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Type of speech: Persuasive

Tittle of speech: Let’s Take an Action to Make A Better World With Better Climate

 Opening:

Nelson Mandela once said “We can change the world and make it a better place, we
can make it to be a better place not by a chance but a change”.
Good morning great people who will be the agent of change. How are you today ?
Hoping everything is great, as great as our topic for today.
But wait a minute guys, it’s really hot in here because the weather is changing easily
recently. As what I read on the internet, the climate is easily change since the past of
years. Do you feel it guys ?

 Body:

1. Alright if you still confused about what is climate change and how to fix it, let’s
discuss about it because we have to be the agent of change to fix this problem 
- Climate change is a change in the usual weather found in a place. Weather
becomes hotter, wetter, drier and many more. This conditions is caused
because  GHGs (CO2, methane, nitrous oxide, other gases) continually added
to the earth's atmosphere, the planet continues to warm at an increasing rate.
- What is the effect of this situation ? For example, as the earth's temperature
and ocean temperature rise, there is also an increase in the size and frequency
of intense storms  and flooding. At the same time that extreme storms pummel
some regions, global warming leads to severe drought in other parts of the
planet, and severe wildfires result. This means climate change can cause a
serious problem in all over the world.
- What cause climate change ? Pollution, the use of gas like gasoline, glass
house, using plastic and many others.

2. As an agent of change, we want a better world right for every peace of soul in the
world right ? We want a calm and normal weather or climate for all of the
ecosystem in this world. As an agent of change we can do these small steps
starting from ourselves to create a better climate in the future. What can we do ?
- Starting using public transportation like bus or train to go everywhere. If you
feel not comfortable or would like to go by yourself, you can use a bicycle. It
makes your body healthier and it’s really good to reduce the pollution.
- If you want to go everywhere by yourself but feeling lazy to ride a bicycle ?
You can use a electromotor. It also helps the world to reduce the pollution and
the price also cheaper right ? We also can save the fosil energy for our future
- If we have a free time let’s do planting. Starting planting in your home to
make the production of oxygen getting more than the CO2. If you see there are
a lot of volunteer activity to plant mangrove as a blue carbon like what we did
in Bali.
- Last but not least, reduce the use of plastic. Plastic bag, plastic for packaging
and many more. Let’s use paper bag and other bag to help our climate getting
better. Use plastic can distroy the ecosystem and produce more CO2. So, let’s
start reducing the use of plastic.

 Closing:

Alright good people, our world is our future. What we do at this time will effect our
future world. If we can create a better world and a better climate, then our generation
will live in a beautiful life right ? So, as the agent of change lets make a small change
by taking a small steps among four steps that i’ve explained before. It’s never late to
create a beautiful life. Save our world by save our climate. Let’s create a better future
by with a better climate.

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