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Sop single taxi

Holding speed

Oxygen mask test (when both pilot)

Adirs alig ( 5 trường hợp

Air cond – khi có load sheet (chú ý nghe và set)

ATC mặc định bộ 1 ( rvsm op ai bay thì để bộ người đấy) FCOM

CFP wind m5 (hd) alt fuel (đánh fuel ko đánh giờ )

/V1 blue vr v2 magenta

Eng master on Anh tùng ko bấm anh quân phải bấm giờ

Eng warm up(when eng master 1 chrono start) 5min including taxi time

Brake fan on when if an arc is displayed above the barke temperature on the wheel off before T/o (
temp 150 độ with fan on

Tại sao arm spoiler sau khi eng start. , antiskid

Engine ignition

At T/O Pack on when (pack off thì bleed totally đi vào eng, increase performance when toga, flex thì
reduce egt maintaince cost)

Haf side stick x wing <20kt no TL wind if not full side stick

Take off Turn when above 500 RA bank not more than 25 độ

Eng anti ice

Fctm altitude consideration Rec max và optimum # optimum ( tối ưu fuel) rec max(

Rvsm cross check

Landing flap 3

Terr on nd

Auto brake med wet, contaminated, short rwy, TL , heavy ldw. Malfunction

Disconnect autobrake (40kt) để deactivate antiskid j why

3 min elasp

Sop fctm fom chapt 8 fcom system

Sop note
2.1.1 General
1. CM1 left hand seat.
2. CM2 right hand seat.
3. The term “Pilot Flying” (PF) pilot flight controls.
4. The term “Pilot Monitoring” (PM) pilot not flight controls.
2.1.2 Checklist

Checklists (called) by the CM1 or PF and read by the CM2 or PM.

If Evacuation checklist is Read and Done by CM2.

2.1.4 Communication

a) The PIC is responsible for all communications

b) Use of headsets:
Headsets will be used in high workload situation or:
From pushback/engine start until 20000 feet or top of climb whicheverlower.
From 20000 feet or top of descent whichever lower until the aircraft is parked and both engines are shut down.
When both pilots wear the headsets, interphone will be used except ground engineer is on the interphone. For
situational awareness, during take-off and landing the noise canceling function of the headset must not be used.
c) Communication monitoring
1. VHF1 for designated ATC frequency
2. VHF2 for 121.5Mhz (for Oceanic flight refer to Jeppesen), Company frequency (where available) or ATIS
d) Communication tuning and crosscheck
selected radio frequency on RMP1; the other crewmember shall crosscheck then say “checked”
f) Company Frequencies :
Frequency 129.7 HAN/SGN and 129.2 for DAD ASOC:
 For operational supports, crews use call sign “HAN/SGN/DAD DISPATCH”
 For technical supports, crews use call sign “HAN/SGN/DAD VAECO”
g) Emergency Frequencies
VHF 121.5 Mhz and UHF 243 Mhz

