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Report Text

By: Miss Tia

IPK dan Penilaian
1. Menganalisis fungsi social
Kerja sama dalam menganalisis materi yang
teks report terkait teknologi
diajarkan. Tanggung jawab dalam
2. Menganalisis struktur teks
penyelesaian tugas materi
report teknologi
3. Menganalisis unsure
kebahasaan teks report terkait 2. PENGETAHUAN
teknologi • Menganalisis penyajian materi dengan
4. Menyikapi makna secara cermat.
kontekstual terkait fungsi • Menentukan kalimat fakta tentang materi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur yang diajarkan
kebahasaan teks report lisan
dan tulis, terkait teknologi 3. KETERAMPILAN
yang tercakup dalam mata Menegerjakan tugas sesuai dengan materi yang
pelajaran lain di Kelas X di ajarkan.

Look at the Picture

Can you guess what animal is it? Where do u

usually find that animal?

Look at the Picture

Can you describe the animal? What does it

usually eat?

Report Text
Text that describes something in

Social Function

Report text generally describes an

entire class of things, whether natural
or made: mammals, the planets, rocks,
plants, countries of region, culture,
transportation, and so on

Generic Structure

● General Identification; Stating classification

of general aspect of thing; animal, public
place, plant, etc which will be discussed or
described in general.

● Description : Tells what the characteristics

under discussion ; in terms of parts, qualities,
habits or behaviors.

Language Features

– Use of general nouns – Use of timeless present tense to

eg hunting dogs, rather than indicate usualness,
particular nouns, eg our dog; eg Tropical cyclones always
– Use of relating verbs to begin over the sea;
describe features, – Use of technical terms, eg
eg Molecules are tiny Isobars are lines drawn on a
particles; weather map;
– Some use of action verbs – Use of paragraphs with topic
when describing behaviour, sentences to organise bundles of
information; repeated naming of
eg Emus cannot fly;
the topic as the beginning focus
of the clause.
Simple Present Tense
Main Formula: Subject + Verb (Verb 1)

Subject (I, You, We, They) + V1 Subject (He, She, It) + V1s or V1es
Example: Example:
He goes to school
I go to school You
He writes a letter
You write a letter
It eats banana
We eat banana The dog bites him
They learn English Marry learns English
You visit the museum Andrew visits the museum

To change the sentences in negative form you can use auxiliary verb “do not” or
“does not” before the verb in the sentence

Taken from:


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