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- "While a one-off natural language conversation in

MODULE 8 a specific context with a robot can feel realistic,

WHEN HUMANITY AND TECHNOLOGY CROSS engaging people verbally and non-verbally over
many conversations and contexts is quite another
At the end of this module, the students should be able - "However, in creating a more extended
to: relationship...the robot needs to have internal
1. Describe the different technological goals, an extensive memory that relates
advancement in Philippine society experiences to various contexts, and it needs to
2. Discuss the development of science and develop these capabilities over time."
technology in the Philippines - "Through smart “tricks”, a robot can seem more
3. Reflect on how artificial intelligence and intelligent and capable than it is."
robotics influence the ways we live - "However, in order to sustain a meaningful
nowadays relationship which deepens and evolves over
Technological Advancements in the Philippines time, an extensive artificial inner life will need to
- Modern technology has a big part in improving be created."
people's way of living. How Machines Learn
- The use of modern technology is in demand and - "A major hurdle in creating this rich artificial inner
popular among people. life is the way machines learn."
- Modern technology has made cooking and - "Machine learning is example-based."
transportation easier and more efficient. - "We feed the computer examples of the
- GRAB and UBER are the newest and most phenomenon we want it to understand – for
modern means of transportation in the instance, when people feel comfortable."
Philippines. - "The computer uses machine learning to “reason”
- The advanced technology in communication is from these labeled videos to identify important
very useful and necessary in daily life. features that correlate with feeling comfortable."
- Medical technology has become more advanced - "Eventually, the algorithm is robust and a
and provides new treatments for illnesses and computer with a camera can recognize how
diseases. people feel with high, if not 100 per cent,
- Modern technology has made education more accuracy."
easy and efficient. Towards A Complex Synthetic Profile
- "we need the agent to have a compelling
Of Robots and Humans personality and behaviour, understand the
- "robots are beginning to offer physical capabilities person, the situation in which they are both in,
and artificial intelligence (AI), cognitive abilities and the history of their communication"
beyond our expectations" - "the agent would have to keep the communication
- "Together, these technologies could be harnessed going across a variety of topics and situations"
to help solve important challenges" - "It is possible to make a compelling agent, such
- "Our lives will likely be longer" as Amazon’s Alexa or Apple’s Siri, that you can
- "Our jobs will change dramatically" speak to in natural language and have a
- "The way we are educated will also change meaningful interaction with, within the specific
radically" context of its use"
- "how will we relate to each other in a civilization - "beyond that context of use, the communication
that includes robots?" quickly breaks down."
- "Many of us wonder whether AI will become so - "In order for an artificial agent to take on such a
intelligent and capable in human communication meaningful social role and develop a real
that the boundaries between human and artificial relationship with a person, it would need to have a
beings will blur" synthetic psychological, cultural, social and
Smart Tricks emotional profile"
- "From an engineering perspective, these - "This requires a fundamentally different approach
advanced capabilities are still very far away." to current machine learning"
- "A number of hurdles need to be overcome." - "An artificially intelligent system that develops
- "For now, robots and computers are completely much like how the human brain develops, and
dependent on a power source – they require a lot that can internalize the richness of human
of electricity, and this complicates integrating experiences, is needed"
robotic elements with human organic tissue." - "The envisioned and currently available models of
- "Another hurdle is the intricacy of human AI are inspired by the human brain or have
communication." elements of how the brain works, but are not yet
plausible models of the human brain"
- "just like the English physicist Stephen Hawking allowing researchers to explore the soil that plants are
(1942-2018) said he had only scratched the exposed to.
surface of understanding the universe, we are still
merely scratching the surface of understanding 4. Humanoid Robots Dive to the Bottom of the
human intelligence." Ocean
It Won’t Happen Tomorrow The team at Evolving Science recently profiled
- Robots and artificially intelligent systems will Ocean One, a humanoid robot developed by the
enhance our decision-making and understanding Stanford Robotics Lab to explore the ocean and
of situations. collect samples as effectively as a diver.
- Robots can contribute to or autonomously carry Ocean One was originally developed to
out labor. monitor deep coral reefs in the Red Sea. These corals
- Robotics may be physically integrated into our are essential for a healthy ocean, but live far beyond
bodies. human range. Researchers needed a robot that could
- We will relate to artificial agents as we do to collect samples without damaging the reef and
humans. observe deep-sea specimens in their natural habitat.
