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Assessment on the present status of DOH immunization program in Badjao community: as basis for enhancement of health program Statement

of the Problem: This study aims to assess the present status of DOH immunization program among badjao children from 0-5yo at Wawa batangas city. It also intends to find out the facilitating and hindering faitctors as well as difficulties encounter in the delivery of immunization services. Finally, strategies will aim to improve and sustain the program. Specifically seeks to answer the following questions 1. What is the DOH immunization program present status 2. What are the facilitating and the hindering factors in the delivery of immunization program in terms of: 2.1level of awareness 2.2economic condition 2.3political factors 2.4health condition 2.5cultural factors 3. what are the difficulties encountered in the implementation of immunization program 4. what strategies can be undertaken to improve and sustain the immunization program among badjao community

Facilitating and hindering factors: Level of awareness Economic condition Political factors Health condition Cultural Factors

Present status of DOH immunization program

Difficulties encountered

Strategies to sustain and improve the immunization program

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