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I am Engr.

Royal Carter,5' 10" tall an independent contractor of international

I deal basically with oil platforms and oil pipeline ranging from middle east and
far east Asia. registeed with united states oil companies and i
also supply building materials to construction companies and also to my customers

But really i am hanging after getting all the wealth in pursuit,i have come to
realize that we are nothing without a partner,
someone who would stand by me no matter the situation.

A Woman who can hold her own when it comes to matters of the heart,lol.
I have seen faces of women on this site, many of whom have been taken for
granted,many of whom
are not being reciprocated,but i have come with a good news.

The good news is i came here to pick my woman to make me happy, my eight wonder, my
best friend, my copilot, lol. i know

beatuy I saw something in your face in all your pictures , something that made my
heart pause to read you,
something that tickles in the heart,could this be love at first sight?

may be we could find that out,lol.

I'm talking about faith here when feelings are so powerfu. it's as if some force
beyond your
control is guiding you to someone who can make you happy beyond your wildest
you look beautiful beyound human sight. i saw so deep that which i presume no other
man can.

please give me the chance to be your best honey.

I guess you should truly know who i am ,I don't really know how this is to work,
but hey! here is an exclusive.
If at my age i do not know what and when to say words, then what would i be?

When a wise man sees he has probably spent about half of his time in life already,
he begins to assess his main goals in life. What could be more
important than a happy ending?

LOL!!.A man needs to live his life full of joy and happiness. No matter his
achievements, he is reduced to nothing
if he has no crown to complete him and that is a woman to call his own.

A Wife and a Best friend. A woman who knows that even while arguing they still need
to hold hands.
A woman whom i can call a partner in crime,LOL
A woman whom you can tell anything.How could you think anything can make you
happier in life than finding a love that knows
no bound.To make you know more about me,.I will break this down to segments and it
would be like a case study..

------------===========-------------============== LOVE WORDS FROM ONLINE TO TELL

Hw BEAUTIFUL SHE IS ===========----------------------------------------

honey i care to tell you little about me. darling I was born to a loving couple
home, My Father's name is Anthony Johnson Luidgard, who grew up in Denver Colorado
and a British Woman Susan.

My father was an international business man who met this British orphan whose
only family were close friends..

my Mom says there was something about the man that no woman could ever resist,
sometimes she says she sees same in me,lol.

During my father's global movement, when i was twelve i left to

study in Alberta Canada where i got the first degree in civil Engineering and then
i later moved on to join
them back in the Europe.My father died and and my mother was left alone.

I met my late Wife in Paris and we came to the states together before i lost her to
the cold hands of death(cancer).
She is a Nurse too just like you honey Very good.
Actually i could say i met her in a funny way, would explain that later.


I am a global contractor and also an engineer by profession.

I do basically rig constructions and renovations or over water bridges.

I have worked at many countries across the globe.. The present project here on the
field and i shall
quit field works and continue my works from my home office with my company. my
company self goods made in united states to other countries in the world that need

I think i really have gotten to this height cos i embraced work for so long trying
to get over my late Wife, that i worked this hard,
but i think i now realize i can move on.
i like sightseeing and also favorite color is white and also blue.I eat
everything good and also like pizza and chicken soup.i guess that why i am heavy


I have told you how my typical dream day would be like, i just want to spend the
rest of my life enjoying the fruit
of my labor.

I just want a woman who would be my best friend and everything. You know someone
whom we would still
love each other more as the days pass by, even when we cant make love anymore and
all we could do is play bingo,
Just kidding!LOL.
I want you to know that i am really romantic and will give my woman whatever she
wants at anytime.
You know what i sometime funny,LOL!! sense of humor.

I am a total package,i only need someone who understands the value of a good smile.
Now tell me more about you....what do you do for a living?

what do you do for fun?

whats your best colour?

whats your best meal? How Long 've you been on this site. and also tell me anyother
thing you would like me to know darling.
I cant wait to hear back from you.

Have a nice day..

Your Friend
Clark Johnson


Hello angel,

i really appreciate this consistent communication and i will say it is a sign of

will, and i tell you where
there is a will there is success ahead.

I believe we both know that Love is not a destination but a journey

and this is a journey that takes two to walk.
I mean two souls who understand ahead that they aren't in for a kid walk,
and what they have ahead is the most important mission in life.