- An extensive artificial inner life is needed for a Ocean One mimics a human SCUBA diver, complete
meaningful relationship. with arms, depth perception, and touch feedback, plus
- It is unlikely for artificial agents and people to be it can survive significant depths. Since exploring the
totally integrated. Red Sea, the robot has traveled across the world,
Robots in Protecting Environment helping us learn about the ocean without disrupting it.

1. Robots Plant Trees 5. Swarm Robots Collect Data

Climate change start ups tend to pick a Interestingly, not all underwater robots are
specific element of environmental harm and solve a humanoid, or even human-sized. Aquabotixis a
problem for it. For Mark Stewart, CEO of SkyGrow, technology development company that creates
it’s planting trees. He developed his company to plant vehicles for underwater inspection. It specializes in
more trees than we are cutting down — and not just in swarm robots, or multiple small robots that can be
remote forests like the Amazon. The team at controlled by one operator. As a whole, there are
SkyGrow developed the Growbot, an unmanned multiple benefits to swarm robot submersibles. Swarm
vehicle that plants trees 10 times faster than a human robots cover more territory than one robot can. If
can, at about half the cost. there is damage to individual units, the entire
Growbot plants established trees instead of research plan isn’t affected.It’s more affordable to
seeds, because established trees have a greater deploy a dozen swarm bots than one main robot
chance of succeeding in their new location. Stewart platform. In the field of marine biology, swarm robots
and his team plan to manufacture 4,500 Growbots, can collect more data and more diverse data than a
helping forests recover everywhere. single robot (or even a varied team of researchers)
could. This makes the data more reliable and helps
2. Robots Help Farmers Survive Droughts scientists learn more about the ocean and how to
As our climate continues to change, it affects protect it.      
our food sources. This is particularly true in poorer
countries and rural areas that can’t easily import food 6. Robots Harvest Wave and Solar Energy
from other regions. Using AI sensors and monitors, If we’re going to fight climate change, then we
robots can track the growth of plants and learn which will need to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels like
species survive  and thrive in harsh conditions. With oil. Developers are turning to robots to help collect
the help of this data analysis, farmers can choose energy sustainably and use it across industries and
plants that have a greater chance of success, saving environments.
their income while they feed the people around them. A great example is the Wave Glider by Liquid
Robotics. It looks like a surfboard and has built-in
solar panels, collecting solar energy as it moves along
3. Robots Can Grow Like Plants the ocean surface. It uses the stored energy for
Researchers at The Plantoid Project are propulsion and to recharge the batteries needed for
working to recreate the behavior and functions of its sensors.
plants to study the natural environment. Wave Glider’s applications include collecting high-
They have realized the best way to study the resolution carbon dioxide samples in difficult locations
environment is to use the same methods plants use to for a complete picture of global climate change.
filter air, water, and other chemicals that they’re
exposed to. The robot plant they have developed 7. Robots Eat Water Pollution
even has a mini 3D printer that helps the roots “grow,” The Permaculture Research Institute in
Australia recently covered the development of a
“Row-bot” developed by the University of Bristol that record what they are. The robot can then sort the
digests pollution in the water and turns it into energy. materials and place them into designated bins.
The robot swims around, ingesting microbes which This solution increases efficiency with higher
then power the boat’s motor. It’s really no different throughput and better bale quality. It also allows
than a whale shark filter feeding krill and using that users, whether cities or construction companies, to
food energy to travel around the ocean. budget more accurately with fixed labor rates.
According to Jonathan Rossiter, who hosted a
TED talk about these robots, this technology could 11. Robots Climb Into the Sewers
help reduce the impact of tankers that flush their oil Our sewer systems have a massive impact on
tanks into the sea and of chemicals that are washed climate change, especially when you consider what
into rivers and wind up in the oceans.  and where we dump our waste. They can also impact
public health.
