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Aurelien 1

Gilles Aurelien

English Comp paper 1

10th February 2023

Paper #1

. “You’re in complete control about what happens next, you can sulk about the opinion of

one group of people and live with the regret when you grow up, or you can work your ass off to

prove everyone who doubts you wrong.” My brother stated this to me when I was declined a

contract at my youth academy, one of the hardest moments of my life. If it wasn’t for my brother I

wouldn’t be in college, when I was younger, I faced many rejections through my youth soccer years

and at my lowest point my brother picked me up and helped me gain my confidence back. My

brother Was an athlete aswell, he ran the 400m with a PB time of 51.60 at sixteen years old which is

very impressive. As my brother grew up, he fell out of love with track and picked up interest

elsewhere and is now studying sports science at Bournemouth University. My brother and I have

always and will always be close, he has guided me through life willing to support me no matter the

circumstance and the quote he stated to me shows how having positive people around you can keep

you inspired to stay on the right path. It’s unfortunate that my brother stopped track because he had

so much talent that I don’t even think he saw, but I use this as a way of keeping me disciplined to get

to the top and make him proud. I’m sure a lot of people have that one person they can go to talk

about anything which is very important I have witnessed people who hold in the negitive emotions

because they think talking about it will enhance them, but once you get it off your chest you will feel

the weight lifted from your shoulders and you will be able to move in the direction you intend to.

My brother’s name is Xavier; he is about my height with long dark coiled curls that take him

about an hour to do every morning and pearly white teeth which are only as nice as mine because of

braces. When people first meet me and my brother, they get the impression that we are twins which
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is understandable because we look, talk, and act the same way. As we grew up and life started

throwing challenges our way it made us realise that with each other anything is possible, any

setbacks or negitive experiences we went through all we need to do is talk to each other and it’s like

all those problems disappear and we would be ready for the whatever life had in store for us next.

My brother taught me the importance of confidence and how to stay confident in your own mind,

having the ability to do this will allow you to think without clouded judgment because you aren’t

second guessing your decisions, Everyone experiances hardships in life and of course there will be

times when it becomes hard but gaining belief in your own ability is the first step to overcoming


My brother Xavier certainly does have a kind heart and is always looking out for others. On

Vacation one year in St Lucia where my dad was born and raised, we were playing football with

some of the local boys, the boys we were playing with didn’t have cleats so were playing in bear

feet. When we were done playing Xavier decided to give his cleats to the boys and I did the same,

when my dad saw Xavier do this it gave him the idea of setting up a charitable event where we can

give to the local people as they are not as privileged us, when we returned home me and Xavier

managed to get hundreds of second hand cleats and trainers from kind people willing to donate. We

were also able to get sponsors which allowed us to make brand new kits for the St Lucia national

team and gift brand new cleats to my dad’s Hometown. It was such a heart warming feeling giving to

the people especially because we knew how much they appreciated the gesture. This proves that

being kindhearted can lead to greater outcomes then one would expect and how we should always

appreciate the things we have.

I could go on for pages and pages about how my brother has had a positive effect in my life, But

having someone who you can talk to and trust will fuel your path to greatness. “You’re in complete

control about what happens next, you can sulk about the opinion of one group of people and live
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with the regret when you grow up, or you can work your ass off to prove everyone who doubts you

wrong.” Xavier’s quotes prove how genuine words of belief from a friend or relative can give you the

confidence to pick yourself up and keep striving forward.

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