2.1.5 Flight Deck Automation Policy

Automation shall be utilized to increase the operational efficiency of the flight.
d) Any change in Altitude and Level during cruise or interval cruise, Crew must crosscheck using
appropriate Standard call out before activating the level change. must use all phases of flight
ONLY the following exceptions are allowed for the use of manual thrust for all line flights and training flights:
1. Technical downgrades (such as aircrafts dispatched with relevant MEL item(s), inoperative autopilot or
unserviceable autothurst).
2. Weather condition (If auto-thrust is unable to control the aircraft).
2.1.6 Altimeter Procedures
The 1000 position of the ALT outer knob can be used for altitude to the nearest hundred. However,
the flight crew shall ensure that the ALT outer knob must be set to the 100 position after each use.
2.1.7 Flight Deck Security and Discipline Flight Deck Security
Capt must check and sign the security A/C checklist before boarding, door must close from boarding until external
door is open for disembarkation
during cruise phase 1 pilot có thể vacated ghế ngồi trong thời gian ngắn phi công còn lại phải đeo tai nghe và cài dây bảo hiểm
2.1.9 Task Sharing
On ground during taxi, all FCU should made by CM2, In flight made by PFwhen ap on and by PM when AP is off.
All action on MCDU below 10.000ft should made by PM
QRH should be located at PM side
d) Captain Takeoffs and Landings
Captain must be PF when:
i) X-Wind ≥ 15kts;
ii) Gusting > 10kts;
iii) Tailwind > 10kts or Tailwind ≥ 5kt and RA;
iv) Day time: Vis ≤ 3000m with TSRA and X-wind ≥ 10kts;
v) Night time: Vis ≤ 1500m with –RA;
vi) After the first Go-around
2. Flight crew must cancel the Approach or reject the Landing when:
i) Day time: Visibility/ RVR ≤ 1500m with TSRA and crossWind ≥ 10kts.
ii) Night time: Visibility/ RVR ≤ 1500m with TSRA.
iii) One of the three following criteria is below the acceptable minimum: Ceiling, Visibility
or RVR
iv) Visibility is less than or equal to the airport minimum acceptable visibility + 100m or
RVR + 300m; and accompanied by
v) Crosswind is more than 15kt with gusts; and accompanied by other unfavorable
meteorological conditions (thunderstorms, lightning, heavy showers) over the runway
or in the vicinity of the airport.
3. when weather expeted to worse. On approach
a) The aircraft must be stabilized by 1,000 ft in instrument approach or 500 ft in visual approach.
b) On NEO aircrafts, if the predicted tailwind at landing is greater than 10 kts, decelerated
approach is NOT permitted.
c) If the aircraft is not stabilized, a go-around must be executed.
2.1.15 Maximum Airspeeds
+ 250kts below 10000ft
+ 210kts in holding
+ 180kts in aerodrome traffic area.
For maximum speed in other countries refer to Jeppesen ATC,
If a high speed approach is requested by ATC, a maximum IAS of 250kts when passing 3000Ft
above airport elevation must be planned by crew.
(i) Landing flaps setting
Landing flaps 3 is to be considered on long runways where high reverse thrust, high braking are
not required and runway occupation time is not limited.
(j) Use of reversers
When the turn around time, brake temperature are determining and runway occupation time is
limited, use of max reverse is recommended. Otherwise idle reverses are recommended.
(k) Single engine taxi
This procedure is not applicable in case of :
- Malfunction of:
Braking system
Hydraulic system
Nose wheel steering
Electric system
- Adverse Weather Condition: contaminated,slippery,wet snow,standing water…
- Restriction of airport (noise abatement, minimum thrust requirement,…).
- Actual taxi weight is greater than Maximum Landing Weight.
- Taxi route feature is affected to aircraft performance as slope,surface condition,…
- Low Visibilities Operation
Single engine taxi-out
One engine taxi-out procedure is applicable only in case of:
Expected long taxi time
Engine 1 will be started first then when applicable start Engine 2 of warm up time (IAE: 2 min
before takeoff or 5 min if the engine has been shutdown for more than 2 hours). Engine 2 is only
started when taxiing on straight line and crew work load permits. CM2 will start the second
engine with the approval and supervision of CM1.
Single engine taxi-in
engine should only be shut down at or below taxi speed, when taxiing on straight line and after a cooling period of at
least 3 minutes. This 3-minute cooling period is to be counted when the engine power at reverse idle or ground idle.
(l) Low noise, low drag approach
- Deceleration in level flight:
With approach flaps extended: speed decrease 10 to 15 kt-per-nm;
With landing gear down and flaps full: speed decrease 20 to 30 kt-per-nm.
- Deceleration on a 3 degree glide path:
In clean configuration or with Flaps 1: No deceleration
With landing flaps and gear down: 10 to 20 kt-per-nm.
Note: A 3 degree glide path is typically equivalent to a descent-gradient of 300 ft-per-nm or a 700
ft/mn vertical speed, for a final approach ground speed of 140kt.
When established on a typical 3 degree glide slope path with only slats extended (i.e., with no
flaps), it takes approximately 3 nm (1000ft) to decelerate down to the target final approach speed
and to establish the landing configuration.
Speedbrakes may be used to achieve a faster deceleration (speedbrake can be use with flaps 2).
Typically, slats should be extended not later than 3 nm before the FAF.
The following conditions are considered:
- Stabilization height 1000ft above airport elevation and
- Final approach speed (Vapp) = 140 kts.
- FAF at 6 NM from threshold.
In order to be stabilized at 140 kt at 1000ft above airfield elevation, the aircraft should:
- Maintain Green dot, at 9NM: CONFIG 1;
- When below VFE, before capture GP: CONFIG 2;
- After Flap 2 extended (approximately 7NM to threshold): GEAR DOWN;
- After Gear down (approximately 5NM to threshhold): Flap 3 then Flap full (recommend to
extend Flap Full below VFE config FULL – 15 kt).
2.1.20 APU, GPU
Before departure A/C APU or GPU will start 15 min before push back and start.
Arrival apu start 2 min before reaching parking positon
2.1.21 Cost index:
Depending on various operational factors, cost index will be established.
Note: When the managed speeds are higher than below mentioned speeds, flight crew shall
insert these speeds into CLB/DES page in MCDU:
- CLB SPD: 250/300/0.78
- DES SPD: 0.78/300/250

