won seven consecutive NCAA
championships. His accomplishments are unparalleled, yet perhaps the most astonishing
fact is that he didn’t use any fancy techniques to get those wins. He used basic principles
such as hard work, determination, and team spirit to bring out the best in his athletes!
His determination to help student athletes become their personal best led to his creation
of the Pyramid of Success. Coach Wooden spent fourteen years perfecting his Pyramid,
teaching it to his students along the way. After retiring, he devoted his time to bringing
the philosophy to the public, reminding people that all we really need is a solid character
to stand on. For more on Coach Wooden please visit:

Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really
are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.

~Coach John Wooden~

The Paine School community will continue our journey towards personal best. Each
month, we will focus on one or two blocks of the Pyramid (please see below), using
stories, activities, and discussion to bring the principle(s) to life. Be sure to look for
monthly themes in future newsletters, as you will also be given suggestions on ways to
incorporate the Pyramid traits at home. As students learn about the Pyramid of Success
through character development activities, they will begin to understand that success in
life doesn’t rely on external factors, such as wealth and fame, but on resources from
within; which can only be developed when they focus on their whole being.

For the month of September we will be concentrating on the first two building blocks
of the pyramid which are Hard Work and Enthusiasm. Please join us on this journey for
achieving one's personal best by talking about the significance of these character traits at
home with your children. It is important that they understand that these behaviors are not
just demonstrated within the confines of Paine School but should be part of everyone's
daily life no matter where they may be.

Start making the connection at home by taking these steps with your family:

1. Make a commitment to be a part of your child’s Journey to Success.

2. Talk about what success means to you and your family.
3. Fuel your child’s excitement about reaching his or her personal best by showing
that you are interested in his or her progress—talk, talk, talk about the day and
recognize the gifts your child brings to the family/classroom.

Journey to Success Monthly Character Trait

September: Hard Work & Enthusiasm
October: Friendship
November: Loyalty & Cooperation
December: Self-Control
January: Alertness & Action
February: Determination
March: Fitness & Skill
April: Team Spirit
May: Poise & Confidence
June: Personal Best

Source: Premier, a member of the School Specialty Family

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