A place meant for true people,it is a place called joy and happiness.Really i just
see in your face that i can live with this Woman,
not the beauty part alone, but the depth of your soul.

As i could remember, as a kid i was a very cute one,lol. One whom many bullies
would target,
but only to realize there is a tough side to me.I could make a sober person dance.
i could affect one with my smile..I grew up having more older friends. Many would
confide in me.
To tell you, i am a type that doesn't judge. no matter how dirty you may be, just
come clean to me,
and i will give you support.

----===============---------------==== IMPORTANT ====----------


There is no Mr right until we make him right. A relationship is never about how
much at the beginning but
how much we could make it grow into. My old friend and pastor would tell me, if
you aren't ready to feel
or look stupid,then don't fall in love,lol!

But sincerely that is the bitter truth.When my late Wife died,

she told me that the fact that something good ends doesn't mean something better
can't start.Can you prove that right?
I have come to realize that let a man write a better book,let him preach a better
sermon, let him sing the best of songs,
let him gain wealth beyond dreams, he is reduced to nothing except he has a woman
to call, my wife, my best friend
and co-pilot.

My usual saying, and i am known for it,is that,Life is simple, for those who take
it simple.I don't like
to complicate things,there is joy in every situation if you know the right angle to
look at it from.

I cant wait to have a good family again and i cant wait to have a happy home too.
After my last project in Qatar,
i am quitting field works except for the one i lobbied for which i eventually got
and will be executing it in
Cambodia Next month.After this,i will be quitting the filed work soon,Any other job
would only require my attention
from my home office wherever i go.

I want to spend the rest of my life having fun. Would you stand by me to build a

Would you smile at me when i look tense?

I don't need a super model, i rather need a very good friend who
knows when i am tensed just by looking into my eyes and a super woman.

The whole world may be mad at me, but if you are smiling at me, i would care less.
I say,Who says we cant design our own paradise together?

It is workable,just walk by my side.

-------------============ DISCHARGE =========---------------------


I long to read from you later honey,for now i must take care of some work
so i will check back on you later ok. thanks honey. i love you darling

Have a lovely day sweetie


Hello my wonderful one.

How are you?hope you had a good sleep?I am a early bird.Are you too?Why am i
getting addicted to your messages?lol.
I get a good glow on my face just waking up to read from you,Wonderful. How was
your night?.I like all you wrote.
I knew something was missing since i haven't smiled all morning till now,lol. I was
almost late for my chopper this morning,i woke up late, i think i am becoming
restful again, Maybe i could sense something good ahead of us.

What wouldn't i do to make my dreams come true. It is like a rigger waiting for a
trigger. Would you be my trigger?
lol. I just need a woman to hold me before i am old. Absolutely i have come to
know that we spend the most of our
life seeking for the secondary needs, while our primary needs are left unseen. We
have worked so hard and attained
some wealth right? but for what purpose? To be realistic, except if you just want
to be known as a rich person,
wealth means nothing if you have no best friend to share it with. All the millions
are useless indeed.
how much do we need to eat? How much do we need for shelter? how much do we need
for daily fun. excess
and excess leads us to vanity. But for few of us who value the simplicity, we sure
would do well in finding happiness.
As i always say, money can buy a good bed, but never will money buy sleep. it can
buy the best diamond watch,

but can never buy time, It can buy piles of books , but cant buy knowledge.. It
can buy food, but not
satisfaction, Money can buy sex, but can NEVER buy love.That is why , i refuse to
follow the crowd,
so as my own woman, i would give up all that can be bought for that which cant be
bought. I want true
joy and happiness. I want my woman to have power over my moods,She can make me
smile in all weather.

I am glad that i could get your attention my dear. You have a special thing in your
and i intend to find out what it is. It could take a lifetime to figure, but i
don't mind,lol.
Please tell me about your ideology of life. I will be waiting to hear from you.

