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Student Council Position - Quarterly Evaluation Form -_\S*_ Quarter ‘Name:__f\\po ASB Administrative Coordinator Job Description: Must be a member of leadership for atleast one year to be elected into the position Cours This officer's primary roe isto improve the communication between student government and the general school population or minarets Acne Dian a atop. HRN YH Ag Monitors class Adminsative Assistant overt they are ulin the responsibilities of he fe. uj 04 “Making invitations and thank-you notes for all appropriate evens, eitsine a wpaing the ASB calendar of evens, pein the clasroom. This wil be updated ash month, reat the Core Principle Poser for the classroom. (Due on te I Day of School or negotiated by the AD) ‘Keep complete and accurate record of all receipts and disbursements of the student body funds. Completing this task will, take the assistance ofthe ASB Bookkecper, CComprehending the budget and working closely withthe bookkeeper to make sure funds reallocated respectfully and responsibly. Must meet with bookkeeper either dily or weekly Monitoring Club and Class accounts and taking any necessary action, Keep and maintain all financial documents (minutes, financial reports, contracts, POs, etc. All files are located with the ASB. Bookkeeper.) Approving reimbursements from any ASB account; signing forms for checks asthe student representative. Develop and organize all ASB fundraisers with the assistance ofthe Activities Director. ‘Apart of the interview pane tat helps to decide the following years positions in leadership, Plans the ASB Banquet with ASB Executive Board. 1 Applicaton: Development of Professional Skil & Expectations of a Leader Enrol in the Leadership/Student Council course; required daily attendance in course. “Maintaining grades inal academic classes, Attend al lasses, donot be tardy, follow the RHS student handbook: i. dress code policy, honor code. Ensuring you are carrying out duties and responsibilities that have been given by the AD. Keep on task at all times, Turn in all work at preseribe deadline as directed, Maintain working knowledge ofall the upeoming events that are thor successfully. Complete Procedure Forms as required by AD. Procedure form of event will be due one week after the event has occurred. Participate in planning, preparing, and attending all ASB and class events as assigned, Lead contribute to committees/jobs as assigned (may have to complete on own time, outside of class perio. ‘Work, assist, supervise and communicate together as team and find compromise and positivity Respect each position inthe class and their authoritative role in making sure the class runs smoothly. ‘Time management, organization and work ethic ae to be shown consistently to be successful with this program. ‘Work daily to develop your professional skills ‘Spread school spirit; above and beyond wha is expected. ‘Complete Social Media assignments to promote schoo! activities and events. Conduct your behavior professionally. Follow the Core Principles established each year. Student shall serve as a positive role-model to other students at RHS. Required to set-up and clean-up afterall ASB rallies and activities Required to complete an entire serapbook with assigned pages throughout the year. All students in leadership are required to attend one schoo! board meeting, take notes, and write a one-page summaty ofthe ‘event. This document will be due the Friday after the Monday board meeting. ‘Students are required to present at each formal student couneil meeting while presenting a formal report fora grade fon, and the procedures that must be taken to complete Topic Points Pose Points Received ‘Comments ‘Student has follow dies assording 0 job desertion bsed om highlighted areas and ‘itn description by AD. Stadt has meet Aeadines as prescribed by the Activites Ditecior showcasing dependability 20 oval points 4 ‘Student has shoved poste leadership quale ‘Student maintains aposive tinue in Behavior ‘and comments shared n cass and with fniractor and peers. regarding evens, ‘ctvies and work within the class assigned. 