Tech writer Luke Dormehl at Digital
8. Robots Kill Invasive Species Trends showcases Luigi, a sewer robot developed by
Sometimes protecting the environment means MIT’s Underworlds project is operated with an iPhone
hunting invasive species that take over and harm app, the robot studies bacteria and chemicals in
endangered plants and animals. One example of this manholes. It is the first of a team of future sewer
is the Crown-of-Thorns starfish on the Great Barrier samplers that will collect and analyze raw sewage
Reef in Australia. These coral-eating starfish can kill and send the data back to the lab. The robots, using
off large swaths of reef, destroying the homes of sampling instruments that upload data remotely (and
thousands of delicate species. Experts say this with plans for a real-time biochemical detection
starfish is a threat equal to climate change to the reef. platform in the works) will be able to collect more
The team at Biopixel TV recently shared a solution to samples much faster than their human counterparts,
these pests: the RangerBot. This robot finds and kills who were limited to manually hauling liters of muck at
the starfish with an eco-friendly injection, preventing a time back to the lab.
the starfish from doing further damage. The results
are staggering. Six human divers could only cover 12. Robots Reduce Carbon Emissions
half of the reef in a year, but six RangerBots can Senior environment reporter Emily
cover the reef 14 times over the same period. Guerin at KPCC Southern California Public
RangerBots also cost half the price of a human Radiorecently discussed the rise of automated
expedition, operate day and night, and can collect equipment in the Port of Long Beach. While it is
other measurements like temperature and salinity adversely affecting union workers there, the impact on
while they work. climate change is good.This is because the new
equipment releases no emissions and greatly reduces
9. Robots Also Pick Up River Trash the pollution-causing tools and trucks needed to
Pollution comes in all forms, from oils and operate the port. Guerin explains that heavy duty
other chemicals to plastic bags and straws. One diesel trucks are responsible for 150 tons of smog
company, Urban Rivers, developed a trash robot for emissions per day (compared to 80 tons for cars and
the Chicago River. It floats along collecting garbage to SUVs). If automation can reduce this number, the air
keep the waterway clean. in Southern California has a chance of clearing up.  
The robot came to be after Urban Rivers installed
1,500 square feet of floating wetland and urban 13. Robots Reduce Personal Transportation
garden. They noticed trash kept getting caught in the Emissions
plants and sent someone out each day to pick it up. Transportation has a significant impact on
The team realized the trash was only going to build, climate change and carbon emissions. Alexandra
and started developing a robot to help them clean up Gray at World Economic Forum reports that 23
the waterways. This robot keeps the plants trash-free percent of global energy-related CO 2 emissions are
and prevents animals from accidentally ingesting the caused by transportation.
waste. Today’s innovators are not only developing electric
cars, but also better batteries that reduce the
10. Robots Make Recycling Easier environmental impact of all vehicles. In fact,
As more people recycle, there is added researchers at the University of Surrey are developing
pressure on humans to sort the materials and an alternative to traditional battery power that is
determine what can be reused. This is highly manual 1,000-10,000 times stronger than that used today,
work, with people hunched over conveyor belts allowing electric cars to travel similar distances to
grabbing items as fast as they can. those that use gas and to recharge in the time it takes
AMP Robotics hopes to make recycling easier. Its to fill up the tank.
robots use AI to “see” items on a conveyor belt and
14. Robots Send Environmental Alerts on Social Changes in climate throughout our planet's history
Media have, of course, altered life on Earth in the long run —
Robots alone can’t save the planet. These ecosystems have come and gone and species
robots need humans who want to protect the natural routinely go extinct.
environment and the plants and animals that live in it. But rapid, manmade climate change speeds up the
The developers at Climate Reality recently process, without affording ecosystems and species
wrote a “Rapid Response Team” program which the time to adapt. For example, rising ocean
sends messages to their Facebook fans whenever temperatures and diminishing Arctic sea ice affects
there is news related to the fight against climate marine biodiversity and can shift vegetation zones,
change. Fans can opt in and then take action based having global implications. Overall, climate is a major
on the message. This might mean calling their local factor in the distribution of species across the globe;
representatives or donating to a cause to help clean climate change forces them to adjust. But many are
up after a disaster. Thousands of people can come not able to cope, causing them to die out.
together with the help of a bot coded on Facebook  
sending out alerts. 2. Deforestation and habitat loss
Deforestation is a direct cause of extinction and loss
Lesson 10 of biodiversity. An estimated 18 million acres of forest
The Philippine Biodiversity are lost each year, due in part to logging and other
Biodiversity is the variety of different forms of life on human practices, destroying the ecosystems on which
earth, including the different plants, animals, micro- many species depend.