Your Friend



Hello Darling,

Thanks for the reply and i am happy to read from you and i want you to know that i
am always glad reading
a mail from you everyday as it makes my day I will be flying this morning to
WESTERN Phnom Penh in
CAMBODIA.I really have you in my prayers and i want you to always remember me in
your prayers too.
Micheal will be going with me as i have made arrange with the school authorities
since he is not feeling
fine and i decided to take him along because i don't think i can leave him while
am away as i will
not be mind rested. Dear,I will send you a message immediately i get to the airport
over there and
i want you to know that i will not miss you for a second. i don't want to miss any
of your contact.
I hope all is well with you.I believe that this relationship is sanctioned by God.
I have no other
explanation on how else it has come to be. As i read your letters i am drawn to the
conclusion that
we are meant to be. We have plenty of time and i always look forward to your
letters. I learn so much about
you from them. They bring a blessing to my day and joy to my heart. What can I say
after all that. I can't recall
the last time a woman has taken the time to "express" her desires,hopes, needs and
wants so straight forwardly
right off .Hmmm... you do sound sincere ..You just dont know how much we have in
common but we are Perfectly and
Absolutely equal which means you are my half part .I'm not saying this because i
think you want to hear it.
No i mean it.
As i set and read your messages i thought WOW. I never ever thought i would ever
run into a woman that feels
and think like me after the lost of my Late Wife . I want to get to know you more.
I hope you feel the same way .
However, I do believe we all deserve a chance to prove our intentions. Thanks so
much for your messages and I await
to read from you everyday Well, I think I am doing good .I will pay more attention
in the future.. My son Micheal asked
me something today which he asked me that when will he be able to talk to you and
see you when I heard this,
I was speechless cos I didn't expect this could come out from his mouth but i gave
Him no reply.. so what do you want
me to tell Him which I refer the question to you .Can we Question God for what is
doing in our Life ???
i just believe that With Him all things are possible and he made us to know that
( Mark 10 2-16 )
So they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, no
human being must separate )
Also 1 Corinthians, 13:1-13 . I may be able to speak the languages of human beings
and even of angels,
but if I have no love, my speech is no more than a noisy song or a clanging bell.
I may have the gift of
inspired preaching. I may have all knowledge and understand all secrets. I may
have the faith needed to move
mountains-but if I have no love, I am nothing. i may give away everything I have,
and even give up my body to
be burned-but if i have no love, this does me no good. I agree we have become good
friends and I am going to
try writing you more often as we have been doing in the past few days. I will make
sure i lodge in a hotel that
has internet facility so i will keep your contact so strong. I know that your are
looking for a serious relationship,
so am . However, as you know, love is something that we really can not control.
I am felling in my heart that
this is going to last long. I am looking forward not only meeting you but also
having you in my arms..
You have floored me. My life is basically a simple but very active life. Dull
moments bore me.
True quiet time with you would be cool but I mean just sitting on the couch
watching tv. Could you get use to
me making you laugh alot? I am a man of great passion,desire and truth. I hold
respect as my high symbol of life...
.God of course rules all in my life. I am a very fun,very hard working,very trust
worthy man with a heart that
is ready for total love from a committed woman..spoiling you the best I can. I
will make you laugh alot..
.humor rules of my all goes into the relationship. You probably need to give me
some serious thought..I am one
of a kind. I must rest now and get ready for my trip this morning. I might not be
able to read your messages
till when i get to WESTERN Phnom Penh in CAMBODIA. Will look forward too read back
from you.

Have a lovely day


Hello Darling,

honey I am doing fine and Micheal is also very calm.

I just wanted to inform you that i have arrived The Pochentong
International Airport,Phonm Penh safely, I was so worried about you so i decided to
log into my laptop and use
the airport wireless to message you. We left the shore of the states through Via
Delta Airline. I am used
to flying so it does not worry me. We actually spent 12:50 hours on board.I think
Phonm Penh is
6 hours ahead of us. It was stressful,but enjoyable at the same time. We have
check into a nearby
motel in Phonm Penh city and it was very cool. All the workers there are so lovely
and kind enough
to receive visitors. Although i have not taken a walk yet, but from the little i
see, Phonm Penh seems
to be very beautiful. I'm kind of tired and needed to put things in place, so that
i will be able to make
up for tomorrow. I will be leaving first thing tomorrow morning to see my clients
so we could sign the
memorandum of understanding so that i could start up the project immediately. I
will like to meet up
with the schedule time frame of the said project. I just wanted you to know that
I'm fine and doing great,
most especially for you to be noticed that we arrive safely. I need to go get my
meal set and then bath
and lay to rest.