10 1a poins| jo “10 ‘Student has shown respect to pers teaches lasified, administration, and Activities Dire. 10 wal points 10 110 ‘Student ate Fle mod on campus trough ‘thr ations such as, bu not limited to, spirit chess day paricipaion going to ailtc events ‘attending clu activities and mare 10 ot points jo0 ‘Student is exhibiting excellent work aie and ‘working to thei fullest potential, 10 tot points G0 Vwant to hear more ‘Student has followed class rales: sting down hon the bell rings, beng quiet waiting for inaction rom 4SB President and AD. and ing started on dally assignment. 10 total points lo 40 Reon clos - Qlegao Se Tove voir 8 ‘Student has been quit when another parson = speaking in front ofthe class. 10 oa poins 10 ino “Sion has bean productive daly lass ‘activities, position work, commie work and if not busy: looks to help another peer in class. ‘goal NOT 10 wase significant tine alloted 10 [get work completed Students nor doing other ‘school work fr other elases during leadership 10%otl points go ‘Student has used elesrons devices ma professional manner. Cellphones are ok in the ‘ass under the discretion ofthe AD. Student tses phone for leadership related tems, NOT 10 check social media andor post unless directed by assignment andor AD. 10 oa pins Jono ‘Shunt has followed the core principles outlined ‘bythe class a the Beginning ofthe school year. Studer is leaving a legacy 20 wal pins 0% ‘Student exhibits the behavior and desir to Bein the leadership program. 10 toa pins 10n0 Sic developing professional development Shils asthe are tanght whine year Sadent showcases these skills daly within the classroom and enside of Ripon High Schoo. 10 toa pins 10" ‘Student has mtiniained academic excellenes im ‘courses at RUS Student must ainain a © sverage grade inall lasses or grade on ‘valuation wil op. I'yeueannot maintain trades in ll lasses, with the demands of he Teadership program then tis is ease for 10 toa pins Jo 10 Gide: 91 A 10 tial poins L410 ASB Presi Quarterly Evaluation of Peers) 0, ‘The following evaluation is done by the ASB President every quarter to give a different perspective on your effort and attitude inthe Leadership class. The grades given are determined by the ASB President's judgment. Points are taken away due to lack of discipline, disrespect, and ineiciency to do one’s job. Every circumstance is taken individually, and the number of points that will be subtracted off the original 50 points will be determined by the severity of one’s actions, This evaluation will include personal notes and comments and specific dates or description of why points \vere subtracted or added. Your scores in the evaluations are confidential and are only being discussed by the ASB President and the Activities Director. It is your choice to discuss your grade with your classmates. Uf there are any questions or concerns to why points were subtracted, direct your questions to the ASB President, Naneotsusent: App Canneo’ Topic Points Possible ‘Comments ‘Stadent has mace deadlines as presribed bythe ASB President 10 points showeasing dependability ewe. Studer hs showed poste Kr ies Sn wopoins | 10n0 | wo behavior and comments shared in Deans ‘lass and with natn. an pers regarding events activities an work seth the clas asigned. ‘Student has been produtive daly ls ees psn wa, opoins | 10 10 ommitee work, nd if ot busy, looks to elpanter erin lass Nees seal: NOT to waste significant time Mloted tw get work completed. > < ‘Student isnot doing ther school | PEDO WS work for ther cases during lenders time. Staden nt on thee el phone ules using for aciviy rested eve Suen is exhibiting excellent work tthe ad working to ter files ropoims | [0/0 HIDES. HOOKS fennel Suerte | Sekar an ase be le ee to] Daven Sede allowing oe principles topoins | [0 0 wey) who crate: 100% Go1s0 Job Des Student Council Position ~ Quarterly Evaluation Form -_S_ Quarter Name: ADO COMPS ASB Administrative Coordinator ‘Must bea member of adership frat least one year tobe ected into the positon This officers primary role sto improve the communication between student goverment andthe geneal school population through oficial minutes of meetings. Record mines (minutes must be typed) ~ must email a copy to Activities Director and ASB Bookkeeper Monitors clas Administrative Assistants to verify they ae filing the responsibilities ofthe offic, ‘Making invitations and thank-you notes forall appropriate events ‘Managing and updating the ASB calendar of events Specifically, in the