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All materials have resistance, which lowers the passage of electricity

through them. According to Ohm's law, it is the ratio of the current passing
through a conductor to the potential difference between its ends. A
conductor's resistance is determined by its dimensions, the substance from
which it is built, the temperature, and in similar circumstances, the degree of
In this experiment, Analysis of Resistive Series-Parallel Resistors, we
were given a task to connect the resistors in series, in parallel, and in series-
parallel circuit connection, from where we must be able to: (1) Verify
experimentally the rules for finding the total resistance of a series-parallel
circuit; (2) Compute and measure the total resistance of a combined series-
parallel connected resistance and; (3) Formulate mathematical rule, which
gives the total resistance of a series and parallel connected resistor.
From the Series circuit connection, we can observe that, every resistor
has the same current, which is the same as the current in the battery. The
voltage rating of the battery is equal to the total voltage drops across all of the
individual resistors. The sum of the individual resistance values determines
the total resistance of the resistor collection. On the other hand, in parallel
circuit connection, each parallel branch has the same voltage drop. The total
current flowing through all of the branches adds up to the overall current.
Equation provides the equivalent or total resistance of the group of resistors.
Lastly, Series-parallel networks are analyzed by identifying the sub-circuits
that are in series or parallel with one another, performing any necessary
simplifications, and arriving at a straightforward series-only or parallel-only
equivalent. Then, the various simplified networks are subjected to a number of
laws, including Ohm's law, KVL, KCL, VDR, and CDR, to identify the
parameters of interest. Due to the individual nature of each circuit, there is no
one solution method.
All in all, the experiment was fun and challenging, we were able to
learn the lesson, though there are some errors like the malfunctioning
multimeter and confusing wire connections, the experiment was still a
success, and the objectives were achieved.

Power is the rate at which electrical energy moves across an electric

circuit. It can be calculated from the circuit's recorded voltage and current or
directly measured with a wattmeter. The resistor is the essential element in a
circuit that provides resistance to complete a circuit. It paved the path for
power computation by encouraging electromotive force difference across the
circuit and computing power by multiplying the voltage by a constant current
in the circuit. A straightforward circuit made up of a 470 ohm resistor was first
built for the experiment. A multimeter measures the current and voltage in a
circuit using various dials that serve different purposes. The current is wired in
series, while the voltmeter and resistor are connected in parallel. The dc
source is next changed to 0 volts, 5 volts, and 10 volts. P=VI, P=I2R, and
P=V2R are the formulas used to determine the power after collecting the
measured voltage and current. The device features built-in voltmeters and an
ammeter, which eliminates the requirement for power computation when
using a wattmeter to measure the power of the same designed circuit. The
power is represented by the pointer. I had no idea which terminals belonged
to an ammeter and which to a voltmeter, or where to attach the alligator clip,
despite the fact that the circuit's connections are designed so that the power's
value is immediately shown. It's challenging for me to use the wattmeter even
though the experiment comes with a suggested circuit schematic. With
considerable frustration and difficulty, our staff was able to utilize the
wattmeter efficiently, and the displays for all input voltages showed zero

Kirchhoff's laws define how voltage changes across a circuit's loop and
how current moves through a circuit. According to Kirchhoff's first law, the
current entering a node (or junction) must be equal to the current leaving it.
Charge conservation has led to this outcome. Meanwhile, Kirchhoff's voltage
law (2nd Law), all voltages across electrical energy-supplying components
(such cells or generators) in any full loop within a circuit must equal all other
voltages across other components in the same loop. Both charge
conservation and energy conservation lead to the development of this law.
The "Kirchhoff's Laws" experiment set out to analyze the relationships
between the sum of voltage drops and voltage ruse around a closed path or
loop, define and characterize the Kirchhoff's Laws principles and theories, and
determine the relationship between the sum of currents flowing into any
junction of an electric circuit and the current flowing out of the junction.
Two voltage sources with 15 volts and 20 volts each, along with
resistors measuring 220 ohm, 330 ohm, and 470 ohm, were used to build the
circuit connection. We have learned from values obtained from the
aforementioned circuit connection that current and voltage values obtained
using the volmeter and ammeter do not significantly differ from values
obtained using the KVL and KCL.
Because we were employing two voltage sources in a single circuit
connection for the first time, we ran across some challenges when putting the
circuit connection together. Additionally, we  were unsure on which portion of
the circuit connection the multimeter should be added to. However, we were
able to complete the experiment and collect all of the data necessary to build
the data table. 

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