2.1.22 TCAS caution when changing levels

ROD or ROC 1000ft/m in RVSM
2.2.3 Departure ATC Clearance
Clearance should normally be requested 5 minutes before push-back/start-up.
Sop 2.3.1 push back and start:
Start engine by cm1 except 1 eng taxi the cm2 start the remaining eng .
Không start eng khi push back nếu pushback area có mưa tuyết (splippery)
Crossbleed eng start not allowed during pushback.
Taxi speed on RWY 40kt, straight line :30kt <=20kt in rain snow icing.10kt in lvo
Minimum RVR for taxi 75 m , RVR less than 400m consider lvo.
Incase of captian incapacity F/O can Taxi vacated RWY and set PKB on
Cross-bleed engine start is not allowed during pushback. Crew should apply this procedure only
when aircraft is stationary with parking brake ON.
2.3.2 Taxi Out
Minimum required RVR for taxi is 75m.
PIC shall ensure that the signal from Ground Mechanic must be obtained and crosschecked between crew, the taxi
clearance must be received fro Ground/Ram controlle
Maximum taxi speed:
+ Straight-line: 30kts, ≤ 20kts in rain/snow/icing conditions, 10kts in LVO.
+ Taxi on runway: 40kts.
+ During sharp turns (90 degree or more): ≤ 10kts.
In case of captain incapacity, the first officer may taxi the aircraft to vacate runway, stop the aircraft
and set parking brake ON. Then he/she shall request the aircraft to be towed to the parking bay.
A taxi in RVR less than 400m is considered as a low visibility taxi
- Before taxi both pilots must review taxi route, if available.
- All checklists, flight control check and briefing shall be done when the aircraft is stopped with parking brake ON.
- Use all means to identify the Takeoff Runway (turn on ILS…)
- Single engine taxi is not applicable.
2.3.4 Decision of Departure
Any failure which occurs between the start of pushback or taxi and take-off brake release shall be
dealt with as follows:
a) The PIC shall communicate with mechanics via Intercom or company frequency or by phone to
review and share the situation and determine whether the flight should:
- Return to the gate for repairs (the fail equipment is a no-go item) or
- Return to the gate to accomplish a MAINTENANCE procedure specified in the MEL or CDL before continuing the
flight or,
- Continue using the alternate procedures (abnormal procedures) for operating with that failed item.
b) The PIC may determine that the flight can be operated safety using the alternate procedure under
the conditions of dispatch release, without communicating with the dispatch and maintenance organizations.

Sop2.4.1 LVO take off

No T/O if RVR less than 150m cat c ,200m cat D or RVR < T/O minima
Note 1: For night operations, at least runway edge and runway end lights are required.
Note 2: The reported RVR representative of the initial part of the takeoff run (or TDZ) may be replaced by pilot
Note 3: The required RVR value must be achieved for all of the relevant RVR reporting points: TDZ, Mid-point and
Lift-off zone, except as stated in Note 2 above.

Low visibility takeoff procedure:

- Both crewmembers must be qualified for LVO.
- LVP is confirmed to be enforced (by ATIS or ATC) or requested by crew.
- Visual cues are primary means to track the runway centerline. In case of yaw-bar deviation
from runway centerline, CM2 shall call out “YAW BAR”.
- Maximum tailwind component is 10 kt.
- The runway is not contaminated.
Taxi, takeoff, landing and strobe lights will not be used due to glare that may cause a reduction
in forward visibility. Landing lights should be turned on at landing gear retraction, after liftoff.
- No rolling takeoff.

- CM1 will be PF and CM2 will be PM.

