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Self-Assessment/Concept Check

One’s feelings and emotions correlates a direct effect to the learner’s learning. Positive
emotions usually inspire motivation and encouragement. On the other hand, negative feelings can
cause discouragements and frustrations. That is why it is recommended to uplift positive thoughts and
emotions within ourselves as it will transcend in everything we do even during the process of learning.

I think each student have all of the multiple intelligences but varies only on what is the
dominant intelligence that lies per individual. Many people can be taught how to sing but only few can
be exemplary on what they do that is because not all people has the same domineering trait or
intelligence that lies in them. These variation happens due to the genes, environment and interests
acquired per certain persona. Yes, each student can have all of the multiple intelligence but not all of it
are dominant as some of it can be recessive or inferior which makes it less obvious or evident from the
other traits.

No, I could not say that the learning environment totally condition the learner. The learning
environment is just part of the whole world a person wanders. The diversity of influence they can
gather does not solely came from the learning environment itself. It starts from their home, their beliefs
and culture which molds a person’s personality. Although the learning environment can become an
avenue of influence but it only forms a part of the whole scenario and cannot guarantee that it will
totally condition the learner. At the end of it all, aside from the learning institution, home, religious
beliefs and culture they are in, each and every one of us is given the free will to become the version of
ourselves we aspire to be.

A professional teacher is like an actor in a sense that they are able to portray the varying roles
anchored with the right emotions that will captivate the attention of their learners. Teachers in a way
also radiates inspiration just like some actors and instill a symbol of hope and a role model to the youth.
Teachers just like the doctor as they can heal ignorance and effectively cure it through supplementing
the right knowledge and wisdom. Furthermore, teachers are like nurses as they do not just basically
teach but deliver it to their learners with tender love and care.

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