how are you doing out there,i hope you are doing great?I feel so different anytime
i read from you. Anytime i put on my computer, long in online to look for your
letter,i feel so happy,whenever i set my eyes on it.
I have come to the realization that nothing in life happens by mistake. I believe
that Meeting you was not a mistake, it was destiny and I really do believe in
destiny. I believe that we have some part of our lives that wants to get out and
feel free and share some life with someone. Hello honey, how are you doing today?
hope you are doing great. Honey Since day one we've shared something incredible,
something that most people only dream of. I had been searching for you all of my
life now i have come to realise thats is you and you alone honey. You have made me
the happiest man I have ever been. You are sincere, caring, loving lady, and I
wouldn't trade you for the world. I am so thankful and blessed that you loved me as
much as I loved you, and that you made me your Man.

I will message you later before leaving for my clients office or as soon as i get
to my hotel room. have a nice day for now, till i read from you again. Bye for

Many Hugs,

Yours Forever

Hello Darling,
Thank you so much for the wonderful email.. You are such a good looking Woman.
Please Always put me in your Prayer.
Have signed the document and will be starting my job this morning because i spent
almost all the day at the airport
because i was expecting my materials wish came in very late. I can't tell you how
it makes me feel to hear from you.
I hope all is well with you. My desire my feelings are growing stronger and
stronger every day. You confide in me.
That melts me inside. No one has ever in my life talked to me the way you do and I
love that. We both have gone
through so much, and I feel like relate to you on a much higher level than I have
ever felt before. We have the same
interests and the same likes. I know I am a good person that needs gratification,
and you seem to fulfill my needs in
every way. I think that if we take our time and do everything right, this love
could blossom into a fairytale romance.
All I ask - and I know I have said it before � is that you be true to me and be
true to yourself. I have put all
my trust in you, and I have opened every fiber of my being to you and only you. I
also said I don't care about looks,
granted they are nice things, but I am after a love that will give me a reason to
I want a future wife in my life, someone to hold, confide in, laugh with, cry
with. Someone I can watch football with,
fish with, walk along the beach at night with. I want it. I deserve it, as do you.
I sincerely hope that you feel the
same as I do about you.You are Beautiful, you leave me speechless, you turn tears
into happy bliss. You astonish me
and you brighten every aspect of my life. Like you said, it�s amazing that we�ve
grown so close in such a short
amount of time. The feelings blossomed rapidly and I don't want to lose that. You
are everything and more than what
I have dreamed of my entire life. You would make me happier than the richest
person in the world by sharing your
caring with me. I know I am not perfect, but I do have goals in my life. I take
good care of myself and my son.
Having a life of being in love, yes I definitely want this and welcome it into my
life. I look forward very much
to the part of having anything that is meant to happen with you. If it is falling
in love or marrying you one day,
then our online relationship would have proven the best thing that could have
happened to us. I am not afraid of
falling in love at all.... I am afraid of someone falling in love with me and it
fading away in their heart.
Of course I want you to make me smile, happy and laugh every day. I think the joy
of being in love with someone
who cares and ready to start the next Chapter of relationship.Knowing you feel and
want the same way is a great feeling.
Your desires, your passions, truths, honesty, respects and wants are definitely
things I am and willing to accept
from you. When two people are equal, it is the only way a relationship succeeds.
I am honest,sincere, and true,
and I have a lot of love to give if you are willing to be on the receiving end.
Please take this to heart,
I love you. I know that they say absence makes the heart grow fonder. I go to bed
with tears every night waiting
for the moment I can meet you. I don't know this feeling - I have never
experienced it. I want you by my side.
I need to get ready for work now, i will write you as soon as am back from work in
the evening.. I genuinely want you,
love you with all
my heart.