The CM1 will be “head-up” after takeoff thrust set. The CM2 will be “head-down” throughout
the takeoff roll, monitoring the flight instruments, parameters and provide appropriate callout
including all FMA callouts.
- Takeoff thrust is allowed either with FLEX or TOGA.
PM will advise ATC when aircraft has lifted off.
2.4.2 Monitoring During Takeoff
During all instrument takeoffs the PM must positively moni tor f l ight instruments to at least 500 FT and alert the PF if
tolerances are being exceeded
2.4.3 Noise Abatement Takeoff
Below 800ft AGL (minimum alt):
- Take-off power (Flex take-off, if possible)
- Take-off Flaps.
- Climb at V2 + 10kts.
At 800ft AGL (minimum alt):
- Reduce Thrust to not less than climb thrust.
From 800ft to 3000ft AGL:
- Climb at V2+10kts to V2+20kts.
- Maintain with Flaps/Slats in take-off configuration.
At 3000ft AGL:
- Accelerate smoothly to en-route climb speed with flaps retraction on schedule.
Below 800ft AGL (minimum alt):
- Take-off power (Flex take-off, if possible)
- Take-off Flaps.
- Climb at V2 + 10kts to V2 + 20kts.
At 800ft AGL:
- Maintain a positive rate of climb, body angle is reduced, accelerate to Zero flap minimum
safe maneuvering speed (Green dot speed).
- Retract Flaps on schedule.
- Power is reduced during the flaps/slats retraction sequence at a point that ensures
satisfatory acceleration performance.
At 3000ft AGL:
Transition smoothly to en-route climb speed.
2.5.1 Clean Up and Thrust Reduction Altitudes
800FT (above airport elevation) shall be used as the standard thrust reduction and acceleration altitude.
2.5.2 Maximum Angle of Bank
Above 500ft STD bank 25* , specific 30*
2.5.3 Turns after Takeoff
Turns after takeoff at altitudes below 500FT (above airport elevation) are not permitted except as prescribed for noise
abatement procedures.
Sop 2.5.4 Departure terrain awareness
On all IMC or night departure without SID . phải giữ speed ở green dot until reaching MSA and 250kt until MORA, MEA MOCA or 10.000ft
2.6.1 Cruise Flight Level Check
On reaching initial cruise flight level Crew change during cruise
inform to the relief crew about:
Position, speed, level, Time, Fuel remaining, ATC Frequency, WX avoidance, and abnormal situation (if any). Approach Preparation
at the latest 15 min prior to descent
The PF will transfer aircraft control to the PM (if possible) to prepare the aircraft for the approach Timeliness of briefing
briefing typically should be conducted 10 minutes before reaching the top-of-descent point.
2.6.2 Descent Descent Planning
Crew should plan the descent with IDLE thrust until shortly reaching 1000 FT above airport elevation
Approximately at FL200, Crew should consult Flight Ops Frequency (if any) for parking position and expected taxi
route accordingly. Arrival Procedures
a track without a published STAR, the aircraft must maintainthe MEA, MORA, MSA and MOCA, as appl icable, unt i l
commencement of the instrument approach procedure. Under VMC (day or night) the aircraft should complete the
appropriate instrument approach procedure except at airports where it is safe to conduct a visual approach or the
aircraft is within the relevant circling area. Under radar vectoring the aircraft may be assigned altitudes below the
MEA, MORA or MSA. Under these circumstances pilots must continue to remain aware of MVA and terrain clearance
requirements. ROD at low height
3000ft -3000ft/m;2000ft-2000ft/m ;1000ft-1000ft/m auto land monitor
RA call out,Vapp +-5kt,Autoland warning not flashing red at 200ft RA,Touch down in toch down zone
2.7.5 CAT II /III
Due to VAR CM1 can make land in condition lower than cat I
F/O phải làm ít nhất 1 autoland under supervision prior to clearance for cat II/III
in CAT II/III ILS approaches
aircraft should be fully stabilized at 2000ft above airport elevation. ATC low visibility procedure

LVO concider When RVR below 550m or RVR800m, ceiling below 200ft . std separation 8-10nm
Pilot should advice atc about LVO Exterior Lights
Taxi, takeoff, landing and strobe lights will not be used in CAT II/III approaches.
Taxi, takeoff, landing and strobe lights should normally be turned off at landing gears extension
on approach. Taxi light should be turned on again after aircraft has cleared the runway. Braking
autobrake should be used in LO mode (on dry runway) or MED mode
(on wet runway).
Use MED when : wet, contaminated, short rwy, TL , heavy landing weight. Any Malfunction
- For CAT III approach, autobrake should be used in MED mode.
- In case of auto-land, autopilot should be disconnected before vacating runway. Pilot Incapacitation
If a pilot becomes incapacitated during a CAT II/III approach, it is preferable for the other pilot to
divert to an alternate airport with better weather condition. Straight-in VOR/NDB/LOC Approach


The approach is flown in TRK FPA when:
‐ The approach is not stored in the database or
‐ NAV accuracy is LOW.
The PF must have his/her ND in ROSE VOR mode with raw data.
The PM may have his/her ND in ARC or ROSE NAV mode in case of:
- High navigation accuracy or
- Low navigation accuracy with satisfactory navigation accuracy check using raw data.
LOC Approach
For LOC ONLY and ILS G/S OUT the APPR PB is never ARMED.
The PF must have his/her ND in ROSE ILS mode with raw data.

