FOOD Ingles

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For 99% of human(giuman) history, people took their(deer) food from the
world around(araund) them. They ate(eit) all(oll) that they could(cud)
find(faint), and they moved on(muvoon). Then about 10,000 years
ago(egou), or for 1% of human history, people learned to farm the land(lend)
and control their environment(envairoment). 
The kind(caint) of food we eat(wit) depends(depens) on which part of the
world we live in(livin) or which part of our country we live in(livin). For
example, in the south(sou) of China they eat(eit) rice, but in the north they
eat(eit) noodles. In Scandinavia(escandineiva), they eat a lot of
herrings(gerrins), and the Portuguese(portugis) love sardines(sardins).
But(bat) in central Europe(iurop), away(ewey) from the sea, people don’t
eat(it) so much fish, they eat more meat and sausages(sosayes). 
In North America, Australia and Europe there are two or more
courses(corses) to every meal and people eat with knives(nais) and forks. In
China there is only one course, all(oll) the food is together on the table, and
they eat with chopsticks. In parts(pars) of India and the Middle East(midolist)
people use their fingers(fingers) and bread(bred) to pick up(picap) the food.

Nowadays it is possible to transport food easily(isily) from one part of the

world to the other. We can eat what we like, when we like, at any time of the
year. Our(owars) bananas come from the Caribbean(caribian) or Africa;
our(owars) rice comes from India or the USA; our strawberries come from
Chile or Spain. Food is very big business(bisness). But(bat) people in
poor(puur) countries are still hungry, and people in rich countries eat too
Durante el 99% de la historia humana, las personas tomaron su alimento del
mundo que los rodeaba. Comieron todo lo que pudieron encontrar y
siguieron adelante. Luego, hace unos 10.000 años, durante el 1% de la
historia humana, la gente aprendió a cultivar la tierra y controlar su entorno.

El tipo de comida que comemos depende de en qué parte del mundo vivimos
o en qué parte de nuestro país vivimos. Por ejemplo, en el sur de China
comen arroz, pero en el norte comen fideos. En Escandinavia comen muchos
arenques y a los portugueses les encantan las sardinas. Pero en Europa
central, lejos del mar, la gente no come tanto pescado, come más carne y
En América del Norte, Australia y Europa hay dos o más platos para cada
comida y la gente come con cuchillos y tenedores. En China solo hay un plato,
toda la comida está junta en la mesa y se come con palillos. En partes de la
India y el Medio Oriente, la gente usa los dedos y el pan para recoger la
Hoy en día es posible transportar alimentos fácilmente de una parte del
mundo a otra. Podemos comer lo que queramos, cuando queramos, en
cualquier época del año. Nuestras bananas provienen del Caribe o África;
nuestro arroz viene de India o USA; nuestras fresas vienen de Chile o España.
La comida es un gran negocio. Pero la gente de los países pobres todavía
tiene hambre, y la gente de los países ricos come demasiado.
Conversación en inglés: waiter and me
Waiter: Hello, can I help you?
Evelyn: Hello, I would like a table for one, please.
Waiter: Of course. Please follow me!

Waiter: Here is a table for one.

Evelyn: Thank you!
Evelyn: Could I have the menu, please?
Waiter: Yes, of course. Here you are!
Evelyn: Thank you!

Waiter: Can I get you something to drink?

Evelyn: Yes, I will have a lemonade.
Waiter: great! I will be right back.

Waiter: Are you ready to order?

Evelyn: Yes, I am, I will have the baked pork loin with stir fried vegetables.
Waiter: Would you like to start with an appetizer?
Evelyn: Yes. For starters, I would like spinach cream, please.
Waiter: Excellent, I will be right back.

Waiter: Did you enjoy your food?

Evelyn: Yes, it was amazing, thank you.
Waiter: Would you like some dessert?
Evelyn: Yes, I would like the brownie with ice cream, please.
Waiter: Perfect, I'll be right back.

Waiter: Here's your brownie with ice cream, enjoy it!

Evelyn: Thank you!

Waiter: Did you enjoy your dessert?

Evelyn: Yes, it was delicious, thank you.
Waiter: Do you want something else?
Evelyn: No thanks, I would like to know the check.
Cashier: The total cost is fifty-four thousand four hundred.
Evelyn: Here you are!
Waiter: Come back soon

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