Your man forever,




I have never been so anxious to read someone's messages until I met you.So now when
I see you have wrote back,
I am very anxious and excited to open it up to see what you have to say to me. I
can't imagine you ever being invisible
To me, you shine like the brightest light in the universe. I would know you
immediately in a crowd of people, dearest.
You would draw me to you like a magnet. You are the only person I have ever felt
compelled to tell my true feelings
to without worrying if you would make any kind of judgment of me. I can be
utterly, totally,completely honest to you.
Yes, this feels like a breath of fresh air.It also makes me feel more complete than
I have ever felt in my entire life.
The depths of my feelings for you over joy me, make me smile despite what is going
on around me, make my eyes tear up,
not from sadness, but from pure joy.I couldn't explain this to anyone, but you.
Sweetheart, Just wanted to tell you,
I'm so thankful that I took that chance to be on facebook because if not, I would
have never found you. I really had
intended to sit down and tell you all this while but you know sometimes life has a
way of interrupting and changing
our plans. I sit here even this morning and just think how lucky I am to have had
the Lord put you in my life.
I too believe we not only have things in common but we also perfectly matched. I
agree that we both do need to
prove our intentions
wish i know the chemistry is perfect between the both of us. My heart this letter
is my heart-template in which
my burning feelings for you will be ventilated. Sweetie, I really enjoyed the
moment I spent messaging each other ..
You've struck me as being mild-mannered and quiet. In fact, your elevated words
added some spice to my life..
our conversation through facebook was totally captivated by your charm and good
looks. You're my total preoccupation
, believe me. I wondered why I should ever get carried away by somebody I hadn't
met before. Are there any particular
things that's was hungry for in you? But I suddenly realized that you're
exquisitely Beautiful and unique.
I must confess.My dear sweetheart, I could only see myself gravitate to you. i
really resonate with you, no doubt.
Since that day, it appears that our lives are like a 'plural subject' with a
'singular verb' under the rule of
concord for love. To me, you're a rose that should be protected from thorns around
lest they prick you.
You're an angel that shouldn't be hurt. You're also honey that should be covered
against contaminants.
by the grace of God, I'm ready to do whatever it takes to make you happy,i
I'm in earnest when I say I want you, I usually rhapsodize about your outstanding
natural beauty and caring.
You hit me with a'sledgehammer'. I want you and cherish you for you're Angel
I'm longing to clasp you to my bosom very soon to soothe my ailing soul..Well
love I must close for
now as I am late and need to leave now, but know that you are in my heart and on
my mind always and I
look forward to whatever the Lord and the future holds for you and I. I am heading
to work now and will
message you when i get there... Have a great day or night whenever you get a
moment to read from me.
Look forward to reading from you hopefully soon!

Always Love you...


Good Evening My Love


How was your weekend? myself and Jeanne really had a nice day yesterday because i
didn't go to site.
We visited a lot of places in Victoria Island and here as well how i wish you were
here to go with us.
Jeanne really had a nice time on her trip, she took some photo before my phone
battery got flat and we
snapped some photos too,i will show you everything once am back to the state
because i did not have my camera
cable here.I hope you prayed for me? I respect you, I like you, I feel comfortable
writing to you and telling
you the truth about me, the bad as well as my good qualities. I am secure in
knowing you will see me as a human
being with faults of my own and still accept me for an equal to you. I am drawn to
you and you excite me in so
many ways.Your intellect is wonderful. Your poetic writing is unbelievably
beautiful. Your openness is inspiring.
Your adoration is thrilling to me. I feel like a complete Man with you,like
something,some part of me has
been missing from me until you became a part of my life. And as for companionship,
my Love, we are so much alike!
We enjoy so many of the same things, life will be a wonderful and joyful
adventure for both of us.
I have never felt this way about anyone before. I swear to you, I have never ached
to meet someone.
You are such a good,sweet woman, I want to give you all of me. I would be starting
the final installations of
the equipments i bought in Victoria Island tomorrow morning. I hope and pray you
desire me the way I do you.
my dear Sweet heart each time I woke up, the first thing I thought of was you. I
was lying on my stomach
when I woke up and I imagined you reaching over, bringing your body close to mine
and holding me,
kissing my neck and my face. I woke up smiling and feeling very loved by you my
dear Love .
I do love you with all of my heart , I have been totally honest with you I long to
touch your tender skin,
to hold you and just to be in the same room as you will drive me wild with so much
it's mind boggling to say the least !!! my arm's and heart will always be wide
open to you,when we are
together as one family Whenever you take a shower I will be there to dry you off,
you will always be wet around me ,
I want you ,need you , miss you so much honey !!! To continue life without you
would be meaningless !!! my sweetheart,
when I returned back from Victoria Island this morning I sat down in my room with
Jeanne and I fell asleep,
I guess we must of 've tired, I awoke and I saw that I didn't even make it into my
laptop to write you this morning,
I left the light on in my room ! Honey no matter where you are I will always love
you, it's you that I want forever,
and you know that!!! I think about you all the time and I pray that Jeanne and i
will be there with you soon !!
Please keep me in your thoughts ,less than few weeks we will be together in a
physical meaning of souls rather
than messages,But please know you are on my mind almost constantly. You make my
days such a pleasure just
knowing you are out there for me to care and adore and cherish,at least we know
where each other thoughts are
coming from, don't we? I need to get things ready for work first thing tomorrow
morning. I look forward to your
every response my dearest Wife to be, I do miss you,want you and need you my lover
! I will always be yours !!!!
I Love You,Only
You !
I Love You,Only You