For all straight-in Non precision approaches, the applicable MDA is equal to the published MDA plus 50ft.
Track fpa bird on at mda
Sop 2.7.7 stabilized Final App
1000ft or 500ft incase circling
A/C on flight path
Speed +10-5kt
A/C on landing config
ROD <1000ft, power setting appropriate for A/C config
All brief , check list are made
ILS 1 dot G/S,LOC
In case circling wing must be level at 300ft
2.7.10 Heavy Landing
A heavy landing whether above or below the structural landing weight limit must be reported in
the Technical Log with all relevant information such as actual weight, sink rate, touch down forces
etc. (hỏi thợ máy cách điền trước )
2.9.1 Reverse
IDLE reverse is recommended for landing long and dry runway.
MAX reverse is mandatory in case of short runway, wet/slippery or contaminated runway or when operationally
Reverse must not be stowed before reaching taxi speed.
2.9.2 Runway Exit
Max Ground speed to vacate Runway via high-speed runway exit is 40 kts or as required by Airport
In case of low visibility operation, pilot should vacate runway at assigned exit or at the end of runway
2.9.3 Autobrake
Autobrake should be used for all landings when available. LO Autobrake is used on long and dry
MED autobrake is used:
- On wet/slippery or contaminated RWY
- On short RWY
- In case of tail wind
- In case of heavy landing weight
- In case of aircraft malfunction (if applicable)
Disconnect Autobrake before 20kts due to limitations of Antiskid function. In case of very long dry
runway or low weight, if the flight crew anticipates that braking will not be needed, autobrake can be
disconnected at early stage of landing roll.
2.10 TAXI IN
“After landing” procedure is started only:
- When runway vacated and,
- Initial taxi clearance received and,
- Initial taxi route has been identified by both pilots.
If there is any doubt about the position or obstruction clearance, the crew shall stop the airplane
immediately, inform ATC and may request the follow-me car. Red stopbar lights shall never be
crossed unless ATC gives positive clearance to do so.
Maximum taxi speed:
Straight-line: 30kts (10kts in LVO).
Taxi on runway: 40kts.
During sharp turn (90degree or more): 10kts.
Approach parking position with VDGS
Over 20m before stop position: 8 kts
From 20m to 10m before stop position: 6 kts.
From 10m to 3m before stop position: 4 kts.
Within the remaining distance, the speed must be progressively reduced in order to stop
the aircraft at the correct designed stop line.
Note: For VVTS, VVDN: The aircraft’s speed must not be greater than 4 kts from 20m to the
stop position.
For VVCR (Terminal 2): The aircraft’s speed must not be greater than 2 kts from 10m to
the stop position.
In case of captain incapacity, the first officer may taxi the aircraft to vacate runway, stop the aircraft
and set parking brake ON. Then he/she shall request the aircraft to be towed to the parking bay.
When closing to the parking position, taxi speed shall be kept at minimum (3kts for the last 10m
before parking stop)
Engine should only be shut down after a cooling period of 3 minutes. This 3-minute cooling period
is to be counted when the engine power at reverse idle or ground idle.
After shutting down all engines, crew makes PA: “Cabin crew, disarm slides and cross check”,
confirms doors are disarmed before switching OFF the seat belts signs
When release PRK BRK, pilots shall check aircraft does not move by outside reference.
Keep PRK BRK ON in windy and rainy condition or slippery, sloping tarmac.
Crew must review the details to be filled in the tech-log to make sure the entries are correct and
signed before leaving the aircraft.

Distress and urgency communication procedures
Urgency condition is a situation concerning the safety of an aircraft or other vehicle, or some
person onboard or within sight, but which does not require immediate assistance and crew shall
consider a landing at the nearest suitable airport.
Distress condition is a situation wherein there is a reasonable certainty that an aircraft and its
occupants are threatened by grave and imminent danger or require immediate assistance. Crew
shall consider a landing as soon as possible at the nearest airport at which a safe landing can be
made (time-critical).
Message : distress - MAYDAY or urgency PAN PAN (three times);
Abnormal/emergency handling procedures’ sequence as follows:
1- Fly navigate communicate
2- When aircraft under control: I have control and communication, ecam action
3 Check any relating OEB, any memory item , any computer reset
ECAM action
Normal checklist
C/B or Computer Reset
(Relight ENG when above MSA, continue with STS if below MSA)
1- QRH/FCOM Review

