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Term paper

The Constituents of Micro-Environment

First What is Micro-Environment? Micro-Environment is the
factor or Elements in a firm Immediate environment which
Help to improve the performance and the Decision making
in creating a business to prevent losses of a business.
The Main Purpose of creating and making Micro-Environment
is to identify what are good and bad in creating a
business, and knowing who will supply your product
knowing where you will get the material that you use in
creating your product who will be the supplier who’s
person will operate your machine or who well manage your
man power, and to identify who will buy and patronize
your products and Services, in public is to identify if
your products is applicable to people in a certain
community to avoid insufficient of target customer
because of your product is not applicable of place you’ve
been created, where you will get tools and raw materials
to create your products, and who and what are those
obstacle or threat that can affect the Business. In Micro
Environment we will tackle the every advantage and use of
every micro-Environments, The Importance of Every
component, the Every Roles and how it helps. components
The Micro environments contain five components that
provides and help us to identify and achieving the target
goals of Your own business the Supplier, customers,
marketing Intermediaries, the Competitors and the Publics
this 5 will be represent as guide in creating your
business plan to avoid going to the wrong path and will
be provides as Guides to an successful business venture.
In Micro-Environment it have 5 components.
1. The Supplier
2. The Customers
3. Marketing Intermediaries
4. The Competitors
5. The Public
The Supplier

Supplier is the production of inputs such as raw material

and components the most important of external micro-
environment. Supplier is the from the word supply that
provides the Material that use in creating your products and
services and supplier have four types the Manufacturers and
Vendors, The Wholesaler and distributors, the independent and
Trade show Reps, the Importers. The Purpose of supplier in
business, a supplier is a person or an entity who delivers
top-notch services, goods and provide the needs from the
manufacturer at reasonable costs to retailer or distributors
for sale. Example of supplier the farmers the producer that
provides goods at low prices that can be resale to
distributers and wholesaler, the wood lumber that produce wood
to the Furniture Businesses at reasonable price to makes both
of them to gain profits. The Roles and responsibility of
suppliers a Supplier is a persons that responsible who
supplies, sells, offers or exposes for sale,
leases ,distributes or install any biological that use in your
business and supplier is a business that sells bulk quantities
of goods and services to other businesses. Supplier is very
important in your business to get your raw materials at low
prices to saves money to get higher profits.
The Customer

Refers to the People who buy, patronize and use a

firms product and services. In sales, commerce, and economics,
a customer is the recipient of a good service, product or an
idea obtained from seller, vendor or supplier. There are types
of customer in the business first the loyal customers model is
an ongoing emotional relationship between you and your
customer by willing a customer is to engage with and
repeatedly purchase from you versus your competitor. The
impulse customers a type of customer that can make buying
decision in an instant, provided that the condition are right
this type of customer their point of view is only matter.
Discount customers are customers that shop frequently but base
buying decision primarily on markdown. The need-based customer
is a type of customer with intention of buying specific
product and the wandering customer is a type of customer that
are not sure of they want to buy knowing of what type of
customers are help to identify what are those
our target customer to encourage to patronize our product
without advertising but through only improving the service
quality of the product. Role of customers 1st: buying, that is
selecting a product or service: 2nd paying for it and 3rd using
or consuming it. Specialy the target of the business is the
customer loyalty, the benefits they are looking for, how ready
they are to buy and often they use the product to good profits
in business, and having positive customer experience play a
huge role in brand awareness, because having a quality product
as they often it can lead to word of mouth advertising because
achieving the desire and satisfaction of the customer and it
help to make your business successful because of having
customer that approved your product.
Marketing intermediaries

Its refers plays an essential role of selling and

distributing product to final consumer in this component it
refer the finishing of selling the product to the costumer
and distributing to other consumers and marketing
intermediaries is an independent firms which it help assisting
the flow of production of goods and services from producer to
end users in this component it involve the strategies of flow
of production it involve the agents, wholesale and retailers
that help marketing the product and distributing and
financing. The type of marketing intermediaries the Agents,
Merchants wholesalers, the distributors, and consumers.


In this it talks the different firms in an industry

Complete for sale of products in the component its involve the
threats of your business that who is can offer the same or
similar goods and services to your customers and its have the
3 types of competitor the direct, indirect and the replacement
competitor those are the will be considered as the enemy of
your business because it involve the race to get the customers
satisfactions and wants make your customers stays.

In public is these are composed of environments media
groups, women association, Customer protecting groups, local
groups. Public refers to the group of people that who have an
actual or potential interest in company products or who have
an impact on the organization to ability achieve objectives.
Term Paper: constituents of Micro-Environments
Organization Management


Arjayne M. Quitorio

Term Paper
Submitted to Mrs. Elma M. Brillantes
Bobon School for Philippine Craftsmen
In Fulfillment of the Requirements
Feb 13, 2023

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