organisms, the genes they contain and the ecosystem Tropical rainforests in particular, such as the Amazon,
they form. It refers to genetic variation, ecosystem hold a high percentage of the world's known species,
variation, species variation (number of species) within yet the regions themselves are in decline due to
an area, biome or planet. Relative to the range of humans.
habitats, biotic communities and ecological processes  
in the biosphere, biodiversity is vital in a number of 3. Overexploitation
ways including promoting the aesthetic value of the Overhunting, overfishing and over-harvesting
natural environment, contribution to our material well- contribute greatly to the loss of biodiversity, killing off
being through utilitarian values by providing food, numerous species over the past several hundred
fodder, fuel, timber and medicine.  years. Poaching and other forms of hunting for profit
The Philippines ranks fifth in the number of plant increase the risk of extinction; the extinction of an
species and maintains 5% of the world’s flora. apex predator — or, a predator at the top of a food
Species endemism is very high, covering at least 25 chain — can result in catastrophic consequences for
genera of plants and 49% of terrestrial wildlife, while ecosystems.
the country ranks fourth in bird endemism. The  
Philippines is also one of the world’s biodiversity 4. Invasive species
hotspots with at least 700 threatened species, thus The introduction of non-native species into an
making it one of the top global conservation areas. ecosystem can threaten endemic wildlife (either as
The national list of threatened faunal species was predators or competing for resources), affect human
established in 2004 and includes 42 species of land health and upset economies.
mammals, 127 species of birds, 24 species of reptiles  
and 14 species of amphibians. In terms of fishes, the 5. Pollution
Philippines counts at least 3,214 species, of which From the burning of fossil fuels (releasing dangerous
about 121 are endemic and 76 threatened. In 2007, chemicals into the atmosphere and, in some cases,
an administrative order issued by the Department of depleting ozone levels) to dumping 19 billion pounds
Environment and Natural Resources established a of plastic into the ocean every year, pollution
national list of threatened plant species, indicating completely disrupts the Earth's ecosystems. While it
that 99 species were critically endangered, 187 were may not necessarily cause extinction, pollutants do
endangered, 176 vulnerable as well as 64 other have the potential to influents species' habits.
threatened species. This is also because the For example, acid rain, which is typically caused by
Philippines continues to experience an alarming rate the burning of fossil fuels, can acidify smaller bodies
of destruction of these important resources brought of water and soil, negatively affecting the species that
about by overexploitation, deforestation, land live there by changing breeding and feeding habits.
degradation, climate change, and pollution (including  
biological pollution), among others. Human Health, Environment and Society
  The impact of environmental risk factors on health are
Major Threats to Biodiversity extremely varied and complex in both severity and
1. Climate change clinical significance. For example, the effects of
environmental degradation on human health can
range from death caused by cancer due to air prevent some diseases, it may be necessary to
pollution to psychological problems resulting from damage the environment. For example, malaria was
noise. This chapter attempts to describe the major eradicated in the United States and other developed
impacts on human health of environmental nations in the 1940s and 50s as a result of draining
degradation and to estimate the associated amount of wetlands and spraying DDT to kill mosquitoes. A
health loss. A better understanding of the economic reduction in mortality from starvation or disease can
costs of environment-related health loss can help to lead to overpopulation, which stresses the
inform environmental policy design. environment in much different ways–increasing use of
All organisms depend on their environments for fossil fuels, clearing of land, generating pollution and
energy and materials needed to sustain life: clean air, waste, and so on.
potable water, nutritious food, and safe places to live.  