3.2 Acceleration Height

In the event of an engine failure during takeoff, the acceleration height is 1000 FT above airport
elevation or the minimum acceleration height published in Flysmart, whichever is higher.
3.5 Emergency Airports
An emergency airport is an airport with an available runway length sufficient to meet the applicable
aircraft's performance requirements (scheduled landing distance) and where it is expected that a
safe landing can be made.
3.9 Interception Procedure
This part is based on and comply with Flight Operations Manual (FOM 12.1.4)
(a) Do not perform any manoeuvre that may be construed as hostile. Maintain straight and
level flight;
(b) Select transponder to 7700 and where possible notify the appropriate ATC centre;
(c) Attempt to establish communication with the interceptor or with the appropriate intercept
control unit by making a general call on 121.5 MHZ giving the identity and position of the
aircraft and the nature of the flight; and
(d) Follow instructions from intercepting aircraft responding as appropriate to instructions.

If any instructions received by radio from any source conflict with those given by the
intercepting aircraft request immediate clarification whilst complying with the instructions given
by the intercepting aircraft.
6.3 Last Minute Change (LMC)
If the LMC exceeds 500kg, the new Load and trim sheets have to be issued.
02 cockpit protective breathing
04 life vest for cockpit crew
01 cockpit portable halon fire extinguisher
03 flashlight in cockpit
02 escape rope
04 oxygen mask
01 fireproof gloves in cockpit
01 crash axe in cockpit
01 defibrillator (máy khử rung tim) tùy tàu
10.3 Portable Oxygen
10.3.2 Pre-Flight Check
During the pre-flight inspection of oxygen bottles the following should be observed:
(a) The bottle quantity/contents gauge indicates 3/4 full or 1500 psi;
(b) The bottle is secured in its brackets;
(c) The dust caps are in position;
(d) There is no oil or grease on the fittings;
(e) There is a mask taped to each bottle; and
(f) There is a serviceable shoulder strap
10.3.3 Operation
(a) Push aside or remove dust cover and insert metal connector of mask tube into the HI
outlet ensuring that it “clicks” into position;
(b) Turn yellow control knob ON;
Note: With the yellow control knob ON, inserting the mask connector into one of the two
outlets starts the oxygen flowing. Removal of the mask connector stops the oxygen flow.
(c) After using oxygen turn yellow control knob OFF (finger tight) and remove the mask
10.5 HALON Fire Extinguisher (Type 1)
designed for extinguishing electrical and flammable liquid fires
and is suitable for ALL types of fires in an aircraft.
10.5.2 Pre-Flight Check
(a) Check that the pressure indicator is positioned in the green range indicating acceptable
pressure charge; and
(b) That the ring pin is in place with the seal intact.
Note: The extinguisher is serviceable even if the plastic seal of the ring pin is broken,
provided that the pressure gauge is in the green band
10.5.3 Operation
(a) Remove from bracket;
(b) Remove ringed safety pin from the lever and handle;
(c) Hold the extinguisher upright with the fingers of one hand under the handle and the thumb
on the top of the lever. The other hand should be placed on the bottom of the bottle to
steady it if necessary; and
(d) Aim the extinguisher at the base of the fire and press the lever down with the thumb.
Note: Duration of discharge from the small size bottle is approximately six (6) seconds and
twelve (12) seconds from the large size bottle.
10.5.4 Precautions
(a) Do not discharge directly at a person;
(b) Discharge distance should be between 1.5 and 2 metres with an open fire in the cabin. In
the case of a fire in a confined space the extinguisher should be held as close as possible.
10.10.2 Emergency Torch (flashlights)
(a) Pre-Flight Check
(i) Ensure torch correctly positioned in stowage with the plastic guard in place and
with the lead seal intact; and
(ii) That the red light is flashing in 3 to 10 seconds intervals.
Note: If the interval is longer than 10 seconds, the battery power is low and they should
be replaced.
● Their spare batteries life (if provided) > 95%, for the first sector departing from main base.
● For the first sector of the day: Battery life > 95%.
For the subsequent sectors: Sum of battery life on both iPads ≥ 40 %.
● Without iPad’s mounting device
Before line-up on the runway until 500 Ft above airport elevation, the iPad(s) are kept poweredon
with the appropriate chart displayed and stowed in the checklist stowage

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