Normal Fire Department Campaign

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Only students can prevent fires.


Campaign Book Summary.................................................................3

Executive Summary.............................................................................4
Meet the Team.......................................................................................5
Objective 1................................................................................................7
Objective 2...............................................................................................8
Event Process........................................................................................13
Sample Social Media Posts................................................................14
Sample Social Media Posts (Cont.)...................................................15
Social Media Posts (Cont.)..................................................................16
Promotion Materials........................................................................... 17
Press Release.........................................................................................18
Dear Normal Fire Department,

CJKS Communications would like to thank you for your time and
consideration of our firm to represent the Normal Fire
Department. In this book, we have proposed a public relations
campaign for the Fire Department. From our first meeting, you
highlighted how your priority is to educate Illinois State
University’s students on proper fire safety while also improving
your social media. This plan we have created will not only get
students engaged, but it will also educate them on fire safety.

This campaign will include an event, and social media strategies

to effectively reach the target audience and demographics which
are Illinois State University students.

Objective 1: To gain 500 Tik-Tok followers after 3 months from

launching the Normal Fire Departments’ account.
Objective 2: Increase the Normal Fire Departments’ Instagram
from 1,607 to 2,000 within a month.

To accomplish these two objectives, we created a social media

campaign that can fully involve and educate students on fire
safety while having it be interactive. CJKS Communications
would like to thank you once again and to please reach out with
any further questions.


The goal of this campaign is

to reach the students at Illinois
State University and educate them

on fire safety.

The Normal Fire Departments main goal is the safety of the

community. By launching this campaign, it will help educate
the students on campus about what steps they can take to
keep themselves safe and their community safe.

This will be done through various social media posts, a

contest to increase student involvement with the Normal Fire
Department, and a raffle. The Normal Fire Department will
engage with students on the quad that is located on the ISU
campus. This will allow the students direct communication
with the fire department along with the other efforts
throughout the campaign.

Meet the Team

Jared Summers
Sierra Koenig

Claudia Cesario Katie Slaven
(630)363-5819 (832) - 589 - 7950


Client Problem
The Normal Fire Department has 65 full- A problem that will be addressed through
time firefighters and paramedics. Also, the the campaign is the amount of student
NFD has two assistant chiefs, an office interaction with the Normal Fire
associate, and two fire inspectors. The Department. Students at Illinois State
Town of Normal has three fire stations so frequently use social media. A way to
they can respond quickly. The NFD increase interaction is by changing the
communicates to the residents in Normal way in which the fire department utilizes
through social media as well as their social media. Social media posts should
website. The goals of the NFD are to use relevant trends and attention-
mitigate hazards and emergencies by grabbing elements to engage the
responding rapidly and in a professional students. The fire department should
manner to all requests, to provide public continue to perform live demonstrations
safety education and awareness as well as on campus to allow more direct
fire code compliance and enforcement. interactions and face-toface engagement.

The general audience for the NFD is anyone living in

Bloomington-Normal. These residents can be broken into many

sub-categories. The sub-categories include families, young

people, elderly, students, parents of students, home and

apartment owners, landlords, business owners, staff at schools,

Bloomington-Normal Government (BN Gov), pet owners, social

media users, firefighter’s friends and family, other public safety

officials, the firefighters themselves and more.

Objective 1
The main goal of this campaign for the Normal Fire Department is to
engage a younger audience and college students of the city of Normal on
proper fire safety and etiquette. We created output objectives, outtake
objectives, and outcome objectives. By establishing these objectives, not
only will we engage a younger audience, but we are able to see what works
and what does not work.

Objective 1: To gain 500 Tik-Tok

followers after launching the Normal Fire
Departments’ account

The Normal Fire Department emphasized how they have a Tik-Tok

account reserved for when they want to launch. Upon launching the
Tik-Tok account, we hope to gain 500 Tik-Tok followers within a span
of 3 months of the initial launch date. To do this, we have created 5
Tik-Toks for the Normal Fire Department that are educational, and
humurous for students to watch

Objective 2

Objective 2: Increase the Normal Fire Departments’

from 1,607 to 2,000 followers within a month.


Instagram is another form of popular social media used by the younger

generation. Gaining a larger social media presence on Instagram is crucial
because by having Illinois State University's students follow the NFD account,
this can keep students up to date with
the NFD while also seeing social media
posts about fire safety.


The main tactic to gain Instagram followers is by creating a giveaway that

students can enter. To enter the giveaway for a gift card, students will follow
the Normal Fire Departments Instagram while also reposting the NFD's
Instagram post for an extra entry. Having students do this, will have the NFD
gain followers.

The overall theme of the
campaign is promoting fire
prevention through social media
by using Reggie the Redbird in a
similar way Smokey the Bear
was used to promote forest fire
This is effective for our target
public because Reggie is a
recognizable character for
students in Bloomington-
Normal & Smokey the Bear will
be nostalgic for college aged

The Normal Fire Department will have two main events. The
first will be a booth at Festival ISU and will include a raffle in
which three students will have a chance to win a $50 gift card
to Firehouse Pizza. The second event will be a contest in which
students will submit videos to the fire department and the
owners of the best video will win a $50 gift card to Firehouse
Pizza as well.

Raffle TikTok
The raffle will be conducted at the
We want to make sure our

booth at Festival ISU. Firefighters

campaign is as interactive as

will sit at the booth to give a speech

possible and reaches a large

on fire safety. After the speech,

population of the students. To

students will then take a raffle

accomplish this we believe the

ticket and write their contact

Firefighters should encourage

information (email, phone number,

students to make TikTok's on

and name). At the end of the

the quad during Festival ISU

following day, the fire department

about fire prevention and the

will contact the winners. fire department will repost the

best ones. In addition to this,

one of the Firehouse gift cards

will be given away to the best

TikTok submission.

Item/Product  Cost 

One foldable table $49.47

Four foldable chairs  $58.99 

Red table cloth  $1.94 

60 miniature plastic water bottles (5


75 water bottle labels  $19.85  

100 stickers  $93.00 

McLean County Raffle Permit  $10 

4 $50 gift cards for Firehouse Pizza  $200 

Raffle Tickets  $7.69 

100 flyers  $5.00 

Poster Board  $0.39 

Scotch Packing Tape  $3.98 

4-pack of Sharpie’s  $4.89 

60-pack of pens  $5.99 

Total  $474.29

The table shows the breakdown of the expenses for the


Event Process
Festival ISU
Two to three firefighters will be at a
booth at Festival ISU. There will be one
table set up with flyers, water bottles
for the students, stickers, and the raffle
tickets. The stickers and water bottles
will have the NFD logo on them. This
will serve as an advertisement. There
will be a poster board on the front of
the table that has pictures of the fire
department and the logo. The table will
be decorated with a red table cloth and
Many students attend Festival ISU. This would
a fire helmet. The event will last two
help increase student interaction with the fire

We believe to spread our campaign to the largest amount of students possible,
firefighters during the event should encourage students to get involved in the
campaign. One way to get students involved is by encouraging them to make their
own TikTok videos in addition to the ones we have made that show how they are
preventing fires on the campus of Illinois State University. Whether that is in their
dorms, apartments, or in general areas on campus. The firefighters at the event will
also encourage the students to tag the department in the video so the department
can easily repost the best ones. In addition to reposting, one of the gift cards that are
being given away will go to the best fire prevention TikTok during the week of Festival
ISU. This will be another reason for students to get involved in the campaign. This
increases the amount of people we will reach because not only will the departments
followers see the campaign, the students followers will see the campaign. This in
turns gets them to not only hear what the firefighters have to say at the event but
think about it and apply it in their own lives.

Sample Social Media Posts


These tweets are all to engage with ISU

students on fire safety.

Sample Social Media Posts


Picture above: This picture above is to remind

students of fire safety.

Instagram Story:

Picture above: This Instagram post is to promote the

NFD at festival ISU

Picture on left: This is a post for the NFD's Instagram

story to also promote the event for festival ISU. This

post is to tell the students about the gift card they can

win for Firehouse to get more students to attend.

Sample Social Media Posts

Flier to promote the event:

Promotion Materials

Water bottle label


Press Release
Normal Fire Department
606 S Main St,
Normal, IL 61761
Matt Swaney

Illinois State University Fire Safety Event

NORMAL, IL- The Normal Fire Department is hosting a fire safety event on the ISU Quad at

Festival ISU in the fall of 2023.

The NFD will educate and discuss preventive steps that college students can incorporate into

their life to reduce the risk of a fire. To enter the raffle there will be a few requirements for

students to follow and repost a post on the NFD’s Instagram. Students are also required to provide

their email. The NFD wants students' emails so they can send updates on hazards and warnings.

The raffle winners will be four students that will win a $50 gift card to Firehouse Pizza. This

event's purpose is to make students more aware of fire safety and to engage with the community.

Normal Fire Departments Prevention Division Supervisor Glen Rosecrans said, “This event will help

us connect with students and be able to reach them through email. The ability to make ISU

students aware will help us keep our community safer.”

The goal of the NFD is to ensure safety for all of the residents in Normal. The Department

wants to reach out to students because many students are living alone for the first time and do not

understand fire safety. The NFD wants to ensure the safety of all students so they can have a safe

and successful school year.


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