For most of human history, increases in longevity Managing benefits and risks
were due to improved access to these necessities.   Many of the issues at the intersection of health and
Advances in agriculture, sanitation, water treatment, the environment have to do with managing benefits
and hygiene have had a far greater impact on human and risks. For example, pesticides play an important
health than medical technology. role in increasing crop yields, but they can also pose
Although the environment sustains human life, it can hazards to human health and the environment.
also cause diseases. Lack of basic necessities is a Alternatives to pesticide use create trade-offs in
significant cause of human mortality.  Environmental health. The extreme action of stopping all pesticide
hazards increase the risk of cancer, heart disease, uses could significantly reduce agricultural
asthma, and many other illnesses. These hazards can productivity, leading to food shortages and increased
be physical, such as pollution, toxic chemicals, and food prices, which would, in turn, increase starvation
food contaminants, or they can be social, such as in some parts of the world. Public health authorities
dangerous work, poor housing conditions, urban have opted to regulate the use of pesticides to
sprawl, and poverty. enhance food production while minimizing damage to
Most environmental health problems are linked to the environment and human health. Energy
poverty. They typically include those environmental production and use helps sustain human life, but it
hazards posed by biological agents, exacerbated by can also pose hazards to human health and the
poor sanitation, lack of safe water, smoky kitchens, environment, such as air and water pollution, oil spills,
and crowded dwellings in garbage-strewn and destruction of habitats.
neighborhoods. With increased economic No issue demands greater care in balancing benefits
development, many of these problems are resolved, and risks than global warming. A significant
by way of higher quality housing and societal services percentage of global climate change is due to the
to households. human production of greenhouse gases. Climate
On the other hand, other environmental hazards are change is likely to cause tremendous harm to the
associated with economic development in itself, rather environment and human health, but taking steps to
than the lack of it. These include many chemical drastically reduce greenhouse gases could have
pollutants that are hazardous to both human and adverse consequences for global, national, and local
ecosystem health. economies, which would result in a general decline in
These seemingly contradictory health outcomes of human health and health care. For example, greatly
economic development follow logic of environmental increasing taxes on fossil fuels would encourage
displacement. While wealthy societies consume more greater fuel efficiency and lower carbon dioxide
resources and produce more waste, they also use emissions, but it would also increase the price of
their wealth to protect themselves from personal transportation, which would lead to widespread
exposure to harmful or unpleasant pollutants. Thus, inflation and reduced consumer spending power.
by pushing environmental problems away from the Social Justice
living environment, health gains can be achieved, Managing benefits and risks raises social justice
although often at the expense of environmental insults concerns. In general, people with lower
at a distance. socioeconomic status have greater exposure to
By contrast, activities that promote health and extend certain detrimental environmental conditions in their
human life can have adverse environmental effects. homes or at work, such as lead, mercury, pesticides,
For example, food production causes environmental toxic chemicals, or air and water pollution.
damage from pesticides and fertilizers, soil Communities and nations should minimize such
salinization, waste produced by livestock, carbon injustices when making decisions such as choosing a
emissions from food manufacturing and site for a factory, a power plant, or waste dump, or
transportation, deforestation, and over-fishing. Health regulating safety in the workplace. The decision-
care facilities also have adverse environmental making process should be fair, open, and democratic,
impacts. Hospitals use large quantities of electricity so that people who will be affected by environmental
and fossil fuels and produce medical wastes. To
risks have a voice in these deliberations and can
make their concerns known.
When drafting and implementing environmental health
regulations, it is important to consider vulnerable
subpopulations. A vulnerable subpopulation is a
group with an increased susceptibility to the adverse
effects of an environmental risk factor, due to their
age, genetics, health status, or some other condition.
For example, children are more susceptible to the
effects of lead, mercury, and some pesticides than
adults. Some people have a genetic mutation that
increases their susceptibility to cancer caused by
passive smoking.
If an environmental regulation is designed to protect
average members of the population it may fail to
adequately protect vulnerable subpopulations. Justice
demands that we take care of people who are
vulnerable. Social justice must be a factor in
allocating resources for health care. Governments
spend billions of dollars trying to improve the health of
citizens and prevent diseases. These funds go to
biomedical research, overseeing the safety of foods
and drugs, enforcing environmental or occupational
health regulations, and running programs for disaster
preparedness, public health, health education,
sanitation, water treatment, and so on.
Human Rights
Various public health strategies pit the rights of
individuals against the good of society, such as
mandatory treatment, vaccination, or diagnostic
testing; isolation and quarantine; and disease
surveillance. The main argument for these public
health strategies is that individual human rights may
have to be limited to prevent the transmission of
infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, SARS,
HIV/AIDS, and pneumonia. But restrictions on rights
should be well thought-out and safeguards put in
place to prevent public health authorities from
overstepping their bounds. Protecting the public’s
health should not come at the expense of human

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