Good Morning My Love

How are you doing today and your night? I'm not doing good as i message you right
I'm having heads-up with the Queen's Land Builder's and execution committee today.
The secretary General and the Chief protocol officer of the above mentioned
association came to
the building site with an injunction that i should stop work forthwith. I had to
leave for the
Committee HQ's at Queen's Drive, From what i enquire from them, they said all
foreign contractor's need
register with the local contractor's soon as the project is heading towards
completion. I was given till Wednesday
to comply or sublet the contract to another company. From the investigation and
verification that i carried out,
both from the state/local council and i find out that it's constitutionally
right,that the Queen's Land Builder's
supervise and recommend every project.The committee is to make sure the contract
after been completed,
its no substandard. So, they demanded a registration and approval fee of 7,855.75
USD). But as you know,
i have committed all the money i have on me to this job buying my material and
doing some other things and paying
for my hotel bill as well. This all i could raised $5,595.75 from the left over
money with me. Please am not imposing
it on you,if you can loan me
$2,260 USD So that i will be able to finish up the job and be with you as plan,
because i will soon finish this contract soonest. I never wanted to ask you but i
felt the day is
coming too closer. I really count on your assistance and i promise to make it up
to you as soon as i get paid.
If i can get the money today or tomorrow, it will be fine by me, cos that will help
me to meet up the agreement
and finish up the contract soon. How was your night? I miss you so much as i hope
you do same. I cant wait to be
with you, hug and cuddle you. I will really count on your assistant,i dont need to
keep my shy and lose my Job
and contract. If you can come up with something i will really appreciate am not
relenting still try to see if i
can get more. Love you and cant wait to meet you.

Millions Hugs and kisses


Good Evening My Dearest Wife to be,

I'm a little bit worried but i know you are probably busy with stuffs.My day was
not good as i message you since Monday
, because my site has been clamp present from working. Untill i get the money paid
to the body of contractor.
After i left to sell my watch and neck lace i didnt make much money.I had almost
$600 more with me so am left
with $600 now to complete the money and start up my job again Tomorrow or
Saturday, Dear, i will never let you
regret helping me because you have my heart and soul already and you are my future
Wife. I would be glad if you
could help me with the money so that i could be able to pay the body of the
contractor tomorrow because am so eager
to be home soonest once i finish this Job.I do thank God always that have found
you...I promise and cross my mind that i will never
let you down. I will be so glad to hear the good news and will forever be grateful
too you because i don't want to
loose my job here and that is what i hope for all my life.Immediately i got your
message, i went and look for the
fast and safest way to receive money from oversea, I was told that western Union
is the best way and i made some
little inquire on how to get the money across to me.Please send the Money Through
Western Union.Believe me sincerely
am for real and you will set your two eye on me and my daughter soon. I also
promise to pay you back the money as
soon as i get back to the state, Please for the sake of God I want you to look for
all means and send me the $2,600 today.
I'm honest with you and i want you to believe me as have believed you and trusted
you. I will be here looking forward
to hear back from you now.I will be sitting in my hotel room watching tv and be
expecting to read a message
from you honey

Here is the information you need to send the money to via western union money
NAME: Gray Matt

State: IMO


Post Code: 23401

Country : Nigeria

Lots of Hugs and kisses

Always remember my 3 special words

1.....i'll always be here for you
2.....i care about you
3.....i will always and forever love you honey

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