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1. What is meant by performance assessment?

Performance assessment is the type of assessment wherein students are tasked to
perform something rather than write a test. It primarily involves students on skills-building
activities rather than answering questions on a piece of paper. It commonly entails real-
world scenarios, authentic and complex thinking processes, higher-order thinking and
evaluation criteria. This is a good opportunity for teachers to assess and evaluate
students’ learning aside from formative and summative assessments.

2. What is a more authentic way of testing whether the students have learned how to
prepare an income statement?
The more authentic way of testing whether the students have learned how to prepare an
income statement is through performance-based assessment. In which, students will be
given enough financial data and through it they will gather the needed information in
order to craft and prepare an accurate income statement. The teacher can also formulate
an appropriate time frame in which the students will do the task. Through performance-
based assessment, students are mirroring the tasks and responsibilities of professionals
that are also engaged in the same activity such as accountants, financial analysts,
economists and more which is a good training ground for them.

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