classroom, This wil be updated cach (Cate the Core Principle Poster forthe elasroom. (Due on the I-Day of School or negotiated by the AD) ‘Keep complete and accurate reord of all receipts and disbursement ofthe student body funds, Completing this task will take the asistance ofthe ASB Bookkeeper Compreending te budget and working else with the bookkeeper to make sure funds are alloated respectfully and responsibly. Must meet with bookkeeper ether daily or weekly ‘Monitoring Club and Clas aevoonts and taking any necessary action ‘Keep and mains ll financial documents (minutes, fnagclal reports, contracts, POs, etc. Al files are located with th Bookkeeper.) Approving reimbursements fiom any ASB account signing forms for cecks asthe student repesenaive. Develop and organize all ASB fundraisers with the asitanceof the Activites Director. ‘Apart ofthe interview panel that helps to decide the following years postions in leadership, Plans the ASB Banguet with ASB Executive Boar. oath 12 ASB. (Course Application: Development of Professional Still & Expectations of Leader Feri icndsy Cel ee este ce Maing panasonic sacl lc outbreak do tno, om \% Ensuring you are carrying out duties and responsibilities that have been given by the AD. Keep oa task at all times. Turn in ‘tae enie edine ee Eating ara ning eros ison nt octamer cee Snowe 6 Teams eed AD. Poco km ret widower Reese as ce ee Sarre nace resi alt ASD ands ne eee mica angel my he ocance movin tieof cis po Se iota onmuncat wpa ton nd fd compen sty 2 Ne ottein te cna danas scm manga eta sme We Time management, organization and work etic ar to be shown consistently tobe successful wit his program, S Ss SSS @s < Work daily to develop your profesional sil. Spread schol sprit above and beyond what is expected Complete Socal Media assignments to promote school activites and events. Conduct your behavior professionally Follow the Core Principles established each year. Student shall serve as a positive role-model to other students at RS. Required to set-up and clean-up ater ll ASB rales and stivities Required to complete an entre srapbook with assigned ges throughout the yer. Alstudents in leadership are required to send one school board meeting take notes, and write a one-page summary ofthe vent. This document wil be due the Friday afer the Monday board meting Students are required to present at each formal student council meeting while presenting a formal report fora grad, camera Tonic Terns Fasibie | Points Comments Received —| Sdeafas foowed des cording 0508 na cameramen | uae | ihm [RPM ce Seiten ecrpon by AD. tant has meet more 3 oem Aealines prescribed by Ue Activites aware op unat'S Dir ten deni happen cs showed pov Teale sip quack Sdn malnzns poste tude in havior ele, ferent ee a fox ruswaredd Insecor and peers regarding ets. Pnegene ek ah nie e ent as shown respect 0 pes ech, mn Or Glass, adminsatn, nd Actives Lowa poins | A110 Beer Direc. ciass Wok ‘Shen fa re maT on caper og ascions suchax beret ited, sprtt_ | wovoalpoins | 12/00 mwas SyAird 10 tres day potlpaton. going fo atl eves, De 4 QUUa Ove tong ide vnoa Faden exhib exellent work ae 268 oe v eins por on Srerkingf te fullest poten coon | Ono | meteort “ude as we as rae: ing dw 7 fe can be aig seen tefl ings bing ie! wating" towlpoins | 4.10 Yeas wal Jpnructon fom ASB Presiden ae AD, and carrer ces walled ring started on daily sgn som Pye set as been qu when aot eon speaking not ofthe ls. toroid pons | 200 Sa aren rit ma si oan nave my sere poston work connate ork 10. poins ino ° tht bus, looks 10 help another peer in class= wre suche (goal: NOT to waste significant tim alowed cae ML eneng Beek complered Suen sot doing othe prees on ther Sivoo cle ig AP ane Satan wed arene devi arn on Pus Bhs See emcaraie | somes | Ane gene Bente ‘lass under the discretion ofthe AD. Student ee ss one fr leaershp elated es. NOT 10 see eflmeda anor postnes dicted byassgnmen andlor AD. owed te core prince oiled Sry Fo Sram CA Sree ening te solr. | 20% Fe in fe are uncrensr omen” ‘Shon is evn egy. feaun reise behavior and dese BET® pesoa Tomen TH the leader prowrar owns | Ono | progirar Sen developing profesor veep ot ARIE Sa refrain eer Stet | 000s ins fon [Sten crneearenvn| se se lay within the ls00m an wd of